import torch import ipywidgets import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.display import display from itertools import chain, islice from ipywidgets import interactive, widgets def _create_label(text:str)->ipywidgets.widgets.Label: "Create label widget" label = widgets.Label( text, layout=widgets.Layout( width='100%', display='flex', justify_content="center" ) ) return label def _create_slider( slider_min: int, slider_max: int, value: int, step: int=1, description:str ='', continuous_update: bool=True, readout: bool=False, slider_type: str='IntSlider', **kwargs)->ipywidgets.widgets: "Create slider widget" slider = getattr(widgets, slider_type)( min=slider_min, max=slider_max, step=step, value=value, description=description, continuous_update=continuous_update, readout = readout, layout=widgets.Layout(width='99%', min_width='200px'), style={'description_width': 'initial'}, **kwargs ) return slider def _create_button(description:str)->ipywidgets.widgets.Button: "Create button widget" button = widgets.Button( description=description, layout=widgets.Layout( width='95%', margin='5px 5px' ) ) return button def _create_togglebutton(description: str, value: int, **kwargs)->ipywidgets.widgets.Button: "Create toggle button widget" button = widgets.ToggleButton( description=description, value = value, layout=widgets.Layout( width='95%', margin='5px 5px' ), **kwargs ) return button class BasicViewer(): """ Base class for viewing TensorDicom3D objects. Args: x: main image object to view as rank 3 tensor y: either a segmentation mask as as rank 3 tensor or a label as str. prediction: a class predicton as str description: description of the whole image figsize: size of image, passed as plotting argument cmap: colormap for the image Returns: Instance of BasicViewer """ def __init__(self, x:torch.Tensor, y=None, prediction:str=None, description: str=None, figsize=(3, 3), cmap:str='bone'): assert x.ndim == 3, f"x.ndim needs to be equal to but is {x.ndim}" if isinstance(y, torch.Tensor): assert x.shape == y.shape, f"Shapes of x {x.shape} and y {y.shape} do not match" self.x=x self.y=y self.prediction=prediction self.description=description self.figsize=figsize self.cmap=cmap self.with_mask = isinstance(y, torch.Tensor) self.slice_range = (1, len(x)) # len(x) == im.shape[0] def _plot_slice(self, im_slice, with_mask, px_range): "Plot slice of image" fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=self.figsize) ax.imshow(self.x[im_slice-1, :, :].clip(*px_range), cmap=self.cmap) if isinstance(self.y, (torch.Tensor)) and with_mask: ax.imshow(self.y[im_slice-1, :, :], cmap='jet', alpha = 0.25) plt.axis('off') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) def _create_image_box(self, figsize): "Create widget items, order them in item_box and generate view box" items = [] if self.description: plot_description = _create_label(self.description) if isinstance(self.y, str): label = f'{self.y} | {self.prediction}' if self.prediction else self.y if self.prediction: font_color = 'green' if self.y == self.prediction else 'red' y_label = _create_label(r'\(\color{' + font_color + '} {' + label + '}\)') else: y_label = _create_label(label) else: y_label = _create_label(' ') slice_slider = _create_slider( slider_min = min(self.slice_range), slider_max = max(self.slice_range), value = max(self.slice_range)//2, readout = True) toggle_mask_button = _create_togglebutton('Show Mask', True) range_slider = _create_slider( slider_min = self.x.min().numpy(), slider_max = self.x.max().numpy(), value = [self.x.min().numpy(), self.x.max().numpy()], slider_type = 'FloatRangeSlider' if torch.is_floating_point(self.x) else 'IntRandSlider', step = 0.01 if torch.is_floating_point(self.x) else 1, readout=True) image_output = widgets.interactive_output( f = self._plot_slice, controls = {'im_slice': slice_slider, 'with_mask': toggle_mask_button, 'px_range': range_slider}) image_output.layout.height = f'{self.figsize[0]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering image_output.layout.width = f'{self.figsize[1]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering if self.description: items.append(plot_description) items.append(y_label) items.append(range_slider) items.append(image_output) if isinstance(self.y, torch.Tensor): slice_slider = widgets.HBox([slice_slider, toggle_mask_button]) items.append(slice_slider) image_box=widgets.VBox( items, layout = widgets.Layout( border = 'none', margin = '10px 5px 0px 0px', padding = '5px')) return image_box def _generate_views(self): image_box = self._create_image_box(self.figsize) = widgets.HBox(children=[image_box]) @property def image_box(self): return self._create_image_box(self.figsize) def show(self): self._generate_views()'default') display( class DicomExplorer(BasicViewer): """ DICOM viewer for basic image analysis inside iPython notebooks. Can display a single 3D volume together with a segmentation mask, a histogram of voxel/pixel values and some summary statistics. Allows simple windowing by clipping the pixel/voxel values to a region, which can be manually specified. """ vbox_layout = widgets.Layout( margin = '10px 5px 5px 5px', padding = '5px', display='flex', flex_flow='column', align_items='center', min_width = '250px') def _plot_hist(self, px_range): x = self.x.numpy().flatten() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.figsize) N, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 100, color='grey') lwr = int(px_range[0] * 100/max(x)) upr = int(np.ceil(px_range[1] * 100/max(x))) for i in range(0,lwr): patches[i].set_facecolor('grey' if lwr > 0 else 'darkblue') for i in range(lwr, upr): patches[i].set_facecolor('darkblue') for i in range(upr,100): patches[i].set_facecolor('grey' if upr < 100 else 'darkblue') def _image_summary(self, px_range): x = self.x.clip(*px_range) diffs = x - x.mean() var = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 2.0)) std = torch.pow(var, 0.5) zscores = diffs / std skews = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 3.0)) kurt = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 4.0)) - 3.0 table = f'Statistics:\n' + \ f' Mean px value: {x.mean()} \n' + \ f' Std of px values: {x.std()} \n' + \ f' Min px value: {x.min()} \n' + \ f' Max px value: {x.max()} \n' + \ f' Median px value: {x.median()} \n' + \ f' Skewness: {skews} \n' + \ f' Kurtosis: {kurt} \n\n' + \ f'Tensor properties \n' + \ f' Tensor shape: {tuple(x.shape)}\n' + \ f' Tensor dtype: {x.dtype}' print(table) def _generate_views(self): slice_slider = _create_slider( slider_min = min(self.slice_range), slider_max = max(self.slice_range), value = max(self.slice_range)//2, readout = True) toggle_mask_button = _create_togglebutton('Show Mask', True) range_slider = _create_slider( slider_min = self.x.min().numpy(), slider_max = self.x.max().numpy(), value = [self.x.min().numpy(), self.x.max().numpy()], continuous_update=False, slider_type = 'FloatRangeSlider' if torch.is_floating_point(self.x) else 'IntRandSlider', step = 0.01 if torch.is_floating_point(self.x) else 1) image_output = widgets.interactive_output( f = self._plot_slice, controls = {'im_slice': slice_slider, 'with_mask': toggle_mask_button, 'px_range': range_slider}) image_output.layout.height = f'{self.figsize[0]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering image_output.layout.width = f'{self.figsize[1]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering if isinstance(self.y, torch.Tensor): slice_slider = widgets.HBox([slice_slider, toggle_mask_button]) hist_output = widgets.interactive_output( f = self._plot_hist, controls = {'px_range': range_slider}) hist_output.layout.height = f'{self.figsize[0]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering hist_output.layout.width = f'{self.figsize[1]/1.2}in' # suppress flickering toggle_mask_button = _create_togglebutton('Show Mask', True) table_output = widgets.interactive_output( f = self._image_summary, controls = {'px_range': range_slider}) table_box = widgets.VBox([table_output], layout=self.vbox_layout) hist_box = widgets.VBox( [hist_output, range_slider], layout=self.vbox_layout) image_box = widgets.VBox( [image_output, slice_slider], layout=self.vbox_layout) = widgets.HBox( [image_box, hist_box, table_box], layout = widgets.Layout( border = 'solid 1px lightgrey', margin = '10px 5px 0px 0px', padding = '5px', width = f'{self.figsize[1]*2 + 3}in')) class ListViewer(object): """ Display multipple images with their masks or labels/predictions. Arguments: x (tuple, list): Tensor objects to view y (tuple, list): Tensor objects (in case of segmentation task) or class labels as string. predictions (str): Class predictions cmap: colormap for display of `x` max_n: maximum number of items to display """ def __init__(self, x:(list, tuple), y=None, prediction:str=None, description: str=None, figsize=(4, 4), cmap:str='bone', max_n = 9): self.slice_range = (1, len(x)) x = x[0:max_n] if y: y = y[0:max_n] self.x=x self.y=y self.prediction=prediction self.description=description self.figsize=figsize self.cmap=cmap self.max_n=max_n def _generate_views(self): n_images = len(self.x) image_grid, image_list = [], [] for i in range(0, n_images): image = self.x[i] mask = self.y[i] if isinstance(self.y, list) else None pred = self.prediction[i] if self.prediction else None image_list.append( BasicViewer( x = image, y = mask, prediction = pred, figsize = self.figsize, cmap = self.cmap) .image_box) if (i+1) % np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_images)) == 0 or i == n_images - 1: image_grid.append(widgets.HBox(image_list)) image_list = [] = widgets.VBox(children=image_grid) def show(self): self._generate_views()'default') display(