from typing import Callable, Literal import mesop as me @me.component def snackbar( *, is_visible: bool, label: str, action_label: str | None = None, on_click_action: Callable | None = None, horizontal_position: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "center", vertical_position: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "end", ): """Creates a snackbar. By default the snackbar is rendered at bottom center. The on_click_action should typically close the snackbar as part of its actions. If no click event is included, you'll need to manually hide the snackbar. Note that there is one issue with this snackbar example. No actions are possible until the snackbar is dismissed or closed. This is due to the fixed box that gets created when the snackbar is visible. Args: is_visible: Whether the snackbar is currently visible or not. label: Message for the snackbar action_label: Optional message for the action of the snackbar on_click_action: Optional click event when action is triggered. horizontal_position: Horizontal position of the snackbar vertical_position: Vertical position of the snackbar """ with style=me.Style( display="block" if is_visible else "none", height="100%", overflow_x="auto", overflow_y="auto", pointer_events="none", position="fixed", width="100%", z_index=1000, ) ): with style=me.Style( align_items=vertical_position, height="100%", display="flex", justify_content=horizontal_position, ) ): with style=me.Style( align_items="center", background=me.theme_var("on-surface-variant"), border_radius=5, box_shadow=("0 3px 1px -2px #0003, 0 2px 2px #00000024, 0 1px 5px #0000001f"), display="flex", font_size=14, justify_content="space-between", margin=me.Margin.all(10), padding=me.Padding(top=5, bottom=5, right=5, left=15) if action_label else me.Padding.all(15), pointer_events="auto", width=300, ) ): me.text(label, style=me.Style(color=me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest"))) if action_label: me.button( action_label, on_click=on_click_action, style=me.Style(color=me.theme_var("primary-container")), )