from transformers import pipeline from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException from payload import SomeText from api_contract import components_dict as api_components from error_handling import ErrorCodes app = FastAPI() app=FastAPI(title="Huggingface Gen LLM gest", version="1.0", debug=True, components=api_components, swagger_ui_bundle_js= "//", swagger_ui_standalone_preset_js= "//", summary="API to perform generative prompt completion using small LLM (without GPU).", ) pipe_flan = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-small") @app.get("/") def read_root(): return {'detail': 'API running. Try out the endpoints in swagger'} @app.get("/api/check-heartbeat") def get_heartbeat(): return {"detail": "seems to be working"}"/api/generatel-language", summary="Generate text from prompt", tags=["Generate"]) def inference(request: Request, input_prompt: SomeText): if len(input_prompt.text) >0: output = pipe_flan(input_prompt.text) return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]} else: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail = ErrorCodes.REQUEST_VALIDATION_ERROR.value[1])