import numpy as np import torch import h5py import pickle import argparse from pathlib import Path from data_processing.sentence_extracting import extract_chars, extract_lines from data_processing.corpus_data_wrapper import CorpusDataWrapper, to_idx from transformer_details import from_pretrained MIN_SENTENCE_CHARLEN = 24 def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Path to .pckl file of unique sentences from a corpus.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", help="Path of directory in which to store the analyzed sentences as a .hdf5") parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", default="bert-base-cased", help="Which pretrained transformer model to use. See '' for supported models") parser.add_argument("--nomask", action='store_false', help="By default, ignore attentions to special tokens like '[CLS]' and '[SEP]'. If given, include these attentions") parser.add_argument("--force", action="store_true", help="If given, overwrite existing hdf5 files.") args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(infile, outdir, force, model_name, mask_attentions): outdir = Path(outdir) outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) data_outfile = outdir / "data.hdf5" f = h5py.File(data_outfile, 'a') if force: f.clear() extractor = from_pretrained(model_name) # if "gpt" in model_name: # mask_attentions = False print_every = 50 long_strings = extract_chars(infile, 10000) cutoff_sent = "" i = 0 for strip in long_strings: sentences = [sent.text for sent in extractor.aligner.spacy_nlp(strip).sents] fixed_sentences = [cutoff_sent + sentences[0]] + sentences[1:-1] # This leads to the possibility that there will be an input that is two sentences long. This is ok. cutoff_sent = sentences[-1] for s in fixed_sentences: if len(s) < MIN_SENTENCE_CHARLEN: continue if ((i + 1) % print_every) == 0: print(f"Starting sentence {i+1}: \n", s) try: out = extractor.att_from_sentence(s, mask_attentions=mask_attentions) except Exception as e: print(f"Error {e} occured at sentence {i}:\n{s}\n\n Skipping, not creating hdf5 grp") continue content = out.to_hdf5_content() meta = out.to_hdf5_meta() grp = f.create_group(to_idx(i)) for k,v in content.items(): grp.create_dataset(k, data=v) for k, v in meta.items(): grp.attrs[k] = v i += 1 # Increment to mark the next sentence print("FINISHED CORPUS PROCESSING SUCCESSFULLY") if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() main(args.file, args.outdir, args.force, args.model, args.nomask)