import gradio as gr import spaces import pandas as pd import torch from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel import plotly.graph_objects as go import logging import io from rapidfuzz import fuzz import time import os groq_key = os.environ['groq_key'] from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl.utils.dataframe import dataframe_to_rows import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import logging from typing import List, Set, Tuple import asyncio def fuzzy_deduplicate(df, column, threshold=55): """Deduplicate rows based on fuzzy matching of text content""" seen_texts = [] indices_to_keep = [] for i, text in enumerate(df[column]): if pd.isna(text): indices_to_keep.append(i) continue text = str(text) if not seen_texts or all(fuzz.ratio(text, seen) < threshold for seen in seen_texts): seen_texts.append(text) indices_to_keep.append(i) return df.iloc[indices_to_keep] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GPUTaskManager: def __init__(self, max_retries=3, retry_delay=30, cleanup_callback=None): self.max_retries = max_retries self.retry_delay = retry_delay self.cleanup_callback = cleanup_callback async def run_with_retry(self, task_func, *args, **kwargs): """Execute a GPU task with retry logic""" for attempt in range(self.max_retries): try: return await task_func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if "GPU task aborted" in str(e) or "GPU quota" in str(e): if attempt < self.max_retries - 1: if self.cleanup_callback: self.cleanup_callback() torch.cuda.empty_cache() await asyncio.sleep(self.retry_delay) continue raise @staticmethod def batch_process(items, batch_size=3): """Split items into smaller batches""" return [items[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(items), batch_size)] @staticmethod def is_gpu_error(error): """Check if an error is GPU-related""" error_msg = str(error).lower() return any(msg in error_msg for msg in [ "gpu task aborted", "gpu quota", "cuda out of memory", "device-side assert" ]) class ProcessControl: def __init__(self): self.stop_requested = False def request_stop(self): self.stop_requested = True def should_stop(self): return self.stop_requested def reset(self): self.stop_requested = False class ProcessControl: def __init__(self): self.stop_requested = False self.error = None def request_stop(self): self.stop_requested = True def should_stop(self): return self.stop_requested def reset(self): self.stop_requested = False self.error = None def set_error(self, error): self.error = error self.stop_requested = True class EventDetector: def __init__(self): try: device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu""Initializing models on device: {device}") # Initialize all models self.initialize_models(device) # Initialize transformer for declusterization self.tokenizer_cluster = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2') self.model_cluster = AutoModel.from_pretrained('sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-mpnet-base-v2').to(device) self.device = device self.initialized = True"All models initialized successfully") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in EventDetector initialization: {str(e)}") raise def mean_pooling(self, model_output, attention_mask): token_embeddings = model_output[0] input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float() return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9) def encode_text(self, text): if pd.isna(text): text = "" text = str(text) encoded_input = self.tokenizer_cluster(text, padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512, return_tensors='pt').to(self.device) with torch.no_grad(): model_output = self.model_cluster(**encoded_input) sentence_embeddings = self.mean_pooling(model_output, encoded_input['attention_mask']) return torch.nn.functional.normalize(sentence_embeddings[0], p=2, dim=0) @spaces.GPU(duration=20) def decluster_texts(self, df, text_column, similarity_threshold=0.75, time_threshold=24): try: if df.empty: return df # Sort by datetime if available if 'datetime' in df.columns: df = df.sort_values('datetime') # Initialize lists and sets for tracking indices_to_delete = set() # Process each text for i in df.index: if i in indices_to_delete: # Skip if already marked for deletion continue text1 = df.loc[i, text_column] if pd.isna(text1): continue text1_embedding = self.encode_text(text1) current_cluster = [] # Compare with other texts for j in df.index: if i == j or j in indices_to_delete: # Skip same text or already marked continue text2 = df.loc[j, text_column] if pd.isna(text2): continue # Check time difference if datetime available if 'datetime' in df.columns: time_diff = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[j, 'datetime']) - pd.to_datetime(df.loc[i, 'datetime']) if abs(time_diff.total_seconds() / 3600) > time_threshold: continue text2_embedding = self.encode_text(text2) similarity =, text2_embedding).item() if similarity >= similarity_threshold: current_cluster.append(j) # If we found similar texts, keep the longest one if current_cluster: current_cluster.append(i) # Add the current text to cluster text_lengths = df.loc[current_cluster, text_column].fillna('').str.len() longest_text_idx = text_lengths.idxmax() # Mark all except longest for deletion indices_to_delete.update(set(current_cluster) - {longest_text_idx}) # Return DataFrame without deleted rows return df.drop(index=list(indices_to_delete)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Declusterization error: {str(e)}") return df @spaces.GPU(duration=30) def initialize_models(self, device): """Initialize all models with GPU support""" # Initialize translation model self.translator = pipeline( "translation", model="Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ru-en", device=device ) self.rutranslator = pipeline( "translation", model="Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-ru", device=device ) # Initialize sentiment models self.finbert = pipeline( "sentiment-analysis", model="ProsusAI/finbert", device=device, truncation=True, max_length=512 ) self.roberta = pipeline( "sentiment-analysis", model="cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment", device=device, truncation=True, max_length=512 ) self.finbert_tone = pipeline( "sentiment-analysis", model="yiyanghkust/finbert-tone", device=device, truncation=True, max_length=512 ) # Initialize MT5 model self.model_name = "google/mt5-small" self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.model_name, legacy=True ) self.model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(self.model_name).to(device) # Initialize Groq if 'groq_key': self.groq = ChatOpenAI( base_url="", model="llama-3.1-70b-versatile", openai_api_key=groq_key, temperature=0.0 ) else: logger.warning("Groq API key not found, impact estimation will be limited") self.groq = None @spaces.GPU(duration=20) def _translate_text(self, text): """Translate Russian text to English""" try: if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return "" text = text.strip() if not text: return "" # Split into manageable chunks max_length = 450 chunks = [text[i:i + max_length] for i in range(0, len(text), max_length)] translated_chunks = [] for chunk in chunks: result = self.translator(chunk)[0]['translation_text'] translated_chunks.append(result) time.sleep(0.1) # Rate limiting return " ".join(translated_chunks) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Translation error: {str(e)}") return text @spaces.GPU(duration=20) def analyze_sentiment(self, text): """Enhanced sentiment analysis with better negative detection""" try: if not text or not isinstance(text, str): return "Neutral" text = text.strip() if not text: return "Neutral" # Get predictions with confidence scores finbert_result = self.finbert(text)[0] roberta_result = self.roberta(text)[0] finbert_tone_result = self.finbert_tone(text)[0] # Enhanced sentiment mapping with confidence thresholds def map_sentiment(result): label = result['label'].lower() score = result['score'] # Higher threshold for positive to reduce false positives if label in ['positive', 'pos', 'positive tone'] and score > 0.75:"Positive: {str(score)}") return "Positive" # Lower threshold for negative to catch more cases elif label in ['negative', 'neg', 'negative tone'] and score > 0.75:"Negative: {str(score)}") return "Negative" # Consider high-confidence neutral predictions elif label == 'neutral' and score > 0.8:"Neutral: {str(score)}") return "Neutral" # Default to negative for uncertain cases in financial context else: return "Negative" if score > 0.4 else "Neutral" # Get mapped sentiments with confidence-based logic sentiments = [ map_sentiment(finbert_result), map_sentiment(roberta_result), map_sentiment(finbert_tone_result) ] # Weighted voting - prioritize negative signals if "Negative" in sentiments: neg_count = sentiments.count("Negative") if neg_count >= 2: # negative should be consensus return "Negative" pos_count = sentiments.count("Positive") if pos_count >= 2: # Require stronger positive consensus return "Positive" return "Neutral" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Sentiment analysis error: {str(e)}") return "Neutral" def estimate_impact(self, text, entity): """Estimate impact using Groq for negative sentiment texts""" try: if not self.groq: return "Неопределенный эффект", "Groq API недоступен" template = """ You are a financial analyst. Analyze this news about {entity} and assess its potential impact. News: {news} Classify the impact into one of these categories: 1. "Значительный риск убытков" (Significant loss risk) 2. "Умеренный риск убытков" (Moderate loss risk) 3. "Незначительный риск убытков" (Minor loss risk) 4. "Вероятность прибыли" (Potential profit) 5. "Неопределенный эффект" (Uncertain effect) Format your response exactly as: Impact: [category] Reasoning: [explanation in 2-3 sentences] """ prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["entity", "news"]) chain = prompt | self.groq response = chain.invoke({ "entity": entity, "news": text }) # Parse response response_text = response.content if hasattr(response, 'content') else str(response) if "Impact:" in response_text and "Reasoning:" in response_text: parts = response_text.split("Reasoning:") impact = parts[0].split("Impact:")[1].strip() reasoning = parts[1].strip() else: impact = "Неопределенный эффект" reasoning = "Не удалось определить влияние" return impact, reasoning except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Impact estimation error: {str(e)}") return "Неопределенный эффект", f"Ошибка анализа: {str(e)}" @spaces.GPU(duration=60) def process_text(self, text, entity): """Process text with Groq-driven sentiment analysis""" try: translated_text = self._translate_text(text) initial_sentiment = self.analyze_sentiment(translated_text) impact = "Неопределенный эффект" reasoning = "" # Always get Groq analysis for all texts impact, reasoning = self.estimate_impact(translated_text, entity) reasoning = self.rutranslator(reasoning)[0]['translation_text'] # Override sentiment based on Groq impact final_sentiment = initial_sentiment if impact == "Вероятность прибыли": final_sentiment = "Positive" event_type, event_summary = self.detect_events(text, entity) return { 'translated_text': translated_text, 'sentiment': final_sentiment, 'impact': impact, 'reasoning': reasoning, 'event_type': event_type, 'event_summary': event_summary } except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Text processing error: {str(e)}") return { 'translated_text': '', 'sentiment': 'Neutral', 'impact': 'Неопределенный эффект', 'reasoning': f'Ошибка обработки: {str(e)}', 'event_type': 'Нет', 'event_summary': '' } @spaces.GPU(duration=20) def detect_events(self, text, entity): if not text or not entity: return "Нет", "Invalid input" try: # Improved prompt for MT5 prompt = f"""Analyze this news about {entity}: Text: {text} Classify this news into ONE of these categories: 1. "Отчетность" if about: financial reports, revenue, profit, EBITDA, financial results, quarterly/annual reports 2. "Суд" if about: court cases, lawsuits, arbitration, bankruptcy, legal proceedings 3. "РЦБ" if about: bonds, securities, defaults, debt restructuring, coupon payments 4. "Нет" if none of the above Provide classification and 2-3 sentence summary focusing on key facts. Format response exactly as: Category: [category name] Summary: [brief factual summary]""" inputs = self.tokenizer( prompt, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512 ).to(self.device) outputs = self.model.generate( **inputs, max_length=200, num_return_sequences=1, do_sample=False, #temperature=0.0, #top_p=0.9, no_repeat_ngram_size=3 ) response = self.tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # Extract category and summary if "Category:" in response and "Summary:" in response: parts = response.split("Summary:") category = parts[0].split("Category:")[1].strip() summary = parts[1].strip() # Validate category valid_categories = {"Отчетность", "Суд", "РЦБ", "Нет"} category = category if category in valid_categories else "Нет" return category, summary return "Нет", "Could not classify event" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Event detection error: {str(e)}") return "Нет", f"Error in event detection: {str(e)}" def cleanup(self): """Clean up GPU resources""" try: self.model = None self.translator = None self.finbert = None self.roberta = None self.finbert_tone = None torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.initialized = False"Cleaned up GPU resources") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in cleanup: {str(e)}") def create_visualizations(df): if df is None or df.empty: return None, None try: sentiments = df['Sentiment'].value_counts() fig_sentiment = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie( labels=sentiments.index, values=sentiments.values, marker_colors=['#FF6B6B', '#4ECDC4', '#95A5A6'] )]) fig_sentiment.update_layout(title="Распределение тональности") events = df['Event_Type'].value_counts() fig_events = go.Figure(data=[go.Bar( x=events.index, y=events.values, marker_color='#2196F3' )]) fig_events.update_layout(title="Распределение событий") return fig_sentiment, fig_events except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Visualization error: {e}") return None, None @spaces.GPU def process_file(file_obj): try:"Starting to read Excel file...") df = pd.read_excel(file_obj, sheet_name='Публикации')"Successfully read Excel file. Shape: {df.shape}") # Deduplication original_count = len(df) df = fuzzy_deduplicate(df, 'Выдержки из текста', threshold=55)"Removed {original_count - len(df)} duplicate entries") detector = EventDetector() processed_rows = [] total = len(df) # Process in smaller batches with quota management BATCH_SIZE = 3 # Reduced batch size QUOTA_WAIT_TIME = 60 # Wait time when quota is exceeded for batch_start in range(0, total, BATCH_SIZE): try: batch_end = min(batch_start + BATCH_SIZE, total) batch = df.iloc[batch_start:batch_end] # Initialize models for batch if not detector.initialized: detector.initialize_models() time.sleep(1) # Wait after initialization for idx, row in batch.iterrows(): try: text = str(row.get('Выдержки из текста', '')) if not text.strip(): continue entity = str(row.get('Объект', '')) if not entity.strip(): continue # Process with GPU quota management event_type = "Нет" event_summary = "" sentiment = "Neutral" try: event_type, event_summary = detector.detect_events(text, entity) time.sleep(1) # Wait between GPU operations sentiment = detector.analyze_sentiment(text) except Exception as e: if "GPU quota" in str(e): logger.warning("GPU quota exceeded, waiting...") time.sleep(QUOTA_WAIT_TIME) continue else: raise e processed_rows.append({ 'Объект': entity, 'Заголовок': str(row.get('Заголовок', '')), 'Sentiment': sentiment, 'Event_Type': event_type, 'Event_Summary': event_summary, 'Текст': text[:1000] })"Processed {idx + 1}/{total} rows") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error processing row {idx}: {str(e)}") continue # Create intermediate results if processed_rows: intermediate_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_rows) yield ( intermediate_df, None, None, f"Обработано {len(processed_rows)}/{total} строк" ) # Wait between batches time.sleep(2) # Cleanup GPU resources after each batch torch.cuda.empty_cache() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Batch processing error: {str(e)}") if "GPU quota" in str(e): time.sleep(QUOTA_WAIT_TIME) continue # Final results if processed_rows: result_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_rows) fig_sentiment, fig_events = create_visualizations(result_df) return result_df, fig_sentiment, fig_events, "Обработка завершена!" else: return None, None, None, "Нет обработанных данных" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"File processing error: {str(e)}") raise def create_output_file(df, uploaded_file): """Create Excel file with multiple sheets from processed DataFrame""" try: wb = load_workbook("sample_file.xlsx") # 1. Update 'Публикации' sheet ws = wb['Публикации'] for r_idx, row in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(df, index=False, header=True), start=1): for c_idx, value in enumerate(row, start=1): ws.cell(row=r_idx, column=c_idx, value=value) # 2. Update 'Мониторинг' sheet with events ws = wb['Мониторинг'] row_idx = 4 events_df = df[df['Event_Type'] != 'Нет'].copy() for _, row in events_df.iterrows(): ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=5, value=row['Объект']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=6, value=row['Заголовок']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=7, value=row['Event_Type']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=8, value=row['Event_Summary']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=9, value=row['Выдержки из текста']) row_idx += 1 # 3. Update 'Сводка' sheet ws = wb['Сводка'] unique_entities = df['Объект'].unique() entity_stats = [] for entity in unique_entities: entity_df = df[df['Объект'] == entity] stats = { 'Объект': entity, 'Всего': len(entity_df), 'Негативные': len(entity_df[entity_df['Sentiment'] == 'Negative']), 'Позитивные': len(entity_df[entity_df['Sentiment'] == 'Positive']) } # Get most severe impact for entity negative_df = entity_df[entity_df['Sentiment'] == 'Negative'] if len(negative_df) > 0: impacts = negative_df['Impact'].dropna() if len(impacts) > 0: stats['Impact'] = impacts.iloc[0] else: stats['Impact'] = 'Неопределенный эффект' else: stats['Impact'] = 'Неопределенный эффект' entity_stats.append(stats) # Sort by number of negative mentions entity_stats = sorted(entity_stats, key=lambda x: x['Негативные'], reverse=True) # Write to sheet row_idx = 4 # Starting row in Сводка sheet for stats in entity_stats: ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=5, value=stats['Объект']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=6, value=stats['Всего']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=7, value=stats['Негативные']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=8, value=stats['Позитивные']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=9, value=stats['Impact']) row_idx += 1 # 4. Update 'Значимые' sheet ws = wb['Значимые'] row_idx = 3 sentiment_df = df[df['Sentiment'].isin(['Negative', 'Positive'])].copy() for _, row in sentiment_df.iterrows(): ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=3, value=row['Объект']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=4, value='релевантно') ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=5, value=row['Sentiment']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=6, value=row.get('Impact', '-')) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=7, value=row['Заголовок']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=8, value=row['Выдержки из текста']) row_idx += 1 # 5. Update 'Анализ' sheet ws = wb['Анализ'] row_idx = 4 negative_df = df[df['Sentiment'] == 'Negative'].copy() for _, row in negative_df.iterrows(): ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=5, value=row['Объект']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=6, value=row['Заголовок']) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=7, value="Риск убытка") ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=8, value=row.get('Reasoning', '-')) ws.cell(row=row_idx, column=9, value=row['Выдержки из текста']) row_idx += 1 # 6. Update 'Тех.приложение' sheet if 'Тех.приложение' not in wb.sheetnames: wb.create_sheet('Тех.приложение') ws = wb['Тех.приложение'] tech_cols = ['Объект', 'Заголовок', 'Выдержки из текста', 'Translated', 'Sentiment', 'Impact', 'Reasoning'] tech_df = df[tech_cols].copy() for r_idx, row in enumerate(dataframe_to_rows(tech_df, index=False, header=True), start=1): for c_idx, value in enumerate(row, start=1): ws.cell(row=r_idx, column=c_idx, value=value) # Save workbook output = io.BytesIO() return output except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error creating output file: {str(e)}") logger.error(f"DataFrame shape: {df.shape}") logger.error(f"Available columns: {df.columns.tolist()}") return None @spaces.GPU(duration=90) def process_and_download(file_bytes, control=None): """Synchronous wrapper for async processing""" if file_bytes is None: gr.Warning("Пожалуйста, загрузите файл") return pd.DataFrame(), None, None, None, "Ожидание файла...", "" if control is None: control = ProcessControl() async def async_process(): detector = None gpu_manager = GPUTaskManager( max_retries=3, retry_delay=30, cleanup_callback=lambda: detector.cleanup() if detector else None ) try: file_obj = io.BytesIO(file_bytes)"File loaded into BytesIO successfully") detector = EventDetector() # Read and deduplicate data with retry async def read_and_dedupe(): df = pd.read_excel(file_obj, sheet_name='Публикации') original_count = len(df) df = fuzzy_deduplicate(df, 'Выдержки из текста', threshold=55) return df, original_count df, original_count = await gpu_manager.run_with_retry(read_and_dedupe) # Process in smaller batches with better error handling processed_rows = [] batches = gpu_manager.batch_process(list(df.iterrows()), batch_size=3) latest_result = (pd.DataFrame(), None, None, None, "Начало обработки...", "") for batch in batches: if control.should_stop(): return latest_result try: # Process batch with retry mechanism async def process_batch(): batch_results = [] for idx, row in batch: text = str(row.get('Выдержки из текста', '')).strip() entity = str(row.get('Объект', '')).strip() if text and entity: results = detector.process_text(text, entity) batch_results.append({ 'Объект': entity, 'Заголовок': str(row.get('Заголовок', '')), 'Translated': results['translated_text'], 'Sentiment': results['sentiment'], 'Impact': results['impact'], 'Reasoning': results['reasoning'], 'Event_Type': results['event_type'], 'Event_Summary': results['event_summary'], 'Выдержки из текста': text }) return batch_results batch_results = await gpu_manager.run_with_retry(process_batch) processed_rows.extend(batch_results) # Update latest result if processed_rows: result_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_rows) latest_result = ( result_df, None, None, None, f"Обработано {len(processed_rows)}/{len(df)} строк", f"Удалено {original_count - len(df)} дубликатов" ) except Exception as e: if gpu_manager.is_gpu_error(e): logger.warning(f"GPU error in batch processing: {str(e)}") continue else: logger.error(f"Non-GPU error in batch processing: {str(e)}") finally: torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Create final results if processed_rows: result_df = pd.DataFrame(processed_rows) output_bytes_io = create_output_file(result_df, file_obj) fig_sentiment, fig_events = create_visualizations(result_df) if output_bytes_io: temp_file = "results.xlsx" with open(temp_file, "wb") as f: f.write(output_bytes_io.getvalue()) return ( result_df, fig_sentiment, fig_events, temp_file, "Обработка завершена!", f"Удалено {original_count - len(df)} дубликатов" ) return (pd.DataFrame(), None, None, None, "Нет обработанных данных", "") except Exception as e: error_msg = f"Ошибка анализа: {str(e)}" logger.error(error_msg) return (pd.DataFrame(), None, None, None, error_msg, "") finally: if detector: detector.cleanup() # Run the async function in the event loop try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) return loop.run_until_complete(async_process()) # Update the interface creation to pass the control object def create_interface(): control = ProcessControl() with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as app: # Create state for file data current_file = gr.State(None) gr.Markdown("# AI-анализ мониторинга новостей v.2.24a + extn") with gr.Row(): file_input = gr.File( label="Загрузите Excel файл", file_types=[".xlsx"], type="binary" ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): analyze_btn = gr.Button( "▶️ Начать анализ", variant="primary", size="lg" ) with gr.Column(scale=1): stop_btn = gr.Button( "⏹️ Остановить", variant="stop", size="lg" ) with gr.Row(): status_box = gr.Textbox( label="Статус дедупликации", interactive=False, value="" ) with gr.Row(): progress = gr.Textbox( label="Статус обработки", interactive=False, value="Ожидание файла..." ) with gr.Row(): stats = gr.DataFrame( label="Результаты анализа", interactive=False, wrap=True ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): sentiment_plot = gr.Plot(label="Распределение тональности") with gr.Column(scale=1): events_plot = gr.Plot(label="Распределение событий") with gr.Row(): file_output = gr.File( label="Скачать результаты", visible=True, interactive=True ) def stop_processing(): control.request_stop() return "Остановка обработки...", outputs=[progress]) # Main processing with control object passed fn=lambda x: process_and_download(x, control), inputs=[file_input], outputs=[ stats, sentiment_plot, events_plot, file_output, progress, status_box ] ) return app if __name__ == "__main__": app = create_interface() app.launch(share=True)