from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request from pymongo import MongoClient from pydantic import BaseModel from passlib.context import CryptContext from bson import ObjectId from datetime import datetime, timedelta import jwt from collections import Counter from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse app = FastAPI() # MongoDB connection client = MongoClient( "mongodb+srv://", tls=True, tlsAllowInvalidCertificates=True # For testing only, disable for production ) db = client["annotations_db"] # Password hashing context pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") # Secret key for JWT SECRET_KEY = "your_secret_key" # Replace with a secure secret key ALGORITHM = "HS256" ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES = 30 # Token expiration time # In-memory variable to store the token current_token = None # MongoDB Collections users_collection = db["users"] stories_collection = db["stories"] prompts_collection = db["prompts"] summaries_collection = db["summaries"] # Models class User(BaseModel): email: str password: str class Story(BaseModel): story_id: str story: str # annotator_id is removed from the Story model class Prompt(BaseModel): story_id: str prompt: str annotator_id: int = None # Will be set automatically class Summary(BaseModel): story_id: str summary: str annotator_id: int =None # Add annotator_id to Summary model # Serialize document function def serialize_document(doc): """Convert a MongoDB document into a serializable dictionary.""" if isinstance(doc, ObjectId): return str(doc) if isinstance(doc, dict): return {k: serialize_document(v) for k, v in doc.items()} if isinstance(doc, list): return [serialize_document(i) for i in doc] return doc # Helper Functions def hash_password(password: str) -> str: return pwd_context.hash(password) def verify_password(plain_password: str, hashed_password: str) -> bool: return pwd_context.verify(plain_password, hashed_password) def create_access_token(data: dict, expires_delta: timedelta = None): to_encode = data.copy() if expires_delta: expire = datetime.utcnow() + expires_delta else: expire = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=15) to_encode.update({"exp": expire}) return jwt.encode(to_encode, SECRET_KEY, algorithm=ALGORITHM) def get_annotator_id() -> int: if current_token is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="User not logged in") try: payload = jwt.decode(current_token, SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM]) return payload["annotator_id"] except jwt.PyJWTError: raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Invalid token") # Endpoints for user, story, prompt, and summary operations # Register User"/register") async def register_user(user: User): if db.users.find_one({"email":}): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Email already registered") user_data = { "email":, "password": hash_password(user.password), "annotator_id": db.users.count_documents({}) + 1 } db.users.insert_one(user_data) return {"message": "User registered successfully", "annotator_id": user_data["annotator_id"]} # Login User"/login") async def login_user(user: User): found_user = db.users.find_one({"email":}) if not found_user or not verify_password(user.password, found_user["password"]): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid email or password") # Create access token and store it global current_token access_token_expires = timedelta(minutes=ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES) current_token = create_access_token(data={"email": found_user["email"], "annotator_id": found_user["annotator_id"]}, expires_delta=access_token_expires) return {"access_token": current_token, "token_type": "bearer"} # Add Story"/story") async def add_story(story: Story): # annotator_id is not needed when adding a story if db.stories.find_one({"story_id": story.story_id}): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Story already exists") db.stories.insert_one(story.dict()) return {"message": "Story added successfully"} # Add Prompt"/prompt") async def add_prompt(prompt: Prompt): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID prompt.annotator_id = annotator_id # Assign annotator ID to the prompt db.prompts.insert_one(prompt.dict()) return {"message": "Prompt added successfully"} # Add Summary"/summary") async def add_summary(summary: Summary): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID summary.annotator_id = annotator_id # Assign annotator ID to the summary db.summaries.insert_one(summary.dict()) return {"message": "Summary added successfully"} # Delete All Users @app.delete("/users") async def delete_all_users(): result = db.users.delete_many({}) return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} users deleted"} # Delete All Stories @app.delete("/stories") async def delete_all_stories(): result = db.stories.delete_many({}) return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} stories deleted"} # Delete All Prompts @app.delete("/prompts") async def delete_all_prompts(): result = db.prompts.delete_many({}) return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} prompts deleted"} # Delete All Summaries @app.delete("/summaries") async def delete_all_summaries(): result = db.summaries.delete_many({}) return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} summaries deleted"} # Test MongoDB Connection @app.get("/test") async def test_connection(): try: db.list_collection_names() return {"message": "Connected to MongoDB successfully"} except Exception as e: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) # Display Story by ID @app.get("/story/{story_id}") async def display_story(story_id: str): story = db.stories.find_one({"story_id": story_id}) if story: return serialize_document(story) # Serialize the story document raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Story not found") # Display All for a Given Annotator ID from fastapi import Query from fastapi import Query, HTTPException @app.get("/display_all") async def display_all(story_id: str = Query(...)): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Fetch the specific prompt associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator prompt = db.prompts.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if not prompt: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Prompt not found for this annotator and story ID") # Fetch the corresponding story story = db.stories.find_one({"story_id": story_id}) or {"story": ""} # Fetch the summary for the specific annotator summary = db.summaries.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) or {"summary": ""} # Prepare the result result = { "story_id": story_id, "story": story["story"], # Get the story text "annotator_id": prompt["annotator_id"], "summary": summary.get("summary", ""), # Use empty string if summary not found "prompt": prompt.get("prompt", "") # Use empty string if prompt not found } return serialize_document(result) # Serialize the story document @app.delete("/prompt/{story_id}") async def delete_prompt(story_id: str): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Find and delete all prompts associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator result = db.prompts.delete_many({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if result.deleted_count > 0: return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} prompt(s) deleted successfully"} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="No prompts found for this annotator and story ID") @app.delete("/summary/{story_id}") async def delete_summary(story_id: str): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Find and delete all summaries associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator result = db.summaries.delete_many({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if result.deleted_count > 0: return {"message": f"{result.deleted_count} summary(ies) deleted successfully"} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="No summaries found for this annotator and story ID") @app.delete("/story/{story_id}") async def delete_story(story_id: str): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Find and delete the story associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator story_result = db.stories.delete_one({"story_id": story_id}) # Delete all prompts associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator prompts_result = db.prompts.delete_many({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) # Delete all summaries associated with the provided story_id for the current annotator summaries_result = db.summaries.delete_many({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if story_result.deleted_count > 0: return { "message": f"Story deleted successfully", "deleted_prompts": prompts_result.deleted_count, "deleted_summaries": summaries_result.deleted_count, } else: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Story not found for this annotator") @app.put("/story/{story_id}") async def update_story(story_id: str, updated_story: Story): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Check if the story exists and belongs to the current annotator existing_story = db.stories.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if not existing_story: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Story not found or does not belong to this annotator") # Update the story db.stories.update_one({"story_id": story_id}, {"$set": {"story": updated_story.story}}) return {"message": "Story updated successfully"} @app.put("/prompt/{story_id}") async def update_prompt(story_id: str, updated_prompt: Prompt): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Check if the prompt exists and belongs to the current annotator existing_prompt = db.prompts.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if not existing_prompt: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Prompt not found or does not belong to this annotator") # Update the prompt db.prompts.update_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}, {"$set": {"prompt": updated_prompt.prompt}}) return {"message": "Prompt updated successfully"} @app.put("/summary/{story_id}") async def update_summary(story_id: str, updated_summary: Summary): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Check if the summary exists and belongs to the current annotator existing_summary = db.summaries.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if not existing_summary: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Summary not found or does not belong to this annotator") # Update the summary db.summaries.update_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}, {"$set": {"summary": updated_summary.summary}}) return {"message": "Summary updated successfully"} @app.get("/prompt/{story_id}") async def get_prompt(story_id: str): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Retrieve the prompt associated with the story_id for the current annotator prompt = db.prompts.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if prompt: return {"story_id": story_id, "prompt": prompt.get("prompt", "")} # Return prompt or empty string else: return {"story_id": story_id, "prompt": ""} # Return empty if no prompt found @app.get("/summary/{story_id}") async def get_summary(story_id: str): annotator_id = get_annotator_id() # Automatically get the annotator ID from the token # Retrieve the summary associated with the story_id for the current annotator summary = db.summaries.find_one({"story_id": story_id, "annotator_id": annotator_id}) if summary: return {"story_id": story_id, "summary": summary.get("summary", "")} # Return summary or empty string else: return {"story_id": story_id, "summary": ""} # Return empty if no summary found @app.get("/story/{story_id}") async def get_story(story_id: str): # Retrieve the story associated with the story_id story = db.stories.find_one({"story_id": story_id}) if story: return {"story_id": story_id, "story": story.get("story", "")} # Return story text or empty string else: return {"story_id": story_id, "story": ""} # Return empty if no story found @app.get("/annotators") async def get_annotators(): # Fetch all prompts synchronously prompts = prompts_collection.find() # Get cursor # Count prompts by annotator_id annotator_counts = Counter(prompt['annotator_id'] for prompt in prompts if 'annotator_id' in prompt) # Convert the Counter to a list of dictionaries annotators = [{"annotator_id": annotator_id, "prompt_count": count} for annotator_id, count in annotator_counts.items()] return JSONResponse(content=annotators)