import * as d3 from "d3"; import 'd3-selection-multi' import { D3Sel } from "../etc/Util"; import { Edge, EdgeData } from "./EdgeConnector" import { VComponent } from "./VisComponent"; import { SimpleEventHandler } from "../etc/SimpleEventHandler"; import * as tp from "../etc/types" export type AttentionData = number[][] export const scaleLinearWidth = opacity => 5 * opacity^0.33; export class AttentionGraph extends VComponent{ css_name = ''; _current: {}; _data: AttentionData; // The passed data edgeData: EdgeData; // A wrapper around _data. User should not mind plotData: Edge[]; // Needed for plotting /** COMPONENTS * Expose the components belonging to the class as properties of the class. * This is useful to create methods that specifically modify a single part or component without having to reselect it. * Makes for more responsive applications * */ svg: D3Sel; graph: D3Sel; // The below components require data paths: D3Sel; opacityScales: d3.ScaleLinear[]; linkGen: d3.Link // OPTIONS WITH DEFAULTS _threshold = 0.7; // Accumulation threshold. Between 0-1 normBy: tp.NormBy static events = {} // No events needed for this one options = { boxheight: 26, // The height of the div boxes around the SVG element height: 500, width: 200, offset: 0, // Should I offset the left side by 1 or not? } constructor(d3Parent: D3Sel, eventHandler?: SimpleEventHandler, options: {} = {}) { super(d3Parent, eventHandler) this.superInitSVG(options) this._init() } _init() { this.svg = this.parent; this.graph = this.svg.selectAll(`.atn-curve`); this.linkGen = d3.linkHorizontal() .x(d => d[0]) .y(d => d[1]); } // Define whether to use the 'j' or 'i' attribute to calculate opacities private scaleIdx(): "i" | "j" { switch (this.normBy) { case tp.NormBy.COL: return 'j' case tp.NormBy.ROW: return 'i' case tp.NormBy.ALL: return 'i' } } /** * Create connections between locations of the SVG using D3's linkGen */ private createConnections() { const self = this; const op = this.options; if (this.paths) { this.paths.attrs({ 'd': (d, i) => { const data: { source: [number, number], target: [number, number] } = { source: [0, op.boxheight * (d.i + 0.5 + op.offset)], target: [op.width, op.boxheight * (d.j + 0.5)] // + 2 allows small offset }; return this.linkGen(data); }, 'class': 'atn-curve' }) .attr("src-idx", (d, i) => d.i) .attr("target-idx", (d, i) => d.j); } } /** * Change the height of the SVG */ private updateHeight() { const op = this.options; if (this.svg != null) { this.svg.attr("height", this.options.height + (op.offset * this.options.boxheight)) } return this; } /** * Change the width of the SVG */ private updateWidth() { if (this.svg != null) { this.svg.attr("width", this.options.width) } return this; } /** * Change the Opacity of the lines according to the value of the data */ private updateOpacity() { const self = this; if (this.paths != null) { // paths.transition().duration(500).attr('opacity', (d) => { this.paths.attr('opacity', (d) => { const val = this.opacityScales[d[self.scaleIdx()]](d.v); return val; }) this.paths.attr('stroke-width', (d) => { const val = this.opacityScales[d[self.scaleIdx()]](d.v); return scaleLinearWidth(val) //5 * val^0.33; }) } return this; } /** * Rerender the graph in the event that the data changes */ private updateData() { if (this.graph != null) { d3.selectAll(".atn-curve").remove(); const data = this.plotData this.paths = this.graph .data(data) .join('path'); this.createConnections(); this.updateOpacity(); return this; } } /** * Scale the opacity according to the values of the data, from 0 to max of contained data * Normalize by each source target, or across the whole */ private createScales = () => { this.opacityScales = []; let arr = [] // Group normalization switch (this.normBy){ case tp.NormBy.ROW: arr = this.edgeData.extent(1); this.opacityScales = []; arr.forEach((v, i) => { (this.opacityScales as d3.ScaleLinear[]).push( d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, v[1]]) .range([0, 0.9]) ) }) break; case tp.NormBy.COL: arr = this.edgeData.extent(0); this.opacityScales = []; arr.forEach((v, i) => { (this.opacityScales as d3.ScaleLinear[]).push( d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, v[1]]) .range([0, 0.9]) ) }) break; case tp.NormBy.ALL: const maxIn = d3.max( => d.v)) for (let i = 0; i < this._data.length; i++) { this.opacityScales.push(d3.scaleLinear() .domain([0, maxIn]) .range([0, 1])); } break; default: console.log("Nor norming specified"); break; } } /** * Access / modify the data in a D3 style way. If modified, the component will update just the part that is needed to be updated */ data(): AttentionData data(value: AttentionData): this data(value?) { if (value == null) { return this._data; } this._data = value; this.edgeData = new EdgeData(value); this.plotData = this.edgeData.format(this._threshold); this.createScales(); this.updateData(); return this; } /** * Access / modify the height in a D3 style way. If modified, the component will update just the part that is needed to be updated */ height(): number height(value: number): this height(value?) { if (value == null) { return this.options.height } this.options.height = value this.updateHeight() return this; } /** * Access / modify the width in a D3 style way. If modified, the component will update just the part that is needed to be updated */ width(): number width(value: number): this width(value?: number): this | number { if (value == null) { return this.options.width; } this.options.width = value; this.updateWidth(); return this; } /** * Access / modify the threshold in a D3 style way. If modified, the component will update just the part that is needed to be updated */ threshold(): number threshold(value: number): this threshold(value?) { if (value == null) { return this._threshold; } this._threshold = value; this.plotData = this.edgeData.format(this._threshold); this.createScales(); this.updateData(); return this; } _wrangle(data: AttentionData) { return data; } _render(data: AttentionData) { this.svg.html('') this.updateHeight(); this.updateWidth(); this.updateData(); return this; } }