radames's picture
history blame contribute delete
No virus
15 kB
import { api } from "./api.js"
import "./domWidget.js";
let controlValueRunBefore = false;
export function updateControlWidgetLabel(widget) {
let replacement = "after";
let find = "before";
if (controlValueRunBefore) {
[find, replacement] = [replacement, find]
widget.label = (widget.label ?? widget.name).replace(find, replacement);
const IS_CONTROL_WIDGET = Symbol();
const HAS_EXECUTED = Symbol();
function getNumberDefaults(inputData, defaultStep, precision, enable_rounding) {
let defaultVal = inputData[1]["default"];
let { min, max, step, round} = inputData[1];
if (defaultVal == undefined) defaultVal = 0;
if (min == undefined) min = 0;
if (max == undefined) max = 2048;
if (step == undefined) step = defaultStep;
// precision is the number of decimal places to show.
// by default, display the the smallest number of decimal places such that changes of size step are visible.
if (precision == undefined) {
precision = Math.max(-Math.floor(Math.log10(step)),0);
if (enable_rounding && (round == undefined || round === true)) {
// by default, round the value to those decimal places shown.
round = Math.round(1000000*Math.pow(0.1,precision))/1000000;
return { val: defaultVal, config: { min, max, step: 10.0 * step, round, precision } };
export function addValueControlWidget(node, targetWidget, defaultValue = "randomize", values, widgetName, inputData) {
let name = inputData[1]?.control_after_generate;
if(typeof name !== "string") {
name = widgetName;
const widgets = addValueControlWidgets(node, targetWidget, defaultValue, {
addFilterList: false,
controlAfterGenerateName: name
}, inputData);
return widgets[0];
export function addValueControlWidgets(node, targetWidget, defaultValue = "randomize", options, inputData) {
if (!defaultValue) defaultValue = "randomize";
if (!options) options = {};
const getName = (defaultName, optionName) => {
let name = defaultName;
if (options[optionName]) {
name = options[optionName];
} else if (typeof inputData?.[1]?.[defaultName] === "string") {
name = inputData?.[1]?.[defaultName];
} else if (inputData?.[1]?.control_prefix) {
name = inputData?.[1]?.control_prefix + " " + name
return name;
const widgets = [];
const valueControl = node.addWidget(
getName("control_after_generate", "controlAfterGenerateName"),
function () {},
values: ["fixed", "increment", "decrement", "randomize"],
serialize: false, // Don't include this in prompt.
valueControl[IS_CONTROL_WIDGET] = true;
const isCombo = targetWidget.type === "combo";
let comboFilter;
if (isCombo) {
if (isCombo && options.addFilterList !== false) {
comboFilter = node.addWidget(
getName("control_filter_list", "controlFilterListName"),
function () {},
serialize: false, // Don't include this in prompt.
const applyWidgetControl = () => {
var v = valueControl.value;
if (isCombo && v !== "fixed") {
let values = targetWidget.options.values;
const filter = comboFilter?.value;
if (filter) {
let check;
if (filter.startsWith("/") && filter.endsWith("/")) {
try {
const regex = new RegExp(filter.substring(1, filter.length - 1));
check = (item) => regex.test(item);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error constructing RegExp filter for node " + node.id, filter, error);
if (!check) {
const lower = filter.toLocaleLowerCase();
check = (item) => item.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(lower);
values = values.filter(item => check(item));
if (!values.length && targetWidget.options.values.length) {
console.warn("Filter for node " + node.id + " has filtered out all items", filter);
let current_index = values.indexOf(targetWidget.value);
let current_length = values.length;
switch (v) {
case "increment":
current_index += 1;
case "increment-wrap":
current_index += 1;
if ( current_index >= current_length ) {
current_index = 0;
case "decrement":
current_index -= 1;
case "randomize":
current_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * current_length);
current_index = Math.max(0, current_index);
current_index = Math.min(current_length - 1, current_index);
if (current_index >= 0) {
let value = values[current_index];
targetWidget.value = value;
} else {
let min = targetWidget.options.min;
let max = targetWidget.options.max;
// limit to something that javascript can handle
max = Math.min(1125899906842624, max);
min = Math.max(-1125899906842624, min);
let range = (max - min) / (targetWidget.options.step / 10);
//adjust values based on valueControl Behaviour
switch (v) {
case "fixed":
case "increment":
targetWidget.value += targetWidget.options.step / 10;
case "decrement":
targetWidget.value -= targetWidget.options.step / 10;
case "randomize":
targetWidget.value = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) * (targetWidget.options.step / 10) + min;
/*check if values are over or under their respective
* ranges and set them to min or max.*/
if (targetWidget.value < min) targetWidget.value = min;
if (targetWidget.value > max)
targetWidget.value = max;
valueControl.beforeQueued = () => {
if (controlValueRunBefore) {
// Don't run on first execution
if (valueControl[HAS_EXECUTED]) {
valueControl[HAS_EXECUTED] = true;
valueControl.afterQueued = () => {
if (!controlValueRunBefore) {
return widgets;
function seedWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app, widgetName) {
const seed = createIntWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app, true);
const seedControl = addValueControlWidget(node, seed.widget, "randomize", undefined, widgetName, inputData);
seed.widget.linkedWidgets = [seedControl];
return seed;
function createIntWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app, isSeedInput) {
const control = inputData[1]?.control_after_generate;
if (!isSeedInput && control) {
return seedWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app, typeof control === "string" ? control : undefined);
let widgetType = isSlider(inputData[1]["display"], app);
const { val, config } = getNumberDefaults(inputData, 1, 0, true);
Object.assign(config, { precision: 0 });
return {
widget: node.addWidget(
function (v) {
const s = this.options.step / 10;
this.value = Math.round(v / s) * s;
function addMultilineWidget(node, name, opts, app) {
const inputEl = document.createElement("textarea");
inputEl.className = "comfy-multiline-input";
inputEl.value = opts.defaultVal;
inputEl.placeholder = opts.placeholder || name;
const widget = node.addDOMWidget(name, "customtext", inputEl, {
getValue() {
return inputEl.value;
setValue(v) {
inputEl.value = v;
widget.inputEl = inputEl;
inputEl.addEventListener("input", () => {
return { minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200, widget };
function isSlider(display, app) {
if (app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("Comfy.DisableSliders")) {
return "number"
return (display==="slider") ? "slider" : "number"
export function initWidgets(app) {
id: "Comfy.WidgetControlMode",
name: "Widget Value Control Mode",
type: "combo",
defaultValue: "after",
options: ["before", "after"],
tooltip: "Controls when widget values are updated (randomize/increment/decrement), either before the prompt is queued or after.",
onChange(value) {
controlValueRunBefore = value === "before";
for (const n of app.graph._nodes) {
if (!n.widgets) continue;
for (const w of n.widgets) {
if (w.linkedWidgets) {
for (const l of w.linkedWidgets) {
export const ComfyWidgets = {
"INT:seed": seedWidget,
"INT:noise_seed": seedWidget,
FLOAT(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
let widgetType = isSlider(inputData[1]["display"], app);
let precision = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("Comfy.FloatRoundingPrecision");
let disable_rounding = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("Comfy.DisableFloatRounding")
if (precision == 0) precision = undefined;
const { val, config } = getNumberDefaults(inputData, 0.5, precision, !disable_rounding);
return { widget: node.addWidget(widgetType, inputName, val,
function (v) {
if (config.round) {
this.value = Math.round(v/config.round)*config.round;
} else {
this.value = v;
}, config) };
INT(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
return createIntWidget(node, inputName, inputData, app);
BOOLEAN(node, inputName, inputData) {
let defaultVal = false;
let options = {};
if (inputData[1]) {
if (inputData[1].default)
defaultVal = inputData[1].default;
if (inputData[1].label_on)
options["on"] = inputData[1].label_on;
if (inputData[1].label_off)
options["off"] = inputData[1].label_off;
return {
widget: node.addWidget(
() => {},
STRING(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const defaultVal = inputData[1].default || "";
const multiline = !!inputData[1].multiline;
let res;
if (multiline) {
res = addMultilineWidget(node, inputName, { defaultVal, ...inputData[1] }, app);
} else {
res = { widget: node.addWidget("text", inputName, defaultVal, () => {}, {}) };
if(inputData[1].dynamicPrompts != undefined)
res.widget.dynamicPrompts = inputData[1].dynamicPrompts;
return res;
COMBO(node, inputName, inputData) {
const type = inputData[0];
let defaultValue = type[0];
if (inputData[1] && inputData[1].default) {
defaultValue = inputData[1].default;
const res = { widget: node.addWidget("combo", inputName, defaultValue, () => {}, { values: type }) };
if (inputData[1]?.control_after_generate) {
res.widget.linkedWidgets = addValueControlWidgets(node, res.widget, undefined, undefined, inputData);
return res;
IMAGEUPLOAD(node, inputName, inputData, app) {
const imageWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => w.name === (inputData[1]?.widget ?? "image"));
let uploadWidget;
function showImage(name) {
const img = new Image();
img.onload = () => {
node.imgs = [img];
let folder_separator = name.lastIndexOf("/");
let subfolder = "";
if (folder_separator > -1) {
subfolder = name.substring(0, folder_separator);
name = name.substring(folder_separator + 1);
img.src = api.apiURL(`/view?filename=${encodeURIComponent(name)}&type=input&subfolder=${subfolder}${app.getPreviewFormatParam()}${app.getRandParam()}`);
var default_value = imageWidget.value;
Object.defineProperty(imageWidget, "value", {
set : function(value) {
this._real_value = value;
get : function() {
let value = "";
if (this._real_value) {
value = this._real_value;
} else {
return default_value;
if (value.filename) {
let real_value = value;
value = "";
if (real_value.subfolder) {
value = real_value.subfolder + "/";
value += real_value.filename;
if(real_value.type && real_value.type !== "input")
value += ` [${real_value.type}]`;
return value;
// Add our own callback to the combo widget to render an image when it changes
const cb = node.callback;
imageWidget.callback = function () {
if (cb) {
return cb.apply(this, arguments);
// On load if we have a value then render the image
// The value isnt set immediately so we need to wait a moment
// No change callbacks seem to be fired on initial setting of the value
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (imageWidget.value) {
async function uploadFile(file, updateNode, pasted = false) {
try {
// Wrap file in formdata so it includes filename
const body = new FormData();
body.append("image", file);
if (pasted) body.append("subfolder", "pasted");
const resp = await api.fetchApi("/upload/image", {
method: "POST",
if (resp.status === 200) {
const data = await resp.json();
// Add the file to the dropdown list and update the widget value
let path = data.name;
if (data.subfolder) path = data.subfolder + "/" + path;
if (!imageWidget.options.values.includes(path)) {
if (updateNode) {
imageWidget.value = path;
} else {
alert(resp.status + " - " + resp.statusText);
} catch (error) {
const fileInput = document.createElement("input");
Object.assign(fileInput, {
type: "file",
accept: "image/jpeg,image/png,image/webp",
style: "display: none",
onchange: async () => {
if (fileInput.files.length) {
await uploadFile(fileInput.files[0], true);
// Create the button widget for selecting the files
uploadWidget = node.addWidget("button", inputName, "image", () => {
uploadWidget.label = "choose file to upload";
uploadWidget.serialize = false;
// Add handler to check if an image is being dragged over our node
node.onDragOver = function (e) {
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.items) {
const image = [...e.dataTransfer.items].find((f) => f.kind === "file");
return !!image;
return false;
// On drop upload files
node.onDragDrop = function (e) {
console.log("onDragDrop called");
let handled = false;
for (const file of e.dataTransfer.files) {
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) {
uploadFile(file, !handled); // Dont await these, any order is fine, only update on first one
handled = true;
return handled;
node.pasteFile = function(file) {
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) {
const is_pasted = (file.name === "image.png") &&
(file.lastModified - Date.now() < 2000);
uploadFile(file, true, is_pasted);
return true;
return false;
return { widget: uploadWidget };