seanpedrickcase's picture
Updated requirements packages and Dockerfile
import re
import string
import polars as pl
import gradio as gr
import time
from datetime import datetime
import tools.anonymiser as anon
from unstructured.staging.base import convert_to_dataframe
from typing import List
from unstructured.documents.elements import Element
from tools.unstructured_funcs import export_elements_as_table_to_file
today_rev ="%Y%m%d")
# Adding custom words to the stopwords
custom_words = []
my_stop_words = custom_words
# #### Some of my cleaning functions
html_pattern_regex = r'<.*?>|&([a-z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,6}|#x[0-9a-f]{1,6});|\xa0|&nbsp;'
html_start_pattern_end_dots_regex = r'<(.*?)\.\.'
email_pattern_regex = r'\S*@\S*\s?'
num_pattern_regex = r'[0-9]+'
nums_two_more_regex = r'\b\d+[\.|\,]\d+\b|\b[0-9]{2,}\b|\b[0-9]+\s[0-9]+\b' # Should match two digit numbers or more, and also if there are full stops or commas in between
postcode_pattern_regex = r'(\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9][A-Z]{2})|((GIR ?0A{2})\b$)|(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9]{1}?)$)|(\b(?:[A-Z][A-HJ-Y]?[0-9][0-9A-Z]?)\b$)'
multiple_spaces_regex = r'\s{2,}'
def pre_clean(data:List[Element], in_colnames:str, custom_regex:List[str], clean_text:str, data_file_name_no_ext:str="combined_elements", anonymise_drop:List[str]="No", anon_strat:str = "redact", anon_entities:List[str]=chosen_redact_entities, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)):
Clean open text in tabular format with custom regex or anonymisation.
output_text = ""
output_list = []
progress(0, desc = "Cleaning data")
if not in_colnames:
error_message = "Please enter one column name to use for cleaning and finding topics."
return error_message, None, data_file_name_no_ext, None, None
all_tic = time.perf_counter()
output_list = []
#file_list = [ for string in in_files]
in_colnames_list_first = in_colnames[0]
if clean_text == "Yes":
clean_tic = time.perf_counter()
print("Starting data clean.")
for element in data:
if hasattr(element, 'text'): # Check if 'element' has 'text' attribute
if len(element.text) > 0:
if not custom_regex.empty:
cleaned_data = initial_clean([element.text], custom_regex.iloc[:, 0].to_list())
cleaned_data = initial_clean([element.text], [])
element.text = cleaned_data[0]
continue # Skip elements without 'text'
clean_toc = time.perf_counter()
clean_time_out = f"Cleaning the text took {clean_toc - clean_tic:0.1f} seconds."
if anonymise_drop == "Yes":
progress(0.6, desc= "Anonymising data")
data_file_name_no_ext = data_file_name_no_ext + "_anon"
anon_tic = time.perf_counter()
data_list = []
for element in data:
data_anon_col, anonymisation_success = anon.anonymise_script(data_list, anon_strat=anon_strat)
for i, element in enumerate(data):
element.text = data_anon_col[i]
anon_toc = time.perf_counter()
time_out = f"Anonymising text took {anon_toc - anon_tic:0.1f} seconds"
alt_out_message, out_files, output_file_base = export_elements_as_table_to_file(data, data_file_name_no_ext, file_name_suffix="_clean")
all_toc = time.perf_counter()
time_out = f"All processes took {all_toc - all_tic:0.1f} seconds."
output_text = "Data clean completed."
return output_text, out_files, data, output_file_base
def initial_clean(texts, custom_regex, progress=gr.Progress()):
#texts = pl.Series(texts).str.strip_chars()
#text = texts.str.replace_all(html_pattern_regex, ' ')
#text = text.str.replace_all(html_start_pattern_end_dots_regex, ' ')
#text = text.str.replace_all(email_pattern_regex, ' ')
#text = text.str.replace_all(nums_two_more_regex, ' ')
#text = text.str.replace_all(postcode_pattern_regex, ' ')
if not texts:
print("The 'texts' argument is empty.")
return texts
texts = pl.Series(texts)
# Allow for custom regex patterns to be removed
if len(custom_regex) > 0:
for pattern in custom_regex:
raw_string_pattern = rf"{pattern}" # Case-insensitive regex
#print(f"Removing regex pattern: {raw_string_pattern}")
text = texts.str.replace_all(raw_string_pattern, " ")
#print("Text without pattern: ", text[0])
#text = text.str.replace_all(multiple_spaces_regex, ' ')
text = text.to_list()
return text
def remove_hyphens(text_text):
return re.sub(r'(\w+)-(\w+)-?(\w)?', r'\1 \2 \3', text_text)
def remove_characters_after_tokenization(tokens):
pattern = re.compile('[{}]'.format(re.escape(string.punctuation)))
filtered_tokens = filter(None, [pattern.sub('', token) for token in tokens])
return filtered_tokens
def convert_to_lowercase(tokens):
return [token.lower() for token in tokens if token.isalpha()]
def remove_short_tokens(tokens):
return [token for token in tokens if len(token) > 3]
def remove_dups_text(data_samples_ready, data_samples_clean, data_samples):
# Identify duplicates in the data:
# Only identifies the second duplicate
seen = set()
dups = []
for i, doi in enumerate(data_samples_ready):
if doi not in seen:
# To see a specific duplicated value you know the position of
#matching = [s for s in data_samples_ready if data_samples_ready[83] in s]
# Remove duplicates only (keep first instance)
#data_samples_ready = list( dict.fromkeys(data_samples_ready) ) # This way would keep one version of the duplicates
### Remove all duplicates including original instance
# Identify ALL duplicates including initial values
from collections import defaultdict
D = defaultdict(list)
for i,item in enumerate(data_samples_ready):
D = {k:v for k,v in D.items() if len(v)>1}
L = list(D.values())
flat_list_dups = [item for sublist in L for item in sublist]
for index in sorted(flat_list_dups, reverse=True):
del data_samples_ready[index]
del data_samples_clean[index]
del data_samples[index]
# Remove blanks
data_samples_ready = [i for i in data_samples_ready if i]
data_samples_clean = [i for i in data_samples_clean if i]
data_samples = [i for i in data_samples if i]
return data_samples_ready, data_samples_clean, flat_list_dups, data_samples