import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.subheader(":red[**Transformation**]") st.write("**What is Transformation?**") st.write(""" a transformation refers to the operation of changing the position, size, orientation, or shape of a geometric object while maintaining some of its properties. Common types of transformations include: - Translation (shifting an object). - Rotation (turning an object). - Scaling (resizing an object). - Reflection (flipping an object across a line). - Shearing (slanting an object). """) st.write("**What is an Affine Transformation?**") st.write(""" An affine transformation is a specific type of transformation that preserves: - Points. - Straight lines. - Parallelism (parallel lines remain parallel after the transformation). Affine transformations can include: - Translation. - Rotation. - Scaling. -Shearing. Affine transformations do not necessarily preserve angles or lengths, but they do maintain the general shape and relative proportions of geometric figures. """) st.write("**Mathematical Representation of Affine Transformations**") st.write("Affine transformations can be expressed using matrix multiplication and vector addition:") code=""" y=A⋅x+b """ st.code(code,language="python") st.write(""" Where: x: Input vector (original point coordinates). y: Output vector (transformed point coordinates). A: Transformation matrix (2x2 for 2D transformations). b: Translation vector. """)