import streamlit as st from pydub import AudioSegment from io import BytesIO st.title("Audio Cutter") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an audio file", type=["mp3", "wav"]) if uploaded_file is not None: # Display the uploaded audio file, format='audio/wav') # Inputs for start and end time start_time = st.number_input("Start time (in seconds)", value=0, min_value=0) end_time = st.number_input("End time (in seconds)", value=10, min_value=0) # Check if the end time is greater than start time if st.button("Cut Audio"): if start_time >= end_time: st.error("End time must be greater than start time.") else: # Load the audio file audio = AudioSegment.from_file(uploaded_file) # Ensure the end time does not exceed the length of the audio end_time = min(end_time, len(audio) / 1000.0) # Clip the audio clipped_audio = audio[start_time * 1000:end_time * 1000] # Export the clipped audio to a BytesIO object buf = BytesIO() clipped_audio.export(buf, format='wav') # Display the clipped audio, format='audio/wav') # Option to download the clipped audio st.download_button( label="Download Clipped Audio", data=buf, file_name="clipped_audio.wav", mime="audio/wav" )