--- Water: name: Water description: The percent of a given area covered with water. unit: percentage min: 0 max: 100 roi: '' gee_path: JRC/GSW1_1/GlobalSurfaceWater gee_type: image viz: min: 0 max: 100 palette: - ffffff - ffbbbb - 0000ff bandname: occurrence select: occurrence coefficient: 1 show: true Protected: name: Protected description: The total PA extent, including both marine (if applicable) and terrestrial areas provided by data provider as specified in the legal text for the site. unit: km^2 min: 0 max: roi_area roi: '' gee_path: WCMC/WDPA/current/polygons gee_type: feature_collection viz: palette: - 2ed033 - 5aff05 - 67b9ff - 5844ff - 0a7618 - 2c05ff min: 0 max: 1550000 opacity: 0.8 select: REP_AREA bandname: constant coefficient: 1 show: true Air: name: Air description: A measure of the prevalence of aerosols in the atmosphere. unit: index (continuous) min: -21 max: 39 roi: '' gee_path: COPERNICUS/S5P/OFFL/L3_AER_AI gee_type: image_collection viz: min: -1 max: 2 palette: - black - blue - purple - cyan - green - yellow - red bandname: absorbing_aerosol_index select: absorbing_aerosol_index dates: false coefficient: 1 show: false Soil: name: Soil description: An estimate of soil organic carbon content at b{n} cm depth. unit: 5g/kg min: 0 max: 120 roi: '' gee_path: OpenLandMap/SOL/SOL_ORGANIC-CARBON_USDA-6A1C_M/v02 gee_type: image viz: bands: - b0 min: 0 max: 12 palette: - ffffa0 - f7fcb9 - d9f0a3 - addd8e - 78c679 - 41ab5d - '238443' - 005b29 - 004b29 - 012b13 - 00120b select: b0 bandname: b0 coefficient: 1 show: false Temperature: name: Temperature description: Average Daytime Land Surface Temperature unit: 0.02 K min: 7500 max: 65535 roi: '' gee_path: MODIS/061/MYD21C1 gee_type: image_collection viz: min: 216 max: 348 palette: - '040274' - '040281' - 0502a3 - 0502b8 - 0502ce - 0502e6 - 0602ff - 235cb1 - 307ef3 - 269db1 - 30c8e2 - 32d3ef - 3be285 - 3ff38f - 86e26f - 3ae237 - b5e22e - d6e21f - fff705 - ffd611 - ffb613 - ff8b13 - ff6e08 - ff500d - ff0000 - de0101 - c21301 - a71001 - '911003' select: LST_Day bandname: LST_Day dates: true coefficient: 1 show: true Habitat: name: Habitat unit: Classification index (categorical) roi: '' gee_path: projects/sat-io/open-datasets/IUCN_HABITAT/iucn_habitatclassification_composite_lvl2_ver004 gee_type: image viz: {} bandname: comp_first coefficient: 1 show: true NDVI: name: NDVI description: Normalized difference vegetation index unit: index (continuous) min: -1 max: 1 roi: '' gee_path: LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1 gee_type: algebraic normalized_difference: - B4 - B3 viz: min: -1 max: 1 palette: - "#d73027" - "#f46d43" - "#fdae61" - "#fee08b" - "#d9ef8b" - "#a6d96a" - "#66bd63" - "#1a9850" bandname: nd coefficient: 1 show: true NDWI: name: NDWI description: An estimate of the water content of leaves. unit: index (continuous) min: -1 max: 1 roi: '' gee_path: LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1 gee_type: algebraic normalized_difference: - B5 - B6 viz: min: -1 max: 1 palette: - "#ece7f2" - "#d0d1e6" - "#a6bddb" - "#74a9cf" - "#3690c0" - "#0570b0" - "#045a8d" - "#023858" bandname: nd coefficient: 1 show: true