import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.subheader(":red[**Video Capture -**]") st.write("Video capture is the process of accessing and reading video streams (e.g., from a camera or a video file) in a program. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how video capture works, primarily using OpenCV, a popular library for computer vision tasks in Python.") st.write("**Import Necessary Libraries**") st.write("To handle video capture, you need a library like OpenCV. Begin by importing it:") code=""" import numpy as np import cv2 """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**1. Initialize the Video Capture**]") code=""" vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Use path for a video file or 0 for the default webcam """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - **cv2.VideoCapture(0):** - 0 refers to the default webcam of the system. - You can replace 0 with 1, 2, etc., for other cameras. - If you're capturing from a file, provide the file path as a string (e.g., 'video.mp4'). """) st.write(":blue[**2. Start an Infinite Loop for Frame Capture**]") code=""" while True: # This loop keeps running, continuously reading frames from the video source (webcam). """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**3. Read Frames**]") code=""" succ, img = """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - - Returns two values: 1.succ: A boolean that is True if the frame is read successfully, False otherwise. 2.img: The captured frame, represented as a NumPy array. """) st.write(":blue[**4. Handle Errors**]") code=""" if succ == False: print("camera not working") break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - If succ is False, it indicates the camera isn't working or the video stream cannot be accessed. - The loop exits if the camera isn't functioning. """) st.write(":blue[**5. Display the Frame**]") code=""" cv2.imshow("live stream", img) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - cv2.imshow(): - Displays the captured frame (img) in a window titled "live stream." - The frame is updated in real time. """) st.write(":blue[**6. Exit on Key Press**]") code=""" if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("w"): break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - **cv2.waitKey(1):** - Waits for 1 millisecond for a key press. - The & 255 ensures compatibility with certain systems where cv2.waitKey can return larger values. - **ord("w"):** - Detects if the w key is pressed. - If pressed, the loop breaks, stopping the video stream. """) st.write(":blue[**7. Clean Up Resources**]") code=""" cv2.destroyAllWindows() #Closes all OpenCV windows that were opened using cv2.imshow(). """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**Complete Code with Comments**]") st.write(":blue[**1.code**]") code=""" import cv2 # Initialize video capture (0 for default webcam) vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: # Capture a frame succ, img = # Check if the frame was successfully read if not succ: print("Camera not working") break # Display the frame in a window cv2.imshow("Live Stream", img) # Exit the loop if the 'w' key is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("w"): break # Release the camera and close all OpenCV windows vid.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**Enhancements**]") st.write("**1.Add Frame Processing: Apply transformations like grayscale, edge detection, or resizing before displaying.**") code=""" gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow("Grayscale Live Stream", gray_img) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write("**2.Save Frames: Capture and save an image when a specific key (e.g., s) is pressed.**") code=""" if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("s"): cv2.imwrite("captured_image.jpg", img) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write("**3.Handle Multiple Cameras: Use different indices for cv2.VideoCapture() to access other webcams if available.**") st.write("**4.Real-Time FPS Display: Measure and display the frames per second (FPS) on the live stream.**") st.write(":blue[**2.code**]") code=""" import cv2 import numpy as np # Initialize the video capture (0 for default webcam) vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: # Capture frame succ, img = if not succ: print("Camera not working") break # Split the channels b, g, r = cv2.split(img) # Create a black canvas for channel visualization z = np.zeros(b.shape, dtype=np.uint8) # Display the original and individual color channels cv2.imshow("live stream1", img) # Original video frame cv2.imshow("live stream2", cv2.merge([b, z, z])) # Blue channel cv2.imshow("live stream3", cv2.merge([z, g, z])) # Green channel cv2.imshow("live stream4", cv2.merge([z, z, r])) # Red channel # Exit when 'w' is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("w"): break # Release resources and close windows vid.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**Code Explanation**]") st.write("**1. Video Capture Initialization**") code=""" vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Access the default webcam (ID = 0) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - cv2.VideoCapture(0) initializes the video capture object using the system's default webcam. - Replace 0 with a file path (e.g., 'video.mp4') to process a saved video. """) st.write("**2. Read Frames in a Loop**") code=""" while True: succ, img = if succ == False: print("camera not working") break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - The loop runs continuously, capturing video frames in real-time. - succ: A boolean indicating whether a frame was captured successfully. - img: The captured frame as a NumPy array. If the camera isn't working or a frame cannot be captured, the loop exits. """) st.write("**3. Split Channels**") code=""" b, g, r = cv2.split(img) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - cv2.split(img) decomposes the frame into its three color channels: - b: Blue channel. - g: Green channel. - r: Red channel. """) st.write("**4. Create a Black Canvas for Channel Visualization**") code=""" z = np.zeros(b.shape, dtype=np.uint8) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - np.zeros(b.shape, dtype=np.uint8) creates a black canvas of the same size as the frame's blue channel. - This black canvas is used to replace other color channels when displaying a single channel. """) st.write("**5. Display Original and Channel-Specific Streams**") code=""" cv2.imshow("live stream1", img) # Original video frame cv2.imshow("live stream2", cv2.merge([b, z, z])) # Blue channel cv2.imshow("live stream3", cv2.merge([z, g, z])) # Green channel cv2.imshow("live stream4", cv2.merge([z, z, r])) # Red channel """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" 1.cv2.imshow() displays the frames in separate windows: - live stream1: The original frame. - live stream2: The blue channel, visualized by merging it with two black channels. - live stream3: The green channel, visualized similarly. - live stream4: The red channel. 2.cv2.merge([channel1, channel2, channel3]) combines the individual channels to create a 3-channel image. """) st.write("**6. Exit on Key Press**") code=""" if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("w"): break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - Waits for 1 millisecond to check if the w key is pressed. - If w is detected, the loop breaks, stopping the video feed. """) st.write("**7. Clean Up Resources**") code=""" import cv2 import os # Create a directory to save images os.makedirs("/home/user/han_sign", exist_ok=True) # Initialize video capture vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Initialize counter for image filenames c = 0 try: while True: # Capture a frame suc, img = if not suc: print("Camera not working") break # Display the live stream cv2.putText(img, "Press 's' to save, 'c' to exit", (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow("Live Stream", img) # Save the image when 's' key is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("s"): cv2.imwrite(f"/home/user/han_sign/{c}.jpg", img) print(f"Image {c} has been captured") c += 1 # Exit when 'c' key is pressed if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("c"): break finally: # Release resources and close windows vid.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() print(f"Total images captured: {c}") """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write("**Code Explanation**") st.write(":blue[**1. Create a Directory**]") code=""" import os os.makedirs("/home/user/han_sign) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - os.makedirs(path): - Creates a directory at the specified path. - In this case, a folder named han_sign is created in the Downloads directory. """) st.write(":blue[**2. Initialize Video Capture**]") code=""" vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0) """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - Initializes video capture using the default webcam (index 0). - Replace 0 with a file path to use a video file instead. """) st.write(":blue[**3. Initialize Counter**]") code=""" c = 0 #This counter is used to assign unique filenames to the captured images (e.g., 0.jpg, 1.jpg, ...). """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**4. Start an Infinite Loop for Video Capture**]") code=""" while True: suc, img = if suc == False: print("camera not working") break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - Captures frames from the video stream in real time. - suc is True if the frame is successfully captured. - If suc is False, the loop exits, indicating a problem with the camera. """) st.write(":blue[**5. Save Images on Key Press**]") code=""" if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("s"): cv2.imwrite("/home/user/han_sign"/{}.jpg".format(c), img) print("image have been captured") c += 1 """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" - cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("s"): - Detects if the s key is pressed. - cv2.imwrite(path, img): - Saves the current frame (img) as a .jpg file in the specified folder. - The filename is determined by the counter c. -c += 1: Increments the counter to ensure the next image has a unique filename. """) st.write(":blue[**6. Exit on Key Press**]") code=""" if cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 == ord("c"): #Detects if the c key is pressed, which exits the loop and stops the program. break """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(":blue[**7. Release Resources**]") code=""" cv2.destroyAllWindows() #Closes all OpenCV windows and releases resources. """ st.code(code,language="python")