import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3'; import sqliteStore from 'cache-manager-sqlite'; import cacheManager from 'cache-manager'; import config from './config.js'; import {wait} from './util.js'; const db = new sqlite3.Database(`${config.dataFolder}/cache.db`); const cache = await cacheManager.caching({ store: sqliteStore, path: `${config.dataFolder}/cache.db`, options: { ttl: 86400 } }); export default cache; export async function clean(){ // // The cache will grow until an expired key is requested // This hack should force node-cache-manager-sqlite to purge await cache.set('_clean', 'todo', {ttl: 1}); await wait(3e3); await cache.get('_clean'); } export async function vacuum(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.serialize(() => {'VACUUM', err => { if(err)return reject(err); resolve(); }) }); }); }