GPT-rjl-ad2 / crazy_functions /
qinglin96's picture
Duplicate from qinglin96/GPT-academic-FreeAPI
history blame
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from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping
from typing import Any
from toolbox import CatchException, update_ui, gen_time_str, trimmed_format_exc, promote_file_to_downloadzone, clear_file_downloadzone
from .crazy_utils import request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive
from .crazy_utils import input_clipping, try_install_deps
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
import os
import time
templete = """
import ... # Put dependencies here, e.g. import numpy as np
class TerminalFunction(object): # Do not change the name of the class, The name of the class must be `TerminalFunction`
def run(self, path): # The name of the function must be `run`, it takes only a positional argument.
# rewrite the function you have just written here
return generated_file_path
def inspect_dependency(chatbot, history):
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
return True
def get_code_block(reply):
import re
pattern = r"```([\s\S]*?)```" # regex pattern to match code blocks
matches = re.findall(pattern, reply) # find all code blocks in text
if len(matches) == 1:
return matches[0].strip('python') # code block
for match in matches:
if 'class TerminalFunction' in match:
return match.strip('python') # code block
raise RuntimeError("GPT is not generating proper code.")
def gpt_interact_multi_step(txt, file_type, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history):
# 输入
prompt_compose = [
f'Your job:\n'
f'1. write a single Python function, which takes a path of a `{file_type}` file as the only argument and returns a `string` containing the result of analysis or the path of generated files. \n',
f"2. You should write this function to perform following task: " + txt + "\n",
f"3. Wrap the output python function with markdown codeblock."
i_say = "".join(prompt_compose)
demo = []
# 第一步
gpt_say = yield from request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive(
inputs=i_say, inputs_show_user=i_say,
llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, chatbot=chatbot, history=demo,
sys_prompt= r"You are a programmer."
history.extend([i_say, gpt_say])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # 界面更新
# 第二步
prompt_compose = [
"If previous stage is successful, rewrite the function you have just written to satisfy following templete: \n",
i_say = "".join(prompt_compose); inputs_show_user = "If previous stage is successful, rewrite the function you have just written to satisfy executable templete. "
gpt_say = yield from request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive(
inputs=i_say, inputs_show_user=inputs_show_user,
llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, chatbot=chatbot, history=history,
sys_prompt= r"You are a programmer."
code_to_return = gpt_say
history.extend([i_say, gpt_say])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # 界面更新
# # 第三步
# i_say = "Please list to packages to install to run the code above. Then show me how to use `try_install_deps` function to install them."
# i_say += 'For instance. `try_install_deps(["opencv-python", "scipy", "numpy"])`'
# installation_advance = yield from request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive(
# inputs=i_say, inputs_show_user=inputs_show_user,
# llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, chatbot=chatbot, history=history,
# sys_prompt= r"You are a programmer."
# )
# # # 第三步
# i_say = "Show me how to use `pip` to install packages to run the code above. "
# i_say += 'For instance. `pip install -r opencv-python scipy numpy`'
# installation_advance = yield from request_gpt_model_in_new_thread_with_ui_alive(
# inputs=i_say, inputs_show_user=i_say,
# llm_kwargs=llm_kwargs, chatbot=chatbot, history=history,
# sys_prompt= r"You are a programmer."
# )
installation_advance = ""
return code_to_return, installation_advance, txt, file_type, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history
def make_module(code):
module_file = 'gpt_fn_' + gen_time_str().replace('-','_')
with open(f'gpt_log/{module_file}.py', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
def get_class_name(class_string):
import re
# Use regex to extract the class name
class_name ='class (\w+)\(', class_string).group(1)
return class_name
class_name = get_class_name(code)
return f"gpt_log.{module_file}->{class_name}"
def init_module_instance(module):
import importlib
module_, class_ = module.split('->')
init_f = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_), class_)
return init_f()
def for_immediate_show_off_when_possible(file_type, fp, chatbot):
if file_type in ['png', 'jpg']:
image_path = os.path.abspath(fp)
chatbot.append(['这是一张图片, 展示如下:',
f'本地文件地址: <br/>`{image_path}`<br/>'+
f'本地文件预览: <br/><div align="center"><img src="file={image_path}"></div>'
return chatbot
def subprocess_worker(instance, file_path, return_dict):
return_dict['result'] =
def have_any_recent_upload_files(chatbot):
_5min = 5 * 60
if not chatbot: return False # chatbot is None
most_recent_uploaded = chatbot._cookies.get("most_recent_uploaded", None)
if not most_recent_uploaded: return False # most_recent_uploaded is None
if time.time() - most_recent_uploaded["time"] < _5min: return True # most_recent_uploaded is new
else: return False # most_recent_uploaded is too old
def get_recent_file_prompt_support(chatbot):
most_recent_uploaded = chatbot._cookies.get("most_recent_uploaded", None)
path = most_recent_uploaded['path']
return path
def 虚空终端CodeInterpreter(txt, llm_kwargs, plugin_kwargs, chatbot, history, system_prompt, web_port):
txt 输入栏用户输入的文本,例如需要翻译的一段话,再例如一个包含了待处理文件的路径
llm_kwargs gpt模型参数,如温度和top_p等,一般原样传递下去就行
plugin_kwargs 插件模型的参数,暂时没有用武之地
chatbot 聊天显示框的句柄,用于显示给用户
history 聊天历史,前情提要
system_prompt 给gpt的静默提醒
web_port 当前软件运行的端口号
raise NotImplementedError
# 清空历史,以免输入溢出
history = []; clear_file_downloadzone(chatbot)
# 基本信息:功能、贡献者
"CodeInterpreter开源版, 此插件处于开发阶段, 建议暂时不要使用, 插件初始化中 ..."
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
if have_any_recent_upload_files(chatbot):
file_path = get_recent_file_prompt_support(chatbot)
chatbot.append(["文件检索", "没有发现任何近期上传的文件。"])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
# 读取文件
if ("recently_uploaded_files" in plugin_kwargs) and (plugin_kwargs["recently_uploaded_files"] == ""): plugin_kwargs.pop("recently_uploaded_files")
recently_uploaded_files = plugin_kwargs.get("recently_uploaded_files", None)
file_path = recently_uploaded_files[-1]
file_type = file_path.split('.')[-1]
# 粗心检查
if 'private_upload' in txt:
f"请在输入框内填写需求,然后再次点击该插件(文件路径 {file_path} 已经被记忆)"
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
# 开始干正事
for j in range(5): # 最多重试5次
code, installation_advance, txt, file_type, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history = \
yield from gpt_interact_multi_step(txt, file_type, llm_kwargs, chatbot, history)
code = get_code_block(code)
res = make_module(code)
instance = init_module_instance(res)
except Exception as e:
chatbot.append([f"第{j}次代码生成尝试,失败了", f"错误追踪\n```\n{trimmed_format_exc()}\n```\n"])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
# 代码生成结束, 开始执行
import multiprocessing
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
return_dict = manager.dict()
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=subprocess_worker, args=(instance, file_path, return_dict))
# only has 10 seconds to run
p.start(); p.join(timeout=10)
if p.is_alive(): p.terminate(); p.join()
res = return_dict['result']
# res =
except Exception as e:
chatbot.append(["执行失败了", f"错误追踪\n```\n{trimmed_format_exc()}\n```\n"])
# chatbot.append(["如果是缺乏依赖,请参考以下建议", installation_advance])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面
# 顺利完成,收尾
res = str(res)
if os.path.exists(res):
chatbot.append(["执行成功了,结果是一个有效文件", "结果:" + res])
new_file_path = promote_file_to_downloadzone(res, chatbot=chatbot)
chatbot = for_immediate_show_off_when_possible(file_type, new_file_path, chatbot)
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # 界面更新
chatbot.append(["执行成功了,结果是一个字符串", "结果:" + res])
yield from update_ui(chatbot=chatbot, history=history) # 刷新界面 # 界面更新