ReqAssist /
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7c25ff9 verified
import streamlit as st
import openai
# Assuming your OpenAI API key is set in an environment variable or entered in the app
# For the app, we'll ask the user to input it directly for demonstration purposes
def generate_detailed_artifact(api_key, description, artifact_type):
Generate a detailed and sophisticated artifact for software development projects.
sophisticated_prompts = {
"Strategic Alignment Report": "Craft a comprehensive report that articulates the alignment of AI initiatives with the organization's long-term strategic goals, demonstrating how AI can be leveraged for strategic advantage.",
"Enhanced Process Maps": "Develop enhanced process maps indicating AI integration points. Detail the current versus future state of processes, specifying where AI brings value.",
"AI Impact Forecast": "Generate a forecast report that assesses the potential impacts of AI on business processes, scalability of solutions, and a framework for measuring and monitoring these impacts.",
"Stakeholder Engagement Plan": "Create a detailed stakeholder engagement plan that lists all stakeholders, their concerns, expectations, and strategies for managing the cultural shift towards AI adoption.",
"AI Risk Mitigation Strategy": "Construct a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy document outlining the potential risks of AI integration and detailed plans for addressing these risks.",
"Cost-Benefit Analysis Document": "Produce a cost-benefit analysis document for AI projects, detailing investment requirements, financial benefits, total cost of ownership, and prioritization of initiatives based on financial metrics.",
"AI Prototyping Strategy": "Outline a strategic plan for prototyping AI initiatives, including the prototyping phases, success metrics, resource needs, and a feedback incorporation mechanism.",
"Change Management Framework": "Develop a change management framework that analyzes the impact of AI, provides a detailed change plan, identifies training needs, and establishes clear communication strategies.",
"AI Monitoring and Review Framework": "Design a continuous AI monitoring and evaluation framework that details the KPIs, integration with BI systems, and the periodic review process for AI initiatives.",
"AI Roadmap and Action Plan": "Synthesize a strategic AI roadmap and action plan document based on workshop findings, assigning responsibilities and deadlines for the completion of action items."
prompt = sophisticated_prompts.get(artifact_type, "Generate a detailed document section:") + "\n" + description
openai.api_key = api_key
response = openai.Completion.create(
model="gpt-4", # Adjust model as necessary
return response.choices[0].text.strip()
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {str(e)}"
st.title("AI-Enabled Project Artifact Generator")
api_key = st.text_input("Enter your OpenAI API key", type="password")
artifact_type = st.selectbox("Select Artifact Type", list(sophisticated_prompts.keys()))
description = st.text_area("Project Description", "Enter your project description here.")
if st.button("Generate Artifact"):
if api_key and description and artifact_type:
generated_artifact = generate_detailed_artifact(api_key, description, artifact_type)
st.markdown("## Generated Artifact")
st.error("Please fill out all fields.")