// IMPORT LIBRARIES TOOLS import { pipeline, env } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@xenova/transformers@2.10.1'; // skip local model check env.allowLocalModels = false; // GLOBAL VARIABLES var PROMPT_INPUT = `The Black trans woman has a job as a [MASK].` // a field for writing or changing a text value var OUTPUT_LIST = [] // a blank array to store the results from the model // RUN MODEL async function fillInTask(){ const pipe = await pipeline('fill-mask', 'Xenova/bert-base-uncased'); var out = await pipe(PROMPT_INPUT); console.log(await out) // yields { score, sequence, token, token_str } for each result // await out.forEach(o => { // console.log(o) // yields { score, sequence, token, token_str } for each result // OUTPUT_LIST.push(o.sequence) // put only the full sequence in a list // }) // console.log(OUTPUT_LIST) return await out } // PROCESS MODEL OUTPUT // a generic function to pass in different model task functions async function getOutputs(mod){ let output = await mod await output.forEach(o => { OUTPUT_LIST.push(o.sequence) // put only the full sequence in a list }) } await getOutputs(fillInTask())