import gradio as gr from inference import Inference import os import zipfile import hashlib from utils.model import model_downloader, get_model import requests import json api_url = "" zips_folder = "./zips" unzips_folder = "./unzips" if not os.path.exists(zips_folder): os.mkdir(zips_folder) if not os.path.exists(unzips_folder): os.mkdir(unzips_folder) def calculate_md5(file_path): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(file_path, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() def compress(modelname, files): file_path = os.path.join(zips_folder, f"{modelname}.zip") # Select the compression mode ZIP_DEFLATED for compression # or zipfile.ZIP_STORED to just store the file compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED # Comprueba si el archivo ZIP ya existe if not os.path.exists(file_path): # Si no existe, crea el archivo ZIP with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, mode="w") as zf: try: for file in files: if file: # Agrega el archivo al archivo ZIP zf.write(unzips_folder if ".index" in file else os.path.join(unzips_folder, file), compress_type=compression) except FileNotFoundError as fnf: print("An error occurred", fnf) else: # Si el archivo ZIP ya existe, agrega los archivos a un archivo ZIP existente with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, mode="a") as zf: try: for file in files: if file: # Agrega el archivo al archivo ZIP zf.write(unzips_folder if ".index" in file else os.path.join(unzips_folder, file), compress_type=compression) except FileNotFoundError as fnf: print("An error occurred", fnf) return file_path def infer(model, f0_method, audio_file): print("****", audio_file) inference = Inference( model_name=model, f0_method=f0_method, source_audio_path=audio_file, output_file_name=os.path.join("./audio-outputs", os.path.basename(audio_file)) ) output = if 'success' in output and output['success']: return output, output['file'] else: return def post_model(name, model_url, version, creator): modelname = model_downloader(model_url, zips_folder, unzips_folder) model_files = get_model(unzips_folder, modelname) md5_hash = calculate_md5(os.path.join(unzips_folder,model_files['pth'])) zipfile = compress(modelname, list(model_files.values())) file_to_upload = open(zipfile, "rb") data = { "name": name, "version": version, "creator": creator, "hash": md5_hash } print("Subiendo archivo...") # Realizar la solicitud POST response =, files={"file": file_to_upload}, data=data) # Comprobar la respuesta if response.status_code == 200: result = response.json() return json.dumps(result, indent=4) else: print("Error al cargar el archivo:", response.status_code) return result def search_model(name): web_service_url = "" response =, json={ 'type': 'search_by_filename', 'name': name }) result = [] response.raise_for_status() # Lanza una excepción en caso de error json_response = response.json() cont = 0 if json_response.get('ok', None): for model in json_response['ocurrences']: if cont < 20: model_name = model.get('name', 'N/A') model_url = model.get('url', 'N/A') result.append(f"**Nombre del modelo: {model_name}**
") yield "
".join(result) cont += 1 with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.HTML("

Simple RVC Inference - by Juuxn 💻

") with gr.Tab("Inferencia"): model_url = gr.Textbox(placeholder="", label="Url del modelo", show_label=True) audio_path = gr.Audio(label="Archivo de audio", show_label=True, type="filepath", ) f0_method = gr.Dropdown(choices=["harvest", "pm", "crepe", "crepe-tiny", "mangio-crepe", "mangio-crepe-tiny", "rmvpe"], value="harvest", label="Algoritmo", show_label=True) # Salida with gr.Row(): vc_output1 = gr.Textbox(label="Salida") vc_output2 = gr.Audio(label="Audio de salida") btn = gr.Button(value="Convertir"), inputs=[model_url, f0_method, audio_path], outputs=[vc_output1, vc_output2]) with gr.Tab("Recursos"): gr.HTML("

Buscar modelos

") search_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Billie Eillish (RVC v2 - 100 epoch)", label="Nombre", show_label=True) # Salida with gr.Row(): sarch_output = gr.Markdown(label="Salida") btn_search_model = gr.Button(value="Buscar"), inputs=[search_name], outputs=[sarch_output]) gr.HTML("

Publica tu modelo

") post_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Billie Eillish (RVC v2 - 100 epoch)", label="Nombre", show_label=True) post_model_url = gr.Textbox(placeholder="", label="Url del modelo", show_label=True) post_creator = gr.Textbox(placeholder="ID de discord o enlace al perfil del creador", label="Creador", show_label=True) post_version = gr.Dropdown(choices=["RVC v1", "RVC v2"], value="RVC v1", label="Versión", show_label=True) # Salida with gr.Row(): post_output = gr.Markdown(label="Salida") btn_post_model = gr.Button(value="Publicar"), inputs=[post_name, post_model_url, post_version, post_creator], outputs=[post_output]) app.queue(concurrency_count=511, max_size=1022).launch(share=True)