from typing import Callable, Literal, Any import mesop as me from components import helpers @me.component() def button( label: str | None = None, *, on_click: Callable[[me.ClickEvent], Any] | None = None, type: Literal["raised", "flat", "stroked"] | None = None, color: Literal["primary", "accent", "warn"] | None = None, disable_ripple: bool = False, disabled: bool = False, style: me.Style | None = None, key: str | None = None, ) -> None: me.button( label=label, on_click=on_click, type=type, color=color, disable_ripple=disable_ripple, disabled=disabled, key=key, style=helpers.merge_styles(me.Style(border_radius=10), style), ) @me.component() def button_toggle( labels: list[str], selected: str = "", on_click: Callable | None = None, key: str = "", ): """Simple version of Angular Component Button toggle. Only supports single selection for now. Args: labels: Text labels for buttons selected: Selected label on_click: Event to handle button clicks on the button toggle key: The key will be used as as prefix along with the selected label """ with"flex", font_weight="bold", font_size=14)): last_index = len(labels) - 1 for index, label in enumerate(labels): if index == 0: element = "first" elif index == last_index: element = "last" else: element = "default" with key=key + "_" + label, on_click=on_click, style=me.Style( align_items="center", display="flex", # Handle selected case background=_SELECTED_BG if label == selected else me.theme_var("surface-container-lowest"), padding=_SELECTED_PADDING if label == selected else _PADDING, cursor="default" if label == selected else "pointer", # Handle single button case (should just use a button in this case) border=_LAST_BORDER if last_index == 0 else _BORDER_MAP[element], border_radius=_BORDER_RADIUS if last_index == 0 else _BORDER_RADIUS_MAP[element], ), ): if label in selected: me.icon("check") me.text(label) _SELECTED_BG = me.theme_var("primary-container") _PADDING = me.Padding(left=15, right=15, top=10, bottom=10) _SELECTED_PADDING = me.Padding(left=15, right=15, top=5, bottom=5) _BORDER_RADIUS = "20px" _DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE = me.BorderSide(width=1, color=me.theme_var("outline"), style="solid") _BORDER = me.Border( left=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE, top=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE, bottom=_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE ) _LAST_BORDER = me.Border.all(_DEFAULT_BORDER_STYLE) _BORDER_MAP = { "first": _BORDER, "last": _LAST_BORDER, "default": _BORDER, } _BORDER_RADIUS_MAP = { "first": "20px 0 0 20px", "last": "0px 20px 20px 0", "default": "0", }