import streamlit as st import os import json import requests from google import genai from google.genai import types from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # Set page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="Flaix - Financial Assistant", page_icon="💰", layout="centered" ) # Initialize Gemini client api_key = st.secrets["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] client = genai.Client(api_key=api_key) # Indian Stock Market API base configuration INDIAN_API_KEY = st.secrets["FINANCE_KEY"] INDIAN_API_BASE_URL = "" # Define API endpoints and their parameters API_ENDPOINTS = { "get_stock_details": { "endpoint": "/stock", "required_params": ["stock_name"], "param_mapping": {"stock_name": "name"}, "description": "Get details for a specific stock" }, "get_trending_stocks": { "endpoint": "/trending", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get trending stocks in the market" }, "get_market_news": { "endpoint": "/news", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get latest stock market news" }, "get_mutual_funds": { "endpoint": "/mutual_funds", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get mutual funds data" }, "get_ipo_data": { "endpoint": "/ipo", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get IPO data" }, "get_bse_most_active": { "endpoint": "/BSE_most_active", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get BSE most active stocks" }, "get_nse_most_active": { "endpoint": "/NSE_most_active", "required_params": [], "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get NSE most active stocks" }, "get_historical_data": { "endpoint": "/historical_data", "required_params": ["stock_name"], "optional_params": ["period"], "default_values": {"period": "1m", "filter": "default"}, "param_mapping": {}, "description": "Get historical data for a stock" } } # Unified API call function def call_indian_api(endpoint, params=None): """ Generic function to call the Indian Stock Market API Args: endpoint: API endpoint suffix (e.g., '/stock', '/trending') params: Optional parameters for the API call Returns: JSON response from the API """ url = f"{INDIAN_API_BASE_URL}{endpoint}" headers = {"X-Api-Key": INDIAN_API_KEY} try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) return response.json() except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} # Function to call API by name def call_api_by_name(api_name, **kwargs): """ Call an API by its name from the API_ENDPOINTS dictionary Args: api_name: Name of the API to call (key in API_ENDPOINTS) **kwargs: Parameters to pass to the API Returns: JSON response from the API """ if api_name not in API_ENDPOINTS: return {"error": f"Unknown API: {api_name}"} api_info = API_ENDPOINTS[api_name] endpoint = api_info["endpoint"] # Check required parameters for param in api_info.get("required_params", []): if param not in kwargs: return {"error": f"Missing required parameter: {param}"} # Apply parameter mapping mapped_params = {} for param, value in kwargs.items(): mapped_name = api_info.get("param_mapping", {}).get(param, param) mapped_params[mapped_name] = value # Apply default values for param, value in api_info.get("default_values", {}).items(): if param not in mapped_params: mapped_params[param] = value return call_indian_api(endpoint, mapped_params) # Improved orchestrator function def orchestrator(query): """ Determines if the query requires market data and which API to call Returns: (needs_api, api_function, params) """ # Create a more precise prompt for the orchestrator orchestrator_prompt = """ You are an orchestrator for a financial assistant specialized in Indian markets. Your job is to analyze user queries and determine if they need real-time market data. IMPORTANT: Be very precise in your analysis. Only return TRUE for "needs_api" when the query EXPLICITLY asks for current market data, stock prices, or listings. Examples where needs_api should be TRUE: - "Show me the most active stocks on NSE today" → get_nse_most_active - "What is the current price of Reliance?" → get_stock_details with stock_name="Reliance" - "Tell me about trending stocks" → get_trending_stocks - "What are the latest IPOs?" → get_ipo_data Examples where needs_api should be FALSE: - "What is compound interest?" - "How should I start investing?" - "What are the tax benefits of PPF?" - "Explain mutual funds to me" Available API functions: - get_stock_details(stock_name): Get details for a specific stock - get_trending_stocks(): Get trending stocks in the market - get_market_news(): Get latest stock market news - get_mutual_funds(): Get mutual funds data - get_ipo_data(): Get IPO data - get_bse_most_active(): Get BSE most active stocks - get_nse_most_active(): Get NSE most active stocks - get_historical_data(stock_name, period="1m"): Get historical data for a stock User query: """ + query + """ Respond in JSON format with the following structure: { "needs_api": true/false, "function": "function_name_if_needed", "params": { "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2" } } """ # Create content for the orchestrator contents = [ types.Content( role="user", parts=[ types.Part.from_text(text=orchestrator_prompt) ], ), ] # Configure generation parameters generate_content_config = types.GenerateContentConfig( temperature=0.2, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_output_tokens=500, response_mime_type="text/plain", ) # Generate content response = client.models.generate_content( model="gemini-1.5-flash", contents=contents, config=generate_content_config, ) # Parse the response try: decision_text = response.text # Extract JSON from the response (it might be wrapped in markdown code blocks) if "```json" in decision_text: json_str = decision_text.split("```json")[1].split("```")[0].strip() elif "```" in decision_text: json_str = decision_text.split("```")[1].strip() else: json_str = decision_text.strip() decision = json.loads(json_str) return decision except Exception as e: print(f"Error parsing orchestrator response: {e}") return {"needs_api": False} # Language setting # Financial assistant system prompt SYSTEM_PROMPT = f"""You are Flaix, a helpful and knowledgeable financial assistant designed specifically for Indian users. Your purpose is to improve financial literacy and provide guidance on investments in the Indian market. Key responsibilities: 1. Explain financial concepts in simple, easy-to-understand language 2. Provide information about different investment options available in India (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, PPF, FDs, etc.) 3. Help users understand investment risks and returns 4. Explain tax implications of different investments in the Indian context 5. Guide users on how to start investing based on their goals and risk tolerance 6. Answer questions about market trends and financial news in India """ # Initialize session state for chat history if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [ {"role": "user", "content": SYSTEM_PROMPT}, {"role": "model", "content": "Hello! I am Flaix, your financial assistant. You can ask me about investments, financial planning, or any other financial topic."} ] # App title and description st.title("Flaix - Your Financial Assistant") st.markdown("Ask any questions about investing, financial planning, or the Indian financial market.") # Display chat messages for message in st.session_state.messages: if message["role"] == "user" and message["content"] != SYSTEM_PROMPT: with st.chat_message("user"): st.write(message["content"]) elif message["role"] == "model": with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.write(message["content"]) # Chat input if prompt := st.chat_input("Ask me anything about finance or investing..."): # Add user message to chat history st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt}) # Display user message with st.chat_message("user"): st.write(prompt) # Display assistant response with st.chat_message("assistant"): message_placeholder = st.empty() full_response = "" try: # First, use the orchestrator to determine if we need to call an API decision = orchestrator(prompt) # If we need to call an API, do so and add the result to the context api_context = "" if decision.get("needs_api", False): function_name = decision.get("function", "") params = decision.get("params", {}) message_placeholder.write("Fetching real-time market data...") if function_name in API_ENDPOINTS: api_result = call_api_by_name(function_name, **params) api_context = f"\nHere is the real-time market data from the Indian Stock Market API:\n{json.dumps(api_result, indent=2)}\n\nPlease use this data to provide an informative response to the user's query." # Prepare the user query with API context if available user_query = prompt if api_context: user_query = f"{prompt}\n\n[SYSTEM NOTE: {api_context}]" # Prepare the system message system_message = SYSTEM_PROMPT if len(st.session_state.messages) > 2: # If we have conversation history # Extract previous conversation for context conversation_history = "" for i in range(1, min(5, len(st.session_state.messages) - 1)): # Get up to 5 previous exchanges if st.session_state.messages[i]["role"] == "user" and st.session_state.messages[i]["content"] != SYSTEM_PROMPT: conversation_history += f"User: {st.session_state.messages[i]['content']}\n" elif st.session_state.messages[i]["role"] == "model": conversation_history += f"Assistant: {st.session_state.messages[i]['content']}\n" system_message += f"\n\nPrevious conversation:\n{conversation_history}" # Create content for the LLM contents = [ types.Content( role="user", parts=[ types.Part.from_text(text=system_message) ], ), types.Content( role="model", parts=[ types.Part.from_text(text="I understand my role as Flaix, a financial assistant for Indian users. I'll provide helpful information about investing and financial planning in simple language.") ], ), types.Content( role="user", parts=[ types.Part.from_text(text=user_query) ], ), ] # Configure generation parameters generate_content_config = types.GenerateContentConfig( temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40, max_output_tokens=8192, response_mime_type="text/plain", ) # Stream the response response_stream = client.models.generate_content_stream( model="gemini-1.5-flash", contents=contents, config=generate_content_config, ) # Process streaming response for chunk in response_stream: if hasattr(chunk, 'text'): full_response += chunk.text message_placeholder.write(full_response + "▌") # Final update without cursor message_placeholder.write(full_response) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {str(e)}") full_response = "I'm sorry, I encountered an error. Please try again later." message_placeholder.write(full_response) # Add assistant response to chat history st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "model", "content": full_response})