Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import time | |
# record the audio imports | |
import sounddevice as sd | |
from import write | |
import queue | |
import sys | |
import sounddevice as sd | |
import soundfile as sf | |
import numpy # Make sure NumPy is loaded before it is used in the callback | |
# transcribe the audio imports | |
import whisper | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
import wave | |
#StyleTTS2 imports | |
import torch | |
torch.manual_seed(0) | |
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False | |
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True | |
import random | |
random.seed(0) | |
np.random.seed(0) | |
# load packages | |
import yaml | |
from munch import Munch | |
import torch | |
from torch import nn | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
import torchaudio | |
import librosa | |
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize | |
from models import * | |
from utils import * | |
from text_utils import TextCleaner | |
textclenaer = TextCleaner() | |
st.title(" 🎈North-American Accent Training App") | |
st.caption("How would you sound like if you were English native speaker?") | |
sample_rate_value=24000 | |
# Audio Path | |
audio_path = "recorded_audio.wav" | |
# Global queue to insert audio into | |
audio_queue = queue.Queue() | |
def callback(indata, frames, time, status): | |
"""This is called (from a separate thread) for each audio block.""" | |
if status: | |
print(status, file=sys.stderr) | |
audio_queue.put(indata.copy( )) | |
# Keep the status of start/stop toggling | |
if 'record_button_status' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.record_button_status = False | |
# Toggle start/stop recording | |
def click_record_button(): | |
st.session_state.record_button_status = not st.session_state.record_button_status | |
st.divider() | |
col1, col2, c3, c4 = st.columns([1,1,1,1]) # dirty hack to put buttons closer | |
with col1: | |
record_button = st.button(":black_circle_for_record: Start Recording", | |
on_click=click_record_button, key="rec_button", disabled=st.session_state.get("record_button_status", False)) | |
with col2: | |
stop_button = st.button(":black_square_for_stop: Stop Recording", | |
on_click=click_record_button, key="stop_button", disabled=not st.session_state.get("record_button_status", True)) | |
if record_button and st.session_state.record_button_status: | |
with st.spinner('Recording...'): | |
# Make sure the file is opened before recording anything: | |
with sf.SoundFile(audio_path, mode='w', samplerate=sample_rate_value, | |
channels=1) as file: | |
with sd.InputStream(samplerate=sample_rate_value, channels=1, callback=callback): | |
while True: | |
if st.session_state.record_button_status: | |
# get audio from the queue and save it to the file | |
file.write(audio_queue.get()) | |
else: | |
break | |
st.success('Finished recording!') | |
######### Transcribe Audio ######### | |
whisper_model = whisper.load_model("base") | |
result = whisper_model.transcribe(audio_path) | |
transcribed_text = result["text"] | |
st.write("You said: " + transcribed_text + "\n") | |
audio_file = open(audio_path, 'rb') | |
audio_bytes = | |, format='audio/wav') | |
to_mel = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram( | |
n_mels=80, n_fft=2048, win_length=1200, hop_length=300) | |
mean, std = -4, 4 | |
def length_to_mask(lengths): | |
mask = torch.arange(lengths.max()).unsqueeze(0).expand(lengths.shape[0], -1).type_as(lengths) | |
mask =, lengths.unsqueeze(1)) | |
return mask | |
def preprocess(wave): | |
wave_tensor = torch.from_numpy(wave).float() | |
mel_tensor = to_mel(wave_tensor) | |
mel_tensor = (torch.log(1e-5 + mel_tensor.unsqueeze(0)) - mean) / std | |
return mel_tensor | |
def compute_style(path): | |
wave, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=24000) | |
audio, index = librosa.effects.trim(wave, top_db=30) | |
if sr != 24000: | |
audio = librosa.resample(audio, sr, 24000) | |
mel_tensor = preprocess(audio).to(device) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
ref_s = model.style_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1)) | |
ref_p = model.predictor_encoder(mel_tensor.unsqueeze(1)) | |
return[ref_s, ref_p], dim=1) | |
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' | |
# load phonemizer | |
import phonemizer | |
global_phonemizer = phonemizer.backend.EspeakBackend(language='en-us', preserve_punctuation=True, with_stress=True) | |
config = yaml.safe_load(open("Models/LibriTTS/config.yml")) | |
# load pretrained ASR model | |
ASR_config = config.get('ASR_config', False) | |
ASR_path = config.get('ASR_path', False) | |
text_aligner = load_ASR_models(ASR_path, ASR_config) | |
# load pretrained F0 model | |
F0_path = config.get('F0_path', False) | |
pitch_extractor = load_F0_models(F0_path) | |
# load BERT model | |
from Utils.PLBERT.util import load_plbert | |
BERT_path = config.get('PLBERT_dir', False) | |
plbert = load_plbert(BERT_path) | |
model_params = recursive_munch(config['model_params']) | |
model = build_model(model_params, text_aligner, pitch_extractor, plbert) | |
_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model] | |
_ = [model[key].to(device) for key in model] | |
params_whole = torch.load("Models/LibriTTS/epochs_2nd_00020.pth", map_location='cpu') | |
params = params_whole['net'] | |
for key in model: | |
if key in params: | |
print('%s loaded' % key) | |
try: | |
model[key].load_state_dict(params[key]) | |
except: | |
from collections import OrderedDict | |
state_dict = params[key] | |
new_state_dict = OrderedDict() | |
for k, v in state_dict.items(): | |
name = k[7:] # remove `module.` | |
new_state_dict[name] = v | |
# load params | |
model[key].load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict=False) | |
# except: | |
# _load(params[key], model[key]) | |
_ = [model[key].eval() for key in model] | |
from Modules.diffusion.sampler import DiffusionSampler, ADPM2Sampler, KarrasSchedule | |
sampler = DiffusionSampler( | |
model.diffusion.diffusion, | |
sampler=ADPM2Sampler(), | |
sigma_schedule=KarrasSchedule(sigma_min=0.0001, sigma_max=3.0, rho=9.0), # empirical parameters | |
clamp=False | |
) | |
def inference(text, ref_s, alpha = 0.3, beta = 0.7, diffusion_steps=5, embedding_scale=1): | |
text = text.strip() | |
ps = global_phonemizer.phonemize([text]) | |
ps = word_tokenize(ps[0]) | |
ps = ' '.join(ps) | |
tokens = textclenaer(ps) | |
tokens.insert(0, 0) | |
tokens = torch.LongTensor(tokens).to(device).unsqueeze(0) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
input_lengths = torch.LongTensor([tokens.shape[-1]]).to(device) | |
text_mask = length_to_mask(input_lengths).to(device) | |
t_en = model.text_encoder(tokens, input_lengths, text_mask) | |
bert_dur = model.bert(tokens, attention_mask=(~text_mask).int()) | |
d_en = model.bert_encoder(bert_dur).transpose(-1, -2) | |
s_pred = sampler(noise = torch.randn((1, 256)).unsqueeze(1).to(device), | |
embedding=bert_dur, | |
embedding_scale=embedding_scale, | |
features=ref_s, # reference from the same speaker as the embedding | |
num_steps=diffusion_steps).squeeze(1) | |
s = s_pred[:, 128:] | |
ref = s_pred[:, :128] | |
ref = alpha * ref + (1 - alpha) * ref_s[:, :128] | |
s = beta * s + (1 - beta) * ref_s[:, 128:] | |
d = model.predictor.text_encoder(d_en, | |
s, input_lengths, text_mask) | |
x, _ = model.predictor.lstm(d) | |
duration = model.predictor.duration_proj(x) | |
duration = torch.sigmoid(duration).sum(axis=-1) | |
pred_dur = torch.round(duration.squeeze()).clamp(min=1) | |
pred_aln_trg = torch.zeros(input_lengths, int(pred_dur.sum().data)) | |
c_frame = 0 | |
for i in range(pred_aln_trg.size(0)): | |
pred_aln_trg[i, c_frame:c_frame + int(pred_dur[i].data)] = 1 | |
c_frame += int(pred_dur[i].data) | |
# encode prosody | |
en = (d.transpose(-1, -2) @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) | |
if model_params.decoder.type == "hifigan": | |
asr_new = torch.zeros_like(en) | |
asr_new[:, :, 0] = en[:, :, 0] | |
asr_new[:, :, 1:] = en[:, :, 0:-1] | |
en = asr_new | |
F0_pred, N_pred = model.predictor.F0Ntrain(en, s) | |
asr = (t_en @ pred_aln_trg.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) | |
if model_params.decoder.type == "hifigan": | |
asr_new = torch.zeros_like(asr) | |
asr_new[:, :, 0] = asr[:, :, 0] | |
asr_new[:, :, 1:] = asr[:, :, 0:-1] | |
asr = asr_new | |
out = model.decoder(asr, | |
F0_pred, N_pred, ref.squeeze().unsqueeze(0)) | |
return out.squeeze().cpu().numpy()[..., :-50] # weird pulse at the end of the model, need to be fixed later | |
voice_path = "Demo/reference_audio/James2.wav" | |
synth_voice_path = "synth.wav" | |
start = time.time() | |
noise = torch.randn(1,1,256).to(device) | |
ref_s = compute_style(voice_path) | |
wav = inference(transcribed_text, ref_s, alpha=0.1, beta=0.5, diffusion_steps=10, embedding_scale=1) | |
rtf = (time.time() - start) / (len(wav) / sample_rate_value) | |
print('Synthesized:') | |, format='audio/wav', sample_rate=sample_rate_value) | |
import | |
scaled = np.int16(wav / np.max(np.abs(wav)) * 32767) | |, sample_rate_value, scaled) | |
def __plot_helper(audio_file: str): | |
raw = | |
signal = raw.readframes(-1) | |
signal = np.frombuffer(signal, dtype ="int16") | |
f_rate = raw.getframerate() | |
time = np.linspace( | |
0, # start | |
len(signal) / f_rate, | |
num = len(signal) | |
) | |
return (time, signal) | |
# shows the sound waves | |
def visualize(first_wav: str, second_wav: str): | |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2) | |
fig.suptitle("Original vs Native") | |
plt.xlabel("Time") | |
t1, s1 = __plot_helper(first_wav) | |
axs[0].plot(t1,s1) | |
axs[0].set_yticklabels([]) | |
axs[0].set_yticks([]) | |
t2, s2 = __plot_helper(second_wav) | |
axs[1].plot(t2,s2) | |
axs[1].set_yticklabels([]) | |
axs[1].set_yticks([]) | |
st.pyplot(plt) | |
visualize(audio_path, synth_voice_path) | |
#print('Reference Voice:') | |
#display(ipd.Audio(voice_path, rate=24000, normalize=False)) |