File size: 6,848 Bytes
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import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Iterator, Dict, Any, Optional
def generate_random_data(
date: date,
start_time: time,
end_time: time,
count: int,
response_time_range: (int, int),
null_percentage: float
) -> pd.DataFrame:
start_datetime: datetime = datetime.combine(date, start_time)
end_datetime: datetime = datetime.combine(date, end_time)
random_timestamps: List[datetime] = [
start_datetime + timedelta(seconds=random.randint(0, int((end_datetime - start_datetime).total_seconds())))
for _ in range(count)
random_response_times: List[Optional[int]] = [
random.randint(response_time_range[0], response_time_range[1]) for _ in range(count)
null_count: int = int(null_percentage * count)
null_indices: List[int] = random.sample(range(count), null_count)
for idx in null_indices:
random_response_times[idx] = None
data: Dict[str, Any] = {
'Timestamp': random_timestamps,
'ResponseTime(ms)': random_response_times
df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
def calculate_percentile(
df: pd.DataFrame,
freq: str,
percentile: float
) -> pd.DataFrame:
percentile_df: pd.DataFrame = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='Timestamp', freq=freq))["ResponseTime(ms)"]\
.quantile(percentile).reset_index(name=f"p{int(percentile * 100)}_ResponseTime(ms)")
percentile_df.replace(to_replace=np.nan, value=None, inplace=True)
return percentile_df
def aggregate_data(
df: pd.DataFrame,
period_length: str,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
if df.empty:
return pd.DataFrame() # Return an empty DataFrame if input is empty
aggregation_funcs = {
'p50': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 50) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'p95': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 95) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'p99': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 99) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'max': lambda x: np.max(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'min': lambda x: np.min(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'average': lambda x: np.mean(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan
summary_df = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='Timestamp', freq=period_length)).agg(
p50=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['p50']),
p95=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['p95']),
p99=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['p99']),
max=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['max']),
min=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['min']),
average=('ResponseTime(ms)', aggregation_funcs['average']),
return summary_df
def re_aggregate_data(
df: pd.DataFrame,
period_length: str,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
if df.empty:
return pd.DataFrame() # Return an empty DataFrame if input is empty
aggregation_funcs = {
'p50': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 50) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'p95': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 95) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'p99': lambda x: np.percentile(x.dropna(), 99) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'max': lambda x: np.max(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'min': lambda x: np.min(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan,
'average': lambda x: np.mean(x.dropna()) if not x.dropna().empty else np.nan
summary_df = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='Timestamp', freq=period_length)).agg(
p50=('p50', aggregation_funcs['p50']),
p95=('p95', aggregation_funcs['p95']),
p99=('p99', aggregation_funcs['p99']),
max=('max', aggregation_funcs['max']),
min=('min', aggregation_funcs['min']),
average=('average', aggregation_funcs['average']),
return summary_df
def chunk_list(input_list: List[Any], size: int = 3) -> Iterator[List[Any]]:
while input_list:
chunk: List[Any] = input_list[:size]
yield chunk
input_list = input_list[size:]
def evaluate_alarm_state(
summary_df: pd.DataFrame,
threshold: int,
datapoints_to_alarm: int,
evaluation_range: int,
aggregation_function: str,
alarm_condition: str
) -> pd.DataFrame:
data_points: List[Optional[float]] = list(summary_df[aggregation_function].values)
data_table_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {
"DataPoints": [],
"# of data points that must be filled": [],
"MISSING": [],
"IGNORE": [],
def check_condition(value, threshold, condition):
if condition == '>':
return value > threshold
elif condition == '>=':
return value >= threshold
elif condition == '<':
return value < threshold
elif condition == '<=':
return value <= threshold
for chunk in chunk_list(input_list=data_points, size=evaluation_range):
data_point_repr: str = ''
num_dp_that_must_be_filled: int = 0
for dp in chunk:
if str(dp).lower() == "nan":
dp_symbol = '⚫️'
elif check_condition(dp, threshold, alarm_condition):
dp_symbol = '🔴'
dp_symbol = '🟢'
data_point_repr += dp_symbol
if len(chunk) < evaluation_range:
data_point_repr += '⚫️' * (evaluation_range - len(chunk))
if data_point_repr.count('⚫️') > (evaluation_range - datapoints_to_alarm):
num_dp_that_must_be_filled = datapoints_to_alarm - sum([data_point_repr.count('🟢'), data_point_repr.count('🔴')])
data_table_dict["# of data points that must be filled"].append(num_dp_that_must_be_filled)
if num_dp_that_must_be_filled > 0:
data_table_dict["MISSING"].append("INSUFFICIENT_DATA" if data_point_repr.count('⚫️') == evaluation_range else "Retain current state")
data_table_dict["IGNORE"].append("Retain current state")
data_table_dict["NOT BREACHING"].append("OK")
data_table_dict["IGNORE"].append("Retain current state")
data_table_dict["BREACHING"].append("ALARM" if '🔴' * datapoints_to_alarm in data_point_repr else "OK")
data_table_dict["NOT BREACHING"].append("ALARM" if '🟢' * datapoints_to_alarm not in data_point_repr else "OK")
return pd.DataFrame(data_table_dict)