import asyncio import os import sys from playwright.async_api import async_playwright async def wait_for_enter(): # Print the prompt and flush immediately so it's visible. print("Press Enter to exit...", flush=True) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Run sys.stdin.readline in the default executor so we don't block the event loop. await loop.run_in_executor(None, sys.stdin.readline) async def save_storage_state(): auth_state_path = "auth_state.json" print("\n=== Starting Authentication State Check ===") # Check if auth state exists and print the result has_auth_state = os.path.exists(auth_state_path) if has_auth_state: print(f"✓ Found existing auth_state.json at: {os.path.abspath(auth_state_path)}") else: print("✗ No existing auth_state.json found. Will create new authentication state.") print("\n=== Launching Browser ===") async with async_playwright() as playwright: print("• Launching Chromium...") browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False) if has_auth_state: print("• Loading stored authentication state...") context = await browser.new_context(storage_state=auth_state_path) else: print("• Starting fresh browser context...") context = await browser.new_context() print("• Opening new page...") page = await context.new_page() print("• Navigating to Hugging Face...") await page.goto("") await page.wait_for_load_state("networkidle") print("\n=== Instructions ===") print("1. Please check if you're logged in.") print("2. If not, log in manually in the browser window.") print("3. When ready to exit and save the current state, hit Enter below.\n") # Await the blocking call to wait for the user to press Enter. await wait_for_enter() print("\n=== Saving State ===") await context.storage_state(path=auth_state_path) print(f"✓ Authentication state saved to: {os.path.abspath(auth_state_path)}") print("\n=== Cleaning Up ===") print("• Closing browser...") await browser.close() print("✓ Done!") if __name__ == "__main__":