import pytesseract from PIL import Image import numpy as np from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerResult from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class OCRResult: text: str left: int top: int width: int height: int @dataclass class CustomImageRecognizerResult: entity_type: str start: int end: int score: float left: int top: int width: int height: int text: str class CustomImageAnalyzerEngine: def __init__( self, analyzer_engine: Optional[AnalyzerEngine] = None, tesseract_config: Optional[str] = None ): if not analyzer_engine: analyzer_engine = AnalyzerEngine() self.analyzer_engine = analyzer_engine self.tesseract_config = tesseract_config or '--oem 3 --psm 11' def perform_ocr(self, image: Union[str, Image.Image, np.ndarray]) -> List[OCRResult]: # Ensure image is a PIL Image if isinstance(image, str): image = elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image) ocr_data = pytesseract.image_to_data(image, output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT, config=self.tesseract_config) # Filter out empty strings and low confidence results valid_indices = [i for i, text in enumerate(ocr_data['text']) if text.strip() and int(ocr_data['conf'][i]) > 0] return [ OCRResult( text=ocr_data['text'][i], left=ocr_data['left'][i], top=ocr_data['top'][i], width=ocr_data['width'][i], height=ocr_data['height'][i] ) for i in valid_indices ] def analyze_text( self, ocr_results: List[OCRResult], **text_analyzer_kwargs ) -> List[CustomImageRecognizerResult]: # Combine all OCR text full_text = ' '.join([result.text for result in ocr_results]) # Define English as default language, if not specified if "language" not in text_analyzer_kwargs: text_analyzer_kwargs["language"] = "en" analyzer_result = self.analyzer_engine.analyze( text=full_text, **text_analyzer_kwargs ) allow_list = text_analyzer_kwargs.get('allow_list', []) return self.map_analyzer_results_to_bounding_boxes( analyzer_result, ocr_results, full_text, allow_list ) @staticmethod def map_analyzer_results_to_bounding_boxes( text_analyzer_results: List[RecognizerResult], ocr_results: List[OCRResult], full_text: str, allow_list: List[str], ) -> List[CustomImageRecognizerResult]: pii_bboxes = [] text_position = 0 for ocr_result in ocr_results: word_end = text_position + len(ocr_result.text) for result in text_analyzer_results: if (max(text_position, result.start) < min(word_end, result.end)) and (ocr_result.text not in allow_list): pii_bboxes.append( CustomImageRecognizerResult( entity_type=result.entity_type, start=result.start, end=result.end, score=result.score, left=ocr_result.left,, width=ocr_result.width, height=ocr_result.height, text=ocr_result.text ) ) break text_position = word_end + 1 # +1 for the space between words return pii_bboxes