Name,Stars,Title,Date,Text,Verified Alice,4.0,Solid performance,2024-01-15,Great teamwork and communication. Could improve on meeting deadlines.,Yes Alice,3.5,Steady improvement,2024-02-20,Good problem-solving skills. Needs to work on code quality and attention to detail.,Yes Alice,5.0,Outstanding contribution,2024-03-10,Excellent initiative and leadership. Exceeds expectations in all tasks.,Yes Alice,2.5,Needs focus,2024-04-18,Lacks focus on assigned tasks. Requires guidance in improving technical skills.,No Alice,4.5,Very positive progress,2024-05-05,Great improvement in communication. Highly proactive in learning new skills.,Yes Alice,3.0,Moderate performance,2024-06-12,Consistent work but needs to enhance creativity in solutions.,Yes Alice,4.8,Excellent progress,2024-07-23,Exceptional coding and problem-solving skills. Collaborates well with the team.,Yes Alice,2.0,Below expectations,2024-08-16,Struggles with deadlines and communication. Needs significant improvement.,No Alice,3.8,Good but can be better,2024-09-08,Shows potential in technical skills. Needs to improve on teamwork and leadership.,Yes Alice,4.2,Very good performance,2024-10-27,Consistently meets expectations. Excellent initiative in project management.,Yes Alice,3.2,Average performance,2024-11-03,Steady work but needs to improve communication and coding practices.,No Alice,5.0,Exemplary contribution,2024-12-19,Outstanding performance in all areas. A true asset to the team.,Yes