import datetime as dt import math import random import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from pflow.models.baselightningmodule import BaseLightningClass from pflow.models.components.flow_matching import CFM from pflow.models.components.speech_prompt_encoder import TextEncoder from pflow.utils.model import ( denormalize, duration_loss, fix_len_compatibility, generate_path, sequence_mask, ) from pflow.models.components import commons from pflow.models.components.aligner import Aligner, ForwardSumLoss, BinLoss class pflowTTS(BaseLightningClass): # def __init__( self, n_vocab, n_feats, encoder, decoder, cfm, data_statistics, prompt_size=264, optimizer=None, scheduler=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters(logger=False) self.n_vocab = n_vocab self.n_feats = n_feats self.prompt_size = prompt_size speech_in_channels = n_feats self.encoder = TextEncoder( encoder.encoder_type, encoder.encoder_params, encoder.duration_predictor_params, n_vocab, speech_in_channels, ) # self.aligner = Aligner( # dim_in=encoder.encoder_params.n_feats, # dim_hidden=encoder.encoder_params.n_feats, # attn_channels=encoder.encoder_params.n_feats, # ) # self.aligner_loss = ForwardSumLoss() # self.bin_loss = BinLoss() # self.aligner_bin_loss_weight = 0.0 self.decoder = CFM( in_channels=encoder.encoder_params.n_feats, out_channel=encoder.encoder_params.n_feats, cfm_params=cfm, decoder_params=decoder, ) self.proj_prompt = torch.nn.Conv1d(encoder.encoder_params.n_channels, self.n_feats, 1) self.update_data_statistics(data_statistics) @torch.inference_mode() def synthesise(self, x, x_lengths, prompt, n_timesteps, temperature=1.0, length_scale=1.0, guidance_scale=0.0): # For RTF computation t = assert prompt is not None, "Prompt must be provided for synthesis" # Get encoder_outputs `mu_x` and log-scaled token durations `logw` mu_x, logw, x_mask = self.encoder(x, x_lengths, prompt) w = torch.exp(logw) * x_mask w_ceil = torch.ceil(w) * length_scale y_lengths = torch.clamp_min(torch.sum(w_ceil, [1, 2]), 1).long() y_max_length = y_lengths.max() y_max_length_ = fix_len_compatibility(y_max_length) # Using obtained durations `w` construct alignment map `attn` y_mask = sequence_mask(y_lengths, y_max_length_).unsqueeze(1).to(x_mask.dtype) attn_mask = x_mask.unsqueeze(-1) * y_mask.unsqueeze(2) attn = generate_path(w_ceil.squeeze(1), attn_mask.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1) # Align encoded text and get mu_y mu_y = torch.matmul(attn.squeeze(1).transpose(1, 2), mu_x.transpose(1, 2)) mu_y = mu_y.transpose(1, 2) encoder_outputs = mu_y[:, :, :y_max_length] # Generate sample tracing the probability flow decoder_outputs = self.decoder(mu_y, y_mask, n_timesteps, temperature, guidance_scale=guidance_scale) decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs[:, :, :y_max_length] t = ( - t).total_seconds() rtf = t * 22050 / (decoder_outputs.shape[-1] * 256) return { "encoder_outputs": encoder_outputs, "decoder_outputs": decoder_outputs, "attn": attn[:, :, :y_max_length], "mel": denormalize(decoder_outputs, self.mel_mean, self.mel_std), "mel_lengths": y_lengths, "rtf": rtf, } def forward(self, x, x_lengths, y, y_lengths, prompt=None, cond=None, **kwargs): if prompt is None: prompt_slice, ids_slice = commons.rand_slice_segments( y, y_lengths, self.prompt_size ) else: prompt_slice = prompt mu_x, logw, x_mask = self.encoder(x, x_lengths, prompt_slice) y_max_length = y.shape[-1] y_mask = sequence_mask(y_lengths, y_max_length).unsqueeze(1).to(x_mask) attn_mask = x_mask.unsqueeze(-1) * y_mask.unsqueeze(2) with torch.no_grad(): # negative cross-entropy s_p_sq_r = torch.ones_like(mu_x) # [b, d, t] # s_p_sq_r = torch.exp(-2 * logx) neg_cent1 = torch.sum( -0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi)- torch.zeros_like(mu_x), [1], keepdim=True ) # neg_cent1 = torch.sum( # -0.5 * math.log(2 * math.pi) - logx, [1], keepdim=True # ) # [b, 1, t_s] neg_cent2 = torch.einsum("bdt, bds -> bts", -0.5 * (y**2), s_p_sq_r) neg_cent3 = torch.einsum("bdt, bds -> bts", y, (mu_x * s_p_sq_r)) neg_cent4 = torch.sum( -0.5 * (mu_x**2) * s_p_sq_r, [1], keepdim=True ) neg_cent = neg_cent1 + neg_cent2 + neg_cent3 + neg_cent4 attn_mask = torch.unsqueeze(x_mask, 2) * torch.unsqueeze(y_mask, -1) from pflow.utils.monotonic_align import maximum_path attn = ( maximum_path(neg_cent, attn_mask.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1).detach() ) logw_ = torch.log(1e-8 + attn.sum(2)) * x_mask dur_loss = duration_loss(logw, logw_, x_lengths) # aln_hard, aln_soft, aln_log, aln_mask = self.aligner( # mu_x.transpose(1,2), x_mask, y, y_mask # ) # attn = aln_mask.transpose(1,2).unsqueeze(1) # align_loss = self.aligner_loss(aln_log, x_lengths, y_lengths) # if self.aligner_bin_loss_weight > 0.: # align_bin_loss = self.bin_loss(aln_mask, aln_log, x_lengths) * self.aligner_bin_loss_weight # align_loss = align_loss + align_bin_loss # dur_loss = F.l1_loss(logw, attn.sum(2)) # dur_loss = dur_loss + align_loss # Align encoded text with mel-spectrogram and get mu_y segment attn = attn.squeeze(1).transpose(1,2) mu_y = torch.matmul(attn.squeeze(1).transpose(1, 2), mu_x.transpose(1, 2)) mu_y = mu_y.transpose(1, 2) y_loss_mask = sequence_mask(y_lengths, y_max_length).unsqueeze(1).to(x_mask) if prompt is None: for i in range(y.size(0)): y_loss_mask[i,:,ids_slice[i]:ids_slice[i] + self.prompt_size] = False # Compute loss of the decoder diff_loss, _ = self.decoder.compute_loss(x1=y.detach(), mask=y_mask, mu=mu_y, cond=cond, loss_mask=y_loss_mask) prior_loss = torch.sum(0.5 * ((y - mu_y) ** 2 + math.log(2 * math.pi)) * y_loss_mask) prior_loss = prior_loss / (torch.sum(y_loss_mask) * self.n_feats) return dur_loss, prior_loss, diff_loss, attn