import pymongo import json import certifi # Mongo client Debugging: # Tsl error : # Ip address whilisting mongo atlas.. class ImportCSV: def __init__(self,database,maindb=0) -> None: ca = certifi.where() # This tells python to specifically send a tls certificate for the connection. if maindb == 0: # User Accounts Database client = pymongo.MongoClient(f"mongodb+srv://",tlsCAFile=ca) self.db = client[database] elif maindb == 1:# Question Paper 1 Database client = pymongo.MongoClient(f"mongodb+srv://",tlsCAFile=ca) self.db = client[database] elif maindb == 2:# Question Paper 1 Database client = pymongo.MongoClient(f"mongodb+srv://",tlsCAFile=ca) self.db = client[database] def load_data(self,collection_name,init_data): # Initialises collection db_cm = self.db[collection_name] def load_n_insert(data): # Input is Dataframe data_json = json.loads(data.to_json(orient='records')) db_cm.insert_many(data_json) load_n_insert(init_data)