title: MindSearch
emoji: 📊
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: yellow
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 5.7.1
app_file: app.py
pinned: false

<div id="top"></div>

<div align="center">

<img src="assets/logo.svg" style="width: 50%; height: auto;">

[📃 Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20183) | [đŸ’ģ Demo](https://internlm-chat.intern-ai.org.cn/)

English | [įŽ€äŊ“中文](README_zh-CN.md)



## ✨ MindSearch: Mimicking Human Minds Elicits Deep AI Searcher

## 📅 Changelog

- 2024/11/05: đŸĨŗ MindSearch is now deployed on Puyu! 👉 [Try it](https://internlm-chat.intern-ai.org.cn/) 👈
  -  Refactored the agent module based on [Lagent v0.5](https://github.com/InternLM/lagent) for better performance in concurrency.
  -  Improved the UI to embody the simultaneous multi-query search.

## âšŊī¸ Build Your Own MindSearch

### Step1: Dependencies Installation

git clone https://github.com/InternLM/MindSearch
cd MindSearch
pip install -r requirements.txt

### Step2: Setup Environment Variables

Before setting up the API, you need to configure environment variables. Rename the `.env.example` file to `.env` and fill in the required values.

mv .env.example .env
# Open .env and add your keys and model configurations

### Step3: Setup MindSearch API

Setup FastAPI Server.

python -m mindsearch.app --lang en --model_format internlm_silicon --search_engine DuckDuckGoSearch --asy 

- `--lang`: language of the model, `en` for English and `cn` for Chinese.
- `--model_format`: format of the model.
  - `internlm_server` for InternLM2.5-7b-chat with local server. (InternLM2.5-7b-chat has been better optimized for Chinese.)
  - `gpt4` for GPT4.
    if you want to use other models, please modify [models](./mindsearch/agent/models.py)
- `--search_engine`: Search engine.
  - `DuckDuckGoSearch` for search engine for DuckDuckGo.
  - `BingSearch` for Bing search engine.
  - `BraveSearch` for Brave search web api engine.
  - `GoogleSearch` for Google Serper web search api engine.
  - `TencentSearch` for Tencent search api engine.
  Please set your Web Search engine API key as the `WEB_SEARCH_API_KEY` environment variable unless you are using `DuckDuckGo`, or `TencentSearch` that requires secret id as `TENCENT_SEARCH_SECRET_ID` and secret key as `TENCENT_SEARCH_SECRET_KEY`.
- `--asy`: deploy asynchronous agents.

### Step4: Setup MindSearch Frontend

Providing following frontend interfaces,

- React

First configurate the backend URL for Vite proxy.

HOST=""  # modify as you need
sed -i -r "s/target:\s*\"\"/target: \"${HOST}:${PORT}\"/" frontend/React/vite.config.ts

# Install Node.js and npm
# for Ubuntu
sudo apt install nodejs npm

# for windows
# download from https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/download/prebuilt-installer

# Install dependencies

cd frontend/React
npm install
npm start

Details can be found in [React](./frontend/React/README.md)

- Gradio

python frontend/mindsearch_gradio.py

- Streamlit

streamlit run frontend/mindsearch_streamlit.py

## 🌐 Change Web Search API

To use a different type of web search API, modify the `searcher_type` attribute in the `searcher_cfg` located in `mindsearch/agent/__init__.py`. Currently supported web search APIs include:

- `GoogleSearch`
- `DuckDuckGoSearch`
- `BraveSearch`
- `BingSearch`
- `TencentSearch`

For example, to change to the Brave Search API, you would configure it as follows:

    api_key=os.environ.get('BRAVE_API_KEY', 'YOUR BRAVE API')

## 🐞 Using the Backend Without Frontend

For users who prefer to interact with the backend directly, use the `backend_example.py` script. This script demonstrates how to send a query to the backend and process the response.

python backend_example.py

Make sure you have set up the environment variables and the backend is running before executing the script.

## 🐞 Debug Locally

python -m mindsearch.terminal

## 📝 License

This project is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).

## Citation

If you find this project useful in your research, please consider cite:

  title={MindSearch: Mimicking Human Minds Elicits Deep AI Searcher},
  author={Chen, Zehui and Liu, Kuikun and Wang, Qiuchen and Liu, Jiangning and Zhang, Wenwei and Chen, Kai and Zhao, Feng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20183},

## Our Projects

Explore our additional research on large language models, focusing on LLM agents.

- [Lagent](https://github.com/InternLM/lagent): A lightweight framework for building LLM-based agents
- [AgentFLAN](https://github.com/InternLM/Agent-FLAN): An innovative approach for constructing and training with high-quality agent datasets (ACL 2024 Findings)
- [T-Eval](https://github.com/open-compass/T-Eval): A Fine-grained tool utilization evaluation benchmark (ACL 2024)