import json import requests from .common import config, vehicle # Select coordinates at equal distance, including the last one def select_equally_spaced_coordinates(coords, number_of_points=10): n = len(coords) selected_coords = [] interval = max((n - 1) / (number_of_points - 1), 1) for i in range(number_of_points): # Calculate the index, ensuring it doesn't exceed the bounds of the list index = int(round(i * interval)) if index < n: selected_coords.append(coords[index]) return selected_coords def search_points_of_interests(search_query="french restaurant"): """ Return some of the closest points of interest matching the query. :param search_query (string): Required. Describing the type of point of interest depending on what the user wants to do. Make sure to include the type of POI you are looking for. For example italian restaurant, grocery shop, etc. """ # Extract the latitude and longitude of the vehicle vehicle_coordinates = getattr(vehicle, "location_coordinates") lat, lon = vehicle_coordinates print(f"POI search vehicle's lat: {lat}, lon: {lon}") # r = requests.get( f"{search_query}.json?key={config.TOMTOM_API_KEY}&lat={lat}&lon={lon}&category&radius=1000&limit=100", timeout=5, ) # Parse JSON from the response data = r.json() # Extract results results = data["results"] # TODO: Handle the no results case. if not results: return "No results found in the vicinity." # Sort the results based on distance results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["dist"]) # print(sorted_results) # Format and limit to top 5 results formatted_results = [ f"{result['poi']['name']} is {int(result['dist'])} meters away" for result in results[:3] ] output = ( f"There are {len(results)} options in the vicinity. The most relevant are: " ) return output + ".\n ".join(formatted_results) def find_points_of_interest(lat="0", lon="0", type_of_poi="restaurant"): """ Return some of the closest points of interest for a specific location and type of point of interest. The more parameters there are, the more precise. :param lat (string): latitude :param lon (string): longitude :param city (string): Required. city :param type_of_poi (string): Required. type of point of interest depending on what the user wants to do. """ # r = requests.get( f"{type_of_poi}" ".json?key={0}&lat={1}&lon={2}&radius=10000&vehicleTypeSet=Car&idxSet=POI&limit=100".format( config.TOMTOM_API_KEY, lat, lon ) ) # Parse JSON from the response data = r.json() # print(data) # Extract results results = data["results"] # Sort the results based on distance sorted_results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["dist"]) # print(sorted_results) # Format and limit to top 5 results formatted_results = [ f"The {type_of_poi} {result['poi']['name']}, {int(result['dist'])} meters away" for result in sorted_results[:5] ] return ". ".join(formatted_results) def search_along_route_w_coordinates(points: list[tuple[float, float]], query: str): """ Return some of the closest points of interest along the route from the depart point, specified by its coordinates. :param points (list[tuple(float, float)]): Required. List of tuples of latitude and longitude of the points along the route. :param query (string): Required. type of point of interest depending on what the user wants to do. """ # The API endpoint for searching along a route url = f"{query}.json?key={config.TOMTOM_API_KEY}&maxDetourTime=360&limit=20&sortBy=detourTime" points = select_equally_spaced_coordinates(points, number_of_points=20) # The data payload payload = { "route": { "points": [{"lat": pt["latitude"], "lon": pt["longitude"]} for pt in points] } } # Make the POST request response =, json=payload, timeout=5) # Check if the request was successful if response.status_code == 200: # Parse the JSON response data = response.json() # print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) else: print("Failed to retrieve data:", response.status_code) return "Failed to retrieve data. Please try again." answer = "" if not data["results"]: return "No results found along the way." if len(data["results"]) == 20: answer = "There more than 20 results along the way. Here are the top 3 results:" elif len(data["results"]) > 3: answer = f"There are {len(data['results'])} results along the way. Here are the top 3 results:" for result in data["results"][:3]: name = result["poi"]["name"] address = result["address"]["freeformAddress"] detour_time = result["detourTime"] answer = ( answer + f" \n{name} at {address} would require a detour of {int(detour_time/60)} minutes." ) return answer