NeuralBody / lib /networks /renderer /
initial commit
import torch
from lib.config import cfg
from .nerf_net_utils import *
from .. import embedder
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, net): = net
def get_sampling_points(self, ray_o, ray_d, near, far):
# calculate the steps for each ray
t_vals = torch.linspace(0., 1., steps=cfg.N_samples).to(near)
z_vals = near[..., None] * (1. - t_vals) + far[..., None] * t_vals
if cfg.perturb > 0. and
# get intervals between samples
mids = .5 * (z_vals[..., 1:] + z_vals[..., :-1])
upper =[mids, z_vals[..., -1:]], -1)
lower =[z_vals[..., :1], mids], -1)
# stratified samples in those intervals
t_rand = torch.rand(z_vals.shape).to(upper)
z_vals = lower + (upper - lower) * t_rand
pts = ray_o[:, :, None] + ray_d[:, :, None] * z_vals[..., None]
return pts, z_vals
def prepare_sp_input(self, batch):
# feature, coordinate, shape, batch size
sp_input = {}
# coordinate: [N, 4], batch_idx, z, y, x
sh = batch['coord'].shape
idx = [torch.full([sh[1]], i) for i in range(sh[0])]
idx =['coord'])
coord = batch['coord'].view(-1, sh[-1])
sp_input['coord'] =[idx[:, None], coord], dim=1)
out_sh, _ = torch.max(batch['out_sh'], dim=0)
sp_input['out_sh'] = out_sh.tolist()
sp_input['batch_size'] = sh[0]
# used for feature interpolation
sp_input['bounds'] = batch['bounds']
sp_input['R'] = batch['R']
sp_input['Th'] = batch['Th']
# used for color function
sp_input['latent_index'] = batch['latent_index']
return sp_input
def get_density_color(self, wpts, viewdir, raw_decoder):
n_batch, n_pixel, n_sample = wpts.shape[:3]
wpts = wpts.view(n_batch, n_pixel * n_sample, -1)
viewdir = viewdir[:, :, None].repeat(1, 1, n_sample, 1).contiguous()
viewdir = viewdir.view(n_batch, n_pixel * n_sample, -1)
raw = raw_decoder(wpts, viewdir)
return raw
def get_pixel_value(self, ray_o, ray_d, near, far, feature_volume,
sp_input, batch):
# sampling points along camera rays
wpts, z_vals = self.get_sampling_points(ray_o, ray_d, near, far)
# viewing direction
viewdir = ray_d / torch.norm(ray_d, dim=2, keepdim=True)
raw_decoder = lambda x_point, viewdir_val:
x_point, viewdir_val, feature_volume, sp_input)
# compute the color and density
wpts_raw = self.get_density_color(wpts, viewdir, raw_decoder)
# volume rendering for wpts
n_batch, n_pixel, n_sample = wpts.shape[:3]
raw = wpts_raw.reshape(-1, n_sample, 4)
z_vals = z_vals.view(-1, n_sample)
ray_d = ray_d.view(-1, 3)
rgb_map, disp_map, acc_map, weights, depth_map = raw2outputs(
raw, z_vals, ray_d, cfg.raw_noise_std, cfg.white_bkgd)
ret = {
'rgb_map': rgb_map.view(n_batch, n_pixel, -1),
'disp_map': disp_map.view(n_batch, n_pixel),
'acc_map': acc_map.view(n_batch, n_pixel),
'weights': weights.view(n_batch, n_pixel, -1),
'depth_map': depth_map.view(n_batch, n_pixel)
return ret
def render(self, batch):
ray_o = batch['ray_o']
ray_d = batch['ray_d']
near = batch['near']
far = batch['far']
sh = ray_o.shape
# encode neural body
sp_input = self.prepare_sp_input(batch)
feature_volume =
# volume rendering for each pixel
n_batch, n_pixel = ray_o.shape[:2]
chunk = 2048
ret_list = []
for i in range(0, n_pixel, chunk):
ray_o_chunk = ray_o[:, i:i + chunk]
ray_d_chunk = ray_d[:, i:i + chunk]
near_chunk = near[:, i:i + chunk]
far_chunk = far[:, i:i + chunk]
pixel_value = self.get_pixel_value(ray_o_chunk, ray_d_chunk,
near_chunk, far_chunk,
feature_volume, sp_input, batch)
keys = ret_list[0].keys()
ret = {k:[r[k] for r in ret_list], dim=1) for k in keys}
return ret