import os import random import shutil from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import openai import regex as re import requests import torch from PIL import Image from import Dataset from torchvision import transforms from import tqdm from diffusers import DPMSolverMultistepScheduler normalize = transforms.Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ) small_288 = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(288), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ]) def collate_fn(examples, with_prior_preservation): input_ids = [example["instance_prompt_ids"] for example in examples] input_anchor_ids = [example["instance_anchor_prompt_ids"] for example in examples] pixel_values = [example["instance_images"] for example in examples] mask = [example["mask"] for example in examples] # Concat class and instance examples for prior preservation. # We do this to avoid doing two forward passes. if with_prior_preservation: input_ids += [example["class_prompt_ids"] for example in examples] pixel_values += [example["class_images"] for example in examples] mask += [example["class_mask"] for example in examples] input_ids =, dim=0) input_anchor_ids =, dim=0) pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values) mask = torch.stack(mask) pixel_values = memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float() mask = batch = { "input_ids": input_ids, "input_anchor_ids": input_anchor_ids, "pixel_values": pixel_values, "mask": mask.unsqueeze(1) } return batch class PromptDataset(Dataset): "A simple dataset to prepare the prompts to generate class images on multiple GPUs." def __init__(self, prompt, num_samples): self.prompt = prompt self.num_samples = num_samples def __len__(self): return self.num_samples def __getitem__(self, index): example = {} example["prompt"] = self.prompt[index % len(self.prompt)] example["index"] = index return example class CustomDiffusionDataset(Dataset): """ A dataset to prepare the instance and class images with the prompts for fine-tuning the model. It pre-processes the images and the tokenizes prompts. """ def __init__( self, concepts_list, concept_type, tokenizer, size=512, center_crop=False, with_prior_preservation=False, num_class_images=200, hflip=False, aug=True, ): self.size = size self.center_crop = center_crop self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.interpolation = Image.BILINEAR self.aug = aug self.concept_type = concept_type self.instance_images_path = [] self.class_images_path = [] self.with_prior_preservation = with_prior_preservation for concept in concepts_list: with open(concept["instance_data_dir"], "r") as f: inst_images_path = with open(concept["instance_prompt"], "r") as f: inst_prompt = inst_img_path = [(x, y, concept['caption_target']) for (x, y) in zip(inst_images_path, inst_prompt)] self.instance_images_path.extend(inst_img_path) if with_prior_preservation: class_data_root = Path(concept["class_data_dir"]) if os.path.isdir(class_data_root): class_images_path = list(class_data_root.iterdir()) class_prompt = [concept["class_prompt"] for _ in range(len(class_images_path))] else: with open(class_data_root, "r") as f: class_images_path = with open(concept["class_prompt"], "r") as f: class_prompt = class_img_path = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip( class_images_path, class_prompt)] self.class_images_path.extend( class_img_path[:num_class_images]) random.shuffle(self.instance_images_path) self.num_instance_images = len(self.instance_images_path) self.num_class_images = len(self.class_images_path) self._length = max(self.num_class_images, self.num_instance_images) self.flip = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(0.5 * hflip) self.image_transforms = transforms.Compose( [ self.flip, transforms.Resize( size, interpolation=transforms.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR), transforms.CenterCrop( size) if center_crop else transforms.RandomCrop(size), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.5], [0.5]), ] ) def __len__(self): return self._length def preprocess(self, image, scale, resample): outer, inner = self.size, scale if scale > self.size: outer, inner = scale, self.size top, left = np.random.randint( 0, outer - inner + 1), np.random.randint(0, outer - inner + 1) image = image.resize((scale, scale), resample=resample) image = np.array(image).astype(np.uint8) image = (image / 127.5 - 1.0).astype(np.float32) instance_image = np.zeros((self.size, self.size, 3), dtype=np.float32) mask = np.zeros((self.size // 8, self.size // 8)) if scale > self.size: instance_image = image[top: top + inner, left: left + inner, :] mask = np.ones((self.size // 8, self.size // 8)) else: instance_image[top: top + inner, left: left + inner, :] = image mask[top // 8 + 1: (top + scale) // 8 - 1, left // 8 + 1: (left + scale) // 8 - 1] = 1. return instance_image, mask def __getprompt__(self, instance_prompt, instance_target): if self.concept_type == 'style': r = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2]) instance_prompt = f'{instance_prompt}, in the style of {instance_target}' if r == 0 else f'in {instance_target}\'s style, {instance_prompt}' if r == 1 else f'in {instance_target}\'s style, {instance_prompt}' elif self.concept_type == 'object': anchor, target = instance_target.split('+') instance_prompt = instance_prompt.replace(anchor, target) elif self.concept_type == 'memorization': instance_prompt = instance_target.split('+')[1] return instance_prompt def __getitem__(self, index): example = {} instance_image, instance_prompt, instance_target = self.instance_images_path[ index % self.num_instance_images] instance_image = if not instance_image.mode == "RGB": instance_image = instance_image.convert("RGB") instance_image = self.flip(instance_image) # modify instance prompt according to the concept_type to include target concept # multiple style/object fine-tuning if ';' in instance_target: instance_target = instance_target.split(';') instance_target = instance_target[index % len(instance_target)] instance_anchor_prompt = instance_prompt instance_prompt = self.__getprompt__(instance_prompt, instance_target) # apply resize augmentation and create a valid image region mask random_scale = self.size if self.aug: random_scale = np.random.randint(self.size // 3, self.size + 1) if np.random.uniform( ) < 0.66 else np.random.randint(int(1.2 * self.size), int(1.4 * self.size)) instance_image, mask = self.preprocess( instance_image, random_scale, self.interpolation) if random_scale < 0.6 * self.size: instance_prompt = np.random.choice( ["a far away ", "very small "]) + instance_prompt elif random_scale > self.size: instance_prompt = np.random.choice( ["zoomed in ", "close up "]) + instance_prompt example["instance_images"] = torch.from_numpy( instance_image).permute(2, 0, 1) example["mask"] = torch.from_numpy(mask) example["instance_prompt_ids"] = self.tokenizer( instance_prompt, truncation=True, padding="max_length", max_length=self.tokenizer.model_max_length, return_tensors="pt", ).input_ids example["instance_anchor_prompt_ids"] = self.tokenizer( instance_anchor_prompt, truncation=True, padding="max_length", max_length=self.tokenizer.model_max_length, return_tensors="pt", ).input_ids if self.with_prior_preservation: class_image, class_prompt = self.class_images_path[index % self.num_class_images] class_image = if not class_image.mode == "RGB": class_image = class_image.convert("RGB") example["class_images"] = self.image_transforms(class_image) example["class_mask"] = torch.ones_like(example["mask"]) example["class_prompt_ids"] = self.tokenizer( class_prompt, truncation=True, padding="max_length", max_length=self.tokenizer.model_max_length, return_tensors="pt", ).input_ids return example def isimage(path): if 'png' in path.lower() or 'jpg' in path.lower() or 'jpeg' in path.lower(): return True def filter(folder, impath, outpath=None, unfiltered_path=None, threshold=0.15, image_threshold=0.5, anchor_size=10, target_size=3, return_score=False): model = torch.jit.load( "./assets/") if isinstance(folder, list): image_paths = folder image_captions = ["None" for _ in range(len(image_paths))] elif Path(folder / 'images.txt').exists(): with open(f'{folder}/images.txt', "r") as f: image_paths = with open(f'{folder}/caption.txt', "r") as f: image_captions = else: image_paths = [os.path.join(str(folder), file_path) for file_path in os.listdir(folder) if isimage(file_path)] image_captions = ["None" for _ in range(len(image_paths))] batch = small_288('RGB')).unsqueeze(0) embedding_target = model(batch)[0, :] filtered_paths = [] filtered_captions = [] unfiltered_paths = [] unfiltered_captions = [] count_dict = {} for im, c in zip(image_paths, image_captions): if c not in count_dict: count_dict[c] = 0 if isinstance(folder, list): batch = small_288(im).unsqueeze(0) else: batch = small_288('RGB')).unsqueeze(0) embedding = model(batch)[0, :] diff_sscd = (embedding * embedding_target).sum() if diff_sscd <= image_threshold: filtered_paths.append(im) filtered_captions.append(c) count_dict[c] += 1 else: unfiltered_paths.append(im) unfiltered_captions.append(c) # only return score if return_score: score = len(unfiltered_paths) / \ (len(unfiltered_paths)+len(filtered_paths)) return score os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(f'{outpath}/samples', exist_ok=True) with open(f'{outpath}/caption.txt', 'w') as f: for each in filtered_captions: f.write(each.strip() + '\n') with open(f'{outpath}/images.txt', 'w') as f: for each in filtered_paths: f.write(each.strip() + '\n') imbase = Path(each).name shutil.copy(each, f'{outpath}/samples/{imbase}') print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') print('+ Filter Summary +') print(f'+ Remained images: {len(filtered_paths)}') print(f'+ Filtered images: {len(unfiltered_paths)}') print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') sorted_list = sorted(list(count_dict.items()), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) anchor_prompts = [c[0] for c in sorted_list[:anchor_size]] target_prompts = [c[0] for c in sorted_list[-target_size:]] return anchor_prompts, target_prompts, len(filtered_paths) def getanchorprompts(pipeline, accelerator, class_prompt, concept_type, class_images_dir, api_key, num_class_images=200, mem_impath=None): openai.api_key = api_key class_prompt_collection = [] caption_target = [] if concept_type == 'object': messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You can describe any image via text and provide captions for wide variety of images that is possible to generate."}] messages = [{"role": "user", "content": f"Generate {num_class_images} captions for images containing a {class_prompt}. The caption should also contain the word \"{class_prompt}\" "}] while True: completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) class_prompt_collection += [x for x in completion.choices[0].message.content.lower( ).split('\n') if class_prompt in x] messages.append( {"role": "assistant", "content": completion.choices[0].message.content}) messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate {num_class_images-len(class_prompt_collection)} more captions"}) if len(class_prompt_collection) >= num_class_images: break class_prompt_collection = clean_prompt(class_prompt_collection)[ :num_class_images] elif concept_type == 'memorization': pipeline.scheduler = DPMSolverMultistepScheduler.from_config( pipeline.scheduler.config) num_prompts_firstpass = 5 num_prompts_secondpass = 2 threshold = 0.3 # Generate num_prompts_firstpass paraphrases which generate different content at least 1-threshold % of the times. os.makedirs(class_images_dir / 'temp/', exist_ok=True) class_prompt_collection_counter = [] caption_target = [] prev_captions = [] messages = [{"role": "user", "content": f"Generate {4*num_prompts_firstpass} different paraphrase of the caption: {class_prompt}. Preserve the meaning when paraphrasing."}] while True: completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) # print(completion.choices[0].message.content.lower().split('\n')) class_prompt_collection_ = [x.strip( ) for x in completion.choices[0].message.content.lower().split('\n') if x.strip() != ''] class_prompt_collection_ = clean_prompt(class_prompt_collection_) # print(class_prompt_collection_) for prompt in tqdm( class_prompt_collection_, desc="Generating anchor and target prompts ", disable=not accelerator.is_local_main_process ): print(f'Prompt: {prompt}') images = pipeline([prompt]*10, num_inference_steps=25,).images score = filter(images, mem_impath, return_score=True) print(f'Memorization rate: {score}') if score <= threshold and prompt not in class_prompt_collection and len(class_prompt_collection) < num_prompts_firstpass: class_prompt_collection += [prompt] class_prompt_collection_counter += [score] elif score >= 0.6 and prompt not in caption_target and len(caption_target) < 2: caption_target += [prompt] if len(class_prompt_collection) >= num_prompts_firstpass and len(caption_target) >= 2: break if len(class_prompt_collection) >= num_prompts_firstpass: break # print("prompts till now", class_prompt_collection, caption_target) # print("prompts till now", len( # class_prompt_collection), len(caption_target)) prev_captions += class_prompt_collection_ prev_captions_ = ','.join(prev_captions[-40:]) messages = [ {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate {4*(num_prompts_firstpass- len(class_prompt_collection))} different paraphrase of the caption: {class_prompt}. Preserve the meaning the most when paraphrasing. Also make sure that the new captions are different from the following captions: {prev_captions_[:4000]}"}] # Generate more paraphrases using the captions we retrieved above. for prompt in class_prompt_collection[:num_prompts_firstpass]: completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate {num_prompts_secondpass} different paraphrases of: {prompt}. "}] ) class_prompt_collection += clean_prompt( [x.strip() for x in completion.choices[0].message.content.lower().split('\n') if x.strip() != '']) for prompt in tqdm(class_prompt_collection[num_prompts_firstpass:], desc="Memorization rate for final prompts"): images = pipeline([prompt]*10, num_inference_steps=25,).images class_prompt_collection_counter += [ filter(images, mem_impath, return_score=True)] # select least ten and most memorized text prompts to be selected as anchor and target prompts. class_prompt_collection = sorted( zip(class_prompt_collection, class_prompt_collection_counter), key=lambda x: x[1]) caption_target += [x for (x, y) in class_prompt_collection if y >= 0.6] class_prompt_collection = [ x for (x, y) in class_prompt_collection if y <= threshold][:10] print("Anchor prompts:", class_prompt_collection) print("Target prompts:", caption_target) return class_prompt_collection, ';*+'.join(caption_target) def clean_prompt(class_prompt_collection): class_prompt_collection = [re.sub( r"[0-9]+", lambda num: '' * len(, prompt) for prompt in class_prompt_collection] class_prompt_collection = [re.sub( r"^\.+", lambda dots: '' * len(, prompt) for prompt in class_prompt_collection] class_prompt_collection = [x.strip() for x in class_prompt_collection] class_prompt_collection = [x.replace('"', '') for x in class_prompt_collection] return class_prompt_collection def safe_dir(dir): if not dir.exists(): dir.mkdir() return dir