import argparse import json from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from random import sample, shuffle from typing import Optional from tqdm import tqdm from config import get_config from style_bert_vits2.logging import logger from style_bert_vits2.nlp import clean_text from style_bert_vits2.nlp.japanese import pyopenjtalk_worker from style_bert_vits2.nlp.japanese.user_dict import update_dict from style_bert_vits2.utils.stdout_wrapper import SAFE_STDOUT # このプロセスからはワーカーを起動して辞書を使いたいので、ここで初期化 pyopenjtalk_worker.initialize_worker() # dict_data/ 以下の辞書データを pyopenjtalk に適用 update_dict() preprocess_text_config = get_config().preprocess_text_config # Count lines for tqdm def count_lines(file_path: Path): with"r", encoding="utf-8") as file: return sum(1 for _ in file) def write_error_log(error_log_path: Path, line: str, error: Exception): with"a", encoding="utf-8") as error_log: error_log.write(f"{line.strip()}\n{error}\n\n") def process_line( line: str, transcription_path: Path, correct_path: bool, use_jp_extra: bool, yomi_error: str, ): splitted_line = line.strip().split("|") if len(splitted_line) != 4: raise ValueError(f"Invalid line format: {line.strip()}") utt, spk, language, text = splitted_line norm_text, phones, tones, word2ph = clean_text( text=text, language=language, # type: ignore use_jp_extra=use_jp_extra, raise_yomi_error=(yomi_error != "use"), ) if correct_path: utt = str(transcription_path.parent / "wavs" / utt) return "{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n".format( utt, spk, language, norm_text, " ".join(phones), " ".join([str(i) for i in tones]), " ".join([str(i) for i in word2ph]), ) def preprocess( transcription_path: Path, cleaned_path: Optional[Path], train_path: Path, val_path: Path, config_path: Path, val_per_lang: int, max_val_total: int, # clean: bool, use_jp_extra: bool, yomi_error: str, correct_path: bool, ): assert yomi_error in ["raise", "skip", "use"] if cleaned_path == "" or cleaned_path is None: cleaned_path = transcription_path.with_name( + ".cleaned" ) error_log_path = transcription_path.parent / "text_error.log" if error_log_path.exists(): error_log_path.unlink() error_count = 0 total_lines = count_lines(transcription_path) # transcription_path から 1行ずつ読み込んで文章処理して cleaned_path に書き込む with ("r", encoding="utf-8") as trans_file,"w", encoding="utf-8") as out_file, ): for line in tqdm(trans_file, file=SAFE_STDOUT, total=total_lines): try: processed_line = process_line( line, transcription_path, correct_path, use_jp_extra, yomi_error, ) out_file.write(processed_line) except Exception as e: logger.error( f"An error occurred at line:\n{line.strip()}\n{e}", encoding="utf-8" ) write_error_log(error_log_path, line, e) error_count += 1 transcription_path = cleaned_path # 各話者ごとのlineの辞書 spk_utt_map: dict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) # 話者からIDへの写像 spk_id_map: dict[str, int] = {} # 話者ID current_sid: int = 0 # 音源ファイルのチェックや、spk_id_mapの作成 with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f: audio_paths: set[str] = set() count_same = 0 count_not_found = 0 for line in f.readlines(): utt, spk = line.strip().split("|")[:2] if utt in audio_paths: logger.warning(f"Same audio file appears multiple times: {utt}") count_same += 1 continue if not Path(utt).is_file(): logger.warning(f"Audio not found: {utt}") count_not_found += 1 continue audio_paths.add(utt) spk_utt_map[spk].append(line) # 新しい話者が出てきたら話者IDを割り当て、current_sidを1増やす if spk not in spk_id_map: spk_id_map[spk] = current_sid current_sid += 1 if count_same > 0 or count_not_found > 0: logger.warning( f"Total repeated audios: {count_same}, Total number of audio not found: {count_not_found}" ) train_list: list[str] = [] val_list: list[str] = [] # 各話者ごとに発話リストを処理 for spk, utts in spk_utt_map.items(): if val_per_lang == 0: train_list.extend(utts) continue # ランダムにval_per_lang個のインデックスを選択 val_indices = set(sample(range(len(utts)), val_per_lang)) # 元の順序を保ちながらリストを分割 for index, utt in enumerate(utts): if index in val_indices: val_list.append(utt) else: train_list.append(utt) # バリデーションリストのサイズ調整 if len(val_list) > max_val_total: extra_val = val_list[max_val_total:] val_list = val_list[:max_val_total] # 余剰のバリデーション発話をトレーニングリストに追加(元の順序を保持) train_list.extend(extra_val) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in train_list: f.write(line) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in val_list: f.write(line) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as f: json_config = json.load(f) json_config["data"]["spk2id"] = spk_id_map json_config["data"]["n_speakers"] = len(spk_id_map) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(json_config, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) if error_count > 0: if yomi_error == "skip": logger.warning( f"An error occurred in {error_count} lines. Proceed with lines without errors. Please check {error_log_path} for details." ) else: # yom_error == "raise"と"use"の場合。 # "use"の場合は、そもそもyomi_error = Falseで処理しているので、 # ここが実行されるのは他の例外のときなので、エラーをraiseする。 logger.error( f"An error occurred in {error_count} lines. Please check {error_log_path} for details." ) raise Exception( f"An error occurred in {error_count} lines. Please check `Data/you_model_name/text_error.log` file for details." ) # 何故か{error_log_path}をraiseすると文字コードエラーが起きるので上のように書いている else: "Training set and validation set generation from texts is complete!" ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--transcription-path", default=preprocess_text_config.transcription_path ) parser.add_argument("--cleaned-path", default=preprocess_text_config.cleaned_path) parser.add_argument("--train-path", default=preprocess_text_config.train_path) parser.add_argument("--val-path", default=preprocess_text_config.val_path) parser.add_argument("--config-path", default=preprocess_text_config.config_path) # 「話者ごと」のバリデーションデータ数、言語ごとではない! # 元のコードや設定ファイルでval_per_langとなっていたので名前をそのままにしている parser.add_argument( "--val-per-lang", default=preprocess_text_config.val_per_lang, help="Number of validation data per SPEAKER, not per language (due to compatibility with the original code).", ) parser.add_argument("--max-val-total", default=preprocess_text_config.max_val_total) parser.add_argument("--use_jp_extra", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--yomi_error", default="raise") parser.add_argument("--correct_path", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() transcription_path = Path(args.transcription_path) cleaned_path = Path(args.cleaned_path) if args.cleaned_path else None train_path = Path(args.train_path) val_path = Path(args.val_path) config_path = Path(args.config_path) val_per_lang = int(args.val_per_lang) max_val_total = int(args.max_val_total) use_jp_extra: bool = args.use_jp_extra yomi_error: str = args.yomi_error correct_path: bool = args.correct_path preprocess( transcription_path=transcription_path, cleaned_path=cleaned_path, train_path=train_path, val_path=val_path, config_path=config_path, val_per_lang=val_per_lang, max_val_total=max_val_total, use_jp_extra=use_jp_extra, yomi_error=yomi_error, correct_path=correct_path, )