robinroy03's picture
import os
import json
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_cors import CORS
import google.generativeai
app = Flask(__name__)
def output_sanitizer(prompt: str) -> dict:
return dictionary from llm output
begin = prompt.find("{")
end = prompt.find("}")
output = prompt[begin: end + 1]
output = json.loads(output)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return {}
return output
def dict_style_changer(file: dict) -> dict:
parses it in such a way so that mermaid won't crash due to semicolons and such
{"1[a]" : ["2[b]", "3[c]"], "4[d]" : ["5[e]", "6[f]"]}
new = {}
count = 1
for k, v in file.items():
new_key = f"{count}[{k}]"
count += 1
temp = []
for i in v:
new_value = f"{count}[{i}]"
count += 1
new[new_key] = temp
return new
def dict_to_mermaid(file: dict) -> str:
returns a mermaid.js syntax to be rendered for the roadmap
file = dict_style_changer(file)
output = """
flowchart TB\n\t
arrow = " --> "
thick_arrow = " ==> "
for k, v in file.items():
output += f"subgraph {k}\n\t{arrow.join(v)}\n\tend\n\t"
output += thick_arrow.join(list(file.keys()))
return output
def get_completion(message: str, current_knowledge: str) -> str:
Returns a string with mermaid syntax.
sys_message = f"""
You are required to provide a learning roadmap for the given topic. The learner profile is provided. Use these data to give a very detailed learning roadmap. Use the output format shown below. Remember to optimize the roadmap as per the learners profile.
Return the output in JSON format.
"<Topic>": [
"<sub topic 1>",
"<sub topic 2>"
"<Topic>": [
"<sub topic 1>",
"<sub topic 2>"
Topic name: {message}
Learner profile: {current_knowledge}
llm_model = google.generativeai.GenerativeModel('gemini-1.5-flash')
chat_completion = llm_model.generate_content(sys_message)
chat_completion_text = chat_completion.to_dict()['candidates'][0]['content']['parts'][0]['text']
chat_completion_text = chat_completion_text.replace("(", "")
chat_completion_text = chat_completion_text.replace(")", "")
return dict_to_mermaid(output_sanitizer(chat_completion_text))
@app.route("/gemini_output", methods=['POST'])
def gemini_output():
message = request.get_json()
if message['prompt'] == "chess":
return {'response': """flowchart TB
subgraph 1[Fundamentals]
2[Objective of the game] --> 3[Chessboard setup] --> 4[Piece movement King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn] --> 5[Special moves Castling, En Passant] --> 6[Check, Checkmate, and Stalemate]
subgraph 7[Basic Tactics]
8[Piece value and development] --> 9[Controlling the center] --> 10[Forks] --> 11[Pins] --> 12[Skewers] --> 13[Discovered attacks] --> 14[Double attacks] --> 15[Traps]
subgraph 16[Openings]
17[Principles of opening theory] --> 18[Common opening traps to avoid] --> 19[Learning a few standard openings e.g., Italian Game, Ruy Lopez, Sicilian Defense] --> 20[Understanding opening goals control of the center, piece development, king safety]
subgraph 21[Middlegame Strategy]
22[Planning and evaluating positions] --> 23[Pawn structures and their weaknesses] --> 24[Identifying tactical opportunities] --> 25[Positional play improving piece placement, creating weaknesses] --> 26[Attacking and defending techniques]
subgraph 27[Endgames]
28[Basic checkmates King and Queen, King and Rook] --> 29[Theoretical endgames King and Pawn vs King, Rook and Pawn vs Rook] --> 30[Key endgame principles opposition, triangulation, key squares] --> 31[Practice common endgame patterns]
subgraph 32[Beyond the Basics]
33[Studying annotated master games] --> 34[Analyzing your own games] --> 35[Solving chess puzzles and tactics] --> 36[Participating in tournaments and online play] --> 37[Utilizing chess software and engines for analysis and training] --> 38[Exploring advanced concepts e.g., prophylaxis, positional sacrifice]
1[Fundamentals] ==> 7[Basic Tactics] ==> 16[Openings] ==> 21[Middlegame Strategy] ==> 27[Endgames] ==> 32[Beyond the Basics]"""}
# return {"prompt": "hi " + message['prompt']}
return {"response": get_completion(message['prompt'], message['current_knowledge'])}