# Set the VM, image, and networking configuration | |
VM_NAME="langflow-dev" | |
IMAGE_FAMILY="debian-11" | |
IMAGE_PROJECT="debian-cloud" | |
ZONE="us-central1-a" | |
REGION="us-central1" | |
VPC_NAME="default" | |
SUBNET_NAME="default" | |
NAT_GATEWAY_NAME="nat-gateway" | |
CLOUD_ROUTER_NAME="nat-client" | |
# Set the GCP project's compute region | |
gcloud config set compute/region $REGION | |
# Check if the VPC exists, and create it if not | |
vpc_exists=$(gcloud compute networks list --filter="name=$VPC_NAME" --format="value(name)") | |
if [[ -z "$vpc_exists" ]]; then | |
gcloud compute networks create $VPC_NAME --subnet-mode=custom | |
fi | |
# Check if the subnet exists, and create it if not | |
subnet_exists=$(gcloud compute networks subnets list --filter="name=$SUBNET_NAME AND region=$REGION" --format="value(name)") | |
if [[ -z "$subnet_exists" ]]; then | |
gcloud compute networks subnets create $SUBNET_NAME --network=$VPC_NAME --region=$REGION --range=$SUBNET_RANGE | |
fi | |
# Create a firewall rule to allow TCP port 7860 for all instances in the VPC | |
firewall_7860_exists=$(gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="name=allow-tcp-7860" --format="value(name)") | |
if [[ -z "$firewall_7860_exists" ]]; then | |
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-tcp-7860 --network $VPC_NAME --allow tcp:7860 --source-ranges --direction INGRESS | |
fi | |
# Create a firewall rule to allow IAP traffic | |
firewall_iap_exists=$(gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="name=allow-iap" --format="value(name)") | |
if [[ -z "$firewall_iap_exists" ]]; then | |
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-iap --network $VPC_NAME --allow tcp:80,tcp:443,tcp:22,tcp:3389 --source-ranges --direction INGRESS | |
fi | |
# Define the startup script as a multiline Bash here-doc | |
STARTUP_SCRIPT=$(cat <<'EOF' | |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Update and upgrade the system | |
apt -y update | |
apt -y upgrade | |
# Install Python 3 pip, Langflow, and Nginx | |
apt -y install python3-pip | |
pip install langflow | |
langflow --host --port 7860 | |
EOF | |
) | |
# Create a temporary file to store the startup script | |
tempfile=$(mktemp) | |
echo "$STARTUP_SCRIPT" > $tempfile | |
# Create the VM instance with the specified configuration and startup script | |
gcloud compute instances create $VM_NAME \ | |
--image-family $IMAGE_FAMILY \ | |
--image-project $IMAGE_PROJECT \ | |
--boot-disk-size $BOOT_DISK_SIZE \ | |
--machine-type=n1-standard-4 \ | |
--metadata-from-file startup-script=$tempfile \ | |
--zone $ZONE \ | |
--network $VPC_NAME \ | |
--subnet $SUBNET_NAME \ | |
--preemptible | |
# Remove the temporary file after the VM is created | |
rm $tempfile | |