Repository Documentation This document provides a comprehensive overview of the repository's structure and contents. The first section, titled 'Directory/File Tree', displays the repository's hierarchy in a tree format. In this section, directories and files are listed using tree branches to indicate their structure and relationships. Following the tree representation, the 'File Content' section details the contents of each file in the repository. Each file's content is introduced with a '[File Begins]' marker followed by the file's relative path, and the content is displayed verbatim. The end of each file's content is marked with a '[File Ends]' marker. This format ensures a clear and orderly presentation of both the structure and the detailed contents of the repository. Directory/File Tree Begins --> / ├── ├── __pycache__ ├── ├── database-structure.txt ├── ├── requirements.txt ├── texts └── <-- Directory/File Tree Ends File Content Begin --> [File Begins] --- title: Tanach Network emoji: 📊 colorFrom: green colorTo: pink sdk: gradio sdk_version: 4.39.0 app_file: pinned: false --- Check out the configuration reference at [File Ends] [File Begins] import gradio as gr import json import re import sqlite3 import logging from collections import defaultdict from typing import Tuple, Dict, List # Assuming you have these files in your project from util import process_json_files from gematria import calculate_gematria from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator, exceptions from urllib.parse import quote_plus from tqdm import tqdm # Constants DATABASE_FILE = 'gematria.db' MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH_LIMIT = 20 BATCH_SIZE = 10000 # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Global variables conn: sqlite3.Connection = None translator: GoogleTranslator = None book_names: Dict[int, str] = {} gematria_cache: Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Tuple[str, str, int, int, int, str]]] = {} translation_cache: Dict[str, str] = {} total_word_count: int = 0 # Global counter for word position def initialize_database() -> None: """Initializes the SQLite database.""" global conn conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS results ( gematria_sum INTEGER, words TEXT, translation TEXT, book TEXT, chapter INTEGER, verse INTEGER, phrase_length INTEGER, word_position TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (gematria_sum, words, book, chapter, verse, word_position) ) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_results_gematria ON results (gematria_sum) ''') cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS processed_books ( book TEXT PRIMARY KEY, max_phrase_length INTEGER ) ''') conn.commit() def initialize_translator() -> None: """Initializes the Google Translator.""" global translator translator = GoogleTranslator(source='iw', target='en')"Translator initialized.") def process_book(book_id: int, max_phrase_length: int, cursor): """Processes a single book and returns phrases to insert.""" global book_names, total_word_count book_data = process_json_files(book_id, book_id) phrases_to_insert = [] if book_id in book_data: book_data = book_data[book_id] if 'title' not in book_data or not isinstance(book_data['title'], str): logging.warning(f"Skipping book {book_id} due to missing 'title' field.") return phrases_to_insert title = book_data['title'] book_names[book_id] = title # Check if this book has already been processed for this phrase length cursor.execute('''SELECT max_phrase_length FROM processed_books WHERE book = ?''', (title,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result and result[0] >= max_phrase_length:"Skipping book {title}: Already processed with max_phrase_length {result[0]}") return phrases_to_insert if 'text' not in book_data or not isinstance(book_data['text'], list): logging.warning(f"Skipping book {book_id} due to missing 'text' field.") return phrases_to_insert chapters = book_data['text'] for chapter_id, chapter in enumerate(chapters): for verse_id, verse in enumerate(chapter): verse_text = flatten_text(verse) verse_text = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', verse_text) verse_text = re.sub(r"[^\u05D0-\u05EA ]+", "", verse_text) verse_text = re.sub(r" +", " ", verse_text) words = verse_text.split() for length in range(1, max_phrase_length + 1): for start in range(len(words) - length + 1): phrase_candidate = " ".join(words[start:start + length]) gematria_sum = calculate_gematria(phrase_candidate.replace(" ", "")) word_position_range = f"{total_word_count + start + 1}-{total_word_count + start + length}" phrases_to_insert.append( (gematria_sum, phrase_candidate, None, title, chapter_id + 1, verse_id + 1, length, word_position_range)) total_word_count += len(words) return phrases_to_insert def populate_database(start_book: int, end_book: int, max_phrase_length: int = 1) -> None: """Populates the database with phrases from the Tanach.""" global conn, book_names, total_word_count"Populating database with books from {start_book} to {end_book}...") with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() for book_id in tqdm(range(start_book, end_book + 1), desc="Processing Books"): phrases_to_insert = process_book(book_id, max_phrase_length, cursor) if phrases_to_insert: cursor.executemany(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO results (gematria_sum, words, translation, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ''', phrases_to_insert) # Update processed_books after processing each book cursor.execute(''' INSERT OR REPLACE INTO processed_books (book, max_phrase_length) VALUES (?, ?) ''', (book_names[book_id], max_phrase_length)) conn.commit() total_word_count = 0 # Reset for the next set of phrase lengths def get_translation(phrase: str) -> str: """Retrieves or generates the English translation of a Hebrew phrase and caches it in the database. """ global conn, translator, translation_cache # Check if the translation exists in the database with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT translation FROM results WHERE words = ? LIMIT 1", (phrase,)) result = cursor.fetchone() if result and result[0]: # If a translation exists, use it return result[0] # If no translation in the database, translate and store it translation = translate_and_store(phrase) translation_cache[phrase] = translation # Update the database with the new translation with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE results SET translation = ? WHERE words = ?", (translation, phrase)) conn.commit() return translation def translate_and_store(phrase: str) -> str: """Translates a Hebrew phrase to English using Google Translate.""" global translator max_retries = 3 retries = 0 while retries < max_retries: try: translation = translator.translate(phrase) return translation except (exceptions.TranslationNotFound, exceptions.NotValidPayload, exceptions.ServerException, exceptions.RequestError) as e: retries += 1 logging.warning(f"Error translating phrase '{phrase}': {e}. Retrying... ({retries}/{max_retries})") logging.error(f"Failed to translate phrase '{phrase}' after {max_retries} retries.") return "[Translation Error]" def search_gematria_in_db(gematria_sum: int, max_words: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str, int, int, int, str]]: """Searches the database for phrases with a given Gematria value.""" global conn with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' SELECT words, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position FROM results WHERE gematria_sum = ? AND phrase_length <= ? ''', (gematria_sum, max_words)) results = cursor.fetchall() return results def gematria_search_interface(phrases: str, max_words: int, show_translation: bool) -> str: """The main function for the Gradio interface, handling multiple phrases.""" global conn, book_names, gematria_cache results = [] all_results = [] # Store results for each phrase middle_words_results = [] # Store middle word results for all books all_names_average_position = 0 # Initialize variable for average position across all names and books total_name_count = 0 # Initialize counter for the total number of names processed phrases = phrases.strip().splitlines() if not phrases: return "Please enter at least one phrase." for phrase in phrases: if not phrase.strip(): continue # Skip empty lines numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', phrase) text_without_numbers = re.sub(r'\d+', '', phrase) phrase_gematria = calculate_gematria(text_without_numbers.replace(" ", "")) phrase_gematria += sum(int(number) for number in numbers) if (phrase_gematria, max_words) in gematria_cache: matching_phrases = gematria_cache[(phrase_gematria, max_words)] else: matching_phrases = search_gematria_in_db(phrase_gematria, max_words) gematria_cache[(phrase_gematria, max_words)] = matching_phrases if not matching_phrases: results.append(f"No matching phrases found for: {phrase}") continue sorted_phrases = sorted(matching_phrases, key=lambda x: (int(list(book_names.keys())[list(book_names.values()).index(x[1])]), x[2], x[3])) results_by_book = defaultdict(list) for words, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position in sorted_phrases: results_by_book[book].append((words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position)) results.append(f"

Results for: {phrase} (Gematria: {phrase_gematria})

") results.append("
") for book, phrases in results_by_book.items(): for words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position in phrases: translation = get_translation(words) if show_translation else "" link = f"{quote_plus(book)}+{chapter}%3A{verse}&version=CJB" results.append(f"""

Book: {book}

Chapter: {chapter}, Verse: {verse}

Hebrew Phrase: {words}

Translation: {translation}

Phrase Length: {phrase_length} words

Phrase Gematria: {phrase_gematria}

Word Position in the Tanach: {word_position}

[See on Bible Gateway]
""") # Calculate average position for the current name across all books name_average_position = calculate_average_position_for_name(results_by_book) if name_average_position is not None: results.append(f"

Average Word Position for '{phrase}' across all books: {name_average_position:.2f}

") all_names_average_position += name_average_position total_name_count += 1 results.append("
") all_results.append(results_by_book) # Store results by book without the phrase # Calculate the average word position across all names and all their books if total_name_count > 0: all_names_average_position /= total_name_count results.append(f"

Average Word Position Across All Names and Books: {all_names_average_position:.2f}

") # Calculate middle words for all input lines (common books) if len(all_results) >= 2: results.append("

Middle Words (Common Books):

") results.append("
") common_books = set.intersection(*[set(results.keys()) for results in all_results]) logging.debug(f"Common books: {common_books}") for book in common_books: logging.debug(f"Processing book: {book}") # Find nearest positions for all phrases in the current book nearest_positions = find_nearest_positions([results[book] for results in all_results]) logging.debug(f"Nearest positions in {book}: {nearest_positions}") if nearest_positions: middle_word_position = sum(nearest_positions) / len(nearest_positions) logging.debug(f"Calculated middle word position in {book}: {middle_word_position}") start_position = int(middle_word_position) end_position = start_position + 1 if middle_word_position % 1 != 0 else start_position logging.debug(f"Middle word position range in {book}: {start_position}-{end_position}") middle_words_data = get_words_from_db(book, start_position, end_position) logging.debug(f"Middle words data fetched from database: {middle_words_data}") if middle_words_data: # Store middle word data along with book name for sorting middle_words_results.extend([(book, data) for data in middle_words_data]) else: # Handle edge case: fetch words independently for start and end positions logging.debug(f"No middle words found for range {start_position}-{end_position}. " f"Fetching words independently.") middle_words_data_start = get_words_from_db(book, start_position, start_position) middle_words_data_end = get_words_from_db(book, end_position, end_position) if middle_words_data_start or middle_words_data_end: middle_words_results.extend([(book, data) for data in middle_words_data_start + middle_words_data_end]) # Sort middle words results by book order before displaying middle_words_results.sort(key=lambda x: int(list(book_names.keys())[list(book_names.values()).index(x[0])])) for book, (words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position) in middle_words_results: translation = get_translation(words) if show_translation else "" link = f"{quote_plus(book)}+{chapter}%3A{verse}&version=CJB" results.append(f"""

Book: {book}

Chapter: {chapter}, Verse: {verse}

Hebrew Phrase: {words}

Translation: {translation}

Phrase Length: {phrase_length} words

Word Position in the Tanach: {word_position}

[See on Bible Gateway]
""") results.append("
") # Style modified to position search on top and results below style = """ """ return style + "\n".join(results) def calculate_average_position_for_name(results_by_book: Dict[str, List[Tuple]]) -> float: """Calculates the average word position for a single name across all books.""" positions = [] for book, phrases in results_by_book.items(): for _, _, _, _, word_position in phrases: start, end = map(int, word_position.split('-')) positions.append((start + end) / 2) return sum(positions) / len(positions) if positions else None def find_nearest_positions(results_lists: List[List]) -> List[int]: """Finds the nearest word positions among multiple lists of results.""" nearest_positions = [] for i in range(len(results_lists)): positions_i = [(int(pos.split('-')[0]) + int(pos.split('-')[1])) / 2 for _, _, _, _, pos in results_lists[i]] # Get average of start and end positions logging.debug(f"Positions for phrase {i+1}: {positions_i}") # Calculate the average position for the current phrase average_position = sum(positions_i) / len(positions_i) if positions_i else None logging.debug(f"Average position for phrase {i+1}: {average_position}") if average_position is not None: nearest_positions.append(average_position) return nearest_positions def get_words_from_db(book: str, start_position: int, end_position: int) -> List[Tuple]: """Fetches words from the database based on the book and exact word position range.""" global conn logging.debug(f"Fetching words from database for {book} at positions {start_position}-{end_position}") with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position FROM results WHERE book = ? AND word_position = ? """, (book, f"{start_position}-{end_position}")) # Directly compare word_position results = cursor.fetchall() logging.debug(f"Words fetched from database: {results}") return results def flatten_text(text: List) -> str: """Flattens nested lists into a single list.""" if isinstance(text, list): return " ".join(flatten_text(item) if isinstance(item, list) else item for item in text) return text def run_app() -> None: """Initializes and launches the Gradio app.""" global conn initialize_database() initialize_translator()"Starting database population...") for max_phrase_length in range(1, MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1): populate_database(1, 39, max_phrase_length=max_phrase_length)"Database population complete.") with gr.Blocks() as iface: # Use gr.Blocks() for layout control with gr.Row(): # Place inputs in a row textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Enter word(s) or numbers (one phrase per line)", lines=5) slider = gr.Slider(label="Max Word Count in Result Phrases", minimum=1, maximum=MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH_LIMIT, step=1, value=1) checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Translation", value=True) with gr.Row(): # Place buttons in a row clear_button = gr.Button("Clear") submit_button = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary") html_output = gr.HTML(label="Results") # Output for the results, inputs=[textbox, slider, checkbox], outputs=html_output) "", inputs=None, outputs=html_output) # Clear the output iface.launch() if __name__ == "__main__": run_app() [File Ends] [File Begins] database-structure.txt Gematria Sum, Words, Translation, Book, Chapter, Verse, Phrase Length, Phrase Position 913 בראשית Genesis 1 1 1 1-1 1116 בראשית ברא Genesis 1 1 2 1-2 1762 בראשית ברא אלהים Genesis 1 1 3 1-3 2163 בראשית ברא אלהים את Genesis 1 1 4 1-4 3118 בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים Genesis 1 1 5 1-5 3525 בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת Genesis 1 1 6 1-6 [File Ends] database-structure.txt [File Begins] import unicodedata def strip_diacritics(text): """ Entfernt Diakritika von Unicode-Zeichen, um den Basisbuchstaben zu erhalten, und gibt Warnungen für tatsächlich unbekannte Zeichen aus. """ stripped_text = '' for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text): if unicodedata.category(char) not in ['Mn', 'Cf']: stripped_text += char else: print(f"Info: Diakritisches Zeichen '{char}' wird ignoriert.") return stripped_text def letter_to_value(letter): """ Konvertiert einen einzelnen Buchstaben in seinen Gematria-Wert, ignoriert Leerzeichen und Nicht-Buchstaben-Zeichen. """ # Dein vorhandenes Wörterbuch bleibt unverändert values = { # Lateinische Buchstaben 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5, 'f': 6, 'g': 7, 'h': 8, 'i': 9, 'j': 600, 'k': 10, 'l': 20, 'm': 30, 'n': 40, 'o': 50, 'p': 60, 'q': 70, 'r': 80, 's': 90, 't': 100, 'u': 200, 'v': 700, 'w': 900, 'x': 300, 'y': 400, 'z': 500, 'A': 1, 'B': 2, 'C': 3, 'D': 4, 'E': 5, 'F': 6, 'G': 7, 'H': 8, 'I': 9, 'J': 600, 'K': 10, 'L': 20, 'M': 30, 'N': 40, 'O': 50, 'P': 60, 'Q': 70, 'R': 80, 'S': 90, 'T': 100, 'U': 200, 'V': 700, 'W': 900, 'X': 300, 'Y': 400, 'Z': 500, # Basisbuchstaben und einige bereits genannte Varianten 'ا': 1, 'أ': 1, 'إ': 1, 'آ': 1, 'ب': 2, 'ج': 3, 'د': 4, 'ه': 5, 'و': 6, 'ز': 7, 'ح': 8, 'ط': 9, 'ي': 10, 'ى': 10, 'ك': 20, 'ک': 20, 'ل': 30, 'م': 40, 'ن': 50, 'س': 60, 'ع': 70, 'ف': 80, 'ص': 90, 'ق': 100, 'ر': 200, 'ش': 300, 'ت': 400, 'ث': 500, 'خ': 600, 'ذ': 700, 'ض': 800, 'ظ': 900, 'غ': 1000, 'ٱ': 1, # Alif Wasla 'ـ': 0, # Tatweel # Zusätzliche Varianten und Sonderzeichen 'ة': 400, # Taa Marbuta 'ؤ': 6, # Waw mit Hamza darüber 'ئ': 10, # Ya mit Hamza darüber 'ء': 1, # Hamza 'ى': 10, # Alif Maqsurah 'ٹ': 400, # Taa' marbuta goal 'پ': 2, # Pe (Persisch/Urdu) 'چ': 3, # Che (Persisch/Urdu) 'ژ': 7, # Zhe (Persisch/Urdu) 'گ': 20, # Gaf (Persisch/Urdu) 'ڭ': 20, # Ngaf (Kazakh, Uyghur, Uzbek, and in some Arabic dialects) 'ں': 50, # Noon Ghunna (Persisch/Urdu) 'ۀ': 5, # Heh with Yeh above (Persisch/Urdu) 'ے': 10, # Barree Yeh (Persisch/Urdu) '؋': 0, # Afghani Sign (wird als Währungssymbol verwendet, nicht für Gematria relevant, aber hier zur Vollständigkeit aufgeführt) # Anmerkung: Das Währungssymbol und ähnliche Zeichen sind in einem Gematria-Kontext normalerweise nicht relevant, # werden aber der Vollständigkeit halber aufgeführt. Es gibt noch viele weitere spezifische Zeichen in erweiterten # arabischen Schriftsystemen (z.B. für andere Sprachen wie Persisch, Urdu, Pashto usw.), die hier nicht vollständig # abgedeckt sind. # Grund- und Schlussformen hebräischer Buchstaben 'א': 1, 'ב': 2, 'ג': 3, 'ד': 4, 'ה': 5, 'ו': 6, 'ז': 7, 'ח': 8, 'ט': 9, 'י': 10, 'כ': 20, 'ך': 500, 'ל': 30, 'מ': 40, 'ם': 600, 'נ': 50, 'ן': 700, 'ס': 60, 'ע': 70, 'פ': 80, 'ף': 800, 'צ': 90, 'ץ': 900, 'ק': 100, 'ר': 200, 'ש': 300, 'ת': 400, # Griechische Buchstaben 'α': 1, 'β': 2, 'γ': 3, 'δ': 4, 'ε': 5, 'ϝ': 6, 'ζ': 7, 'η': 8, 'θ': 9, 'ι': 10, 'κ': 20, 'λ': 30, 'μ': 40, 'ν': 50, 'ξ': 60, 'ο': 70, 'π': 80, 'ϟ': 90, 'ρ': 100, 'σ': 200, 'τ': 300, 'υ': 400, 'φ': 500, 'χ': 600, 'ψ': 700, 'ω': 800, 'ϡ': 900, # Griechische Großbuchstaben 'Α': 1, 'Β': 2, 'Γ': 3, 'Δ': 4, 'Ε': 5, 'Ϝ': 6, 'Ζ': 7, 'Η': 8, 'Θ': 9, 'Ι': 10, 'Κ': 20, 'Λ': 30, 'Μ': 40, 'Ν': 50, 'Ξ': 60, 'Ο': 70, 'Π': 80, 'Ϟ': 90, 'Ρ': 100, 'Σ': 200, 'Τ': 300, 'Υ': 400, 'Φ': 500, 'Χ': 600, 'Ψ': 700, 'Ω': 800, 'Ϡ': 900, 'σ': 200, # Sigma 'ς': 200, # Final Sigma } # Stelle sicher, dass Diakritika entfernt werden, bevor auf das Wörterbuch zugegriffen wird letter_no_diacritics = strip_diacritics(letter) if letter_no_diacritics in values: return values[letter_no_diacritics.lower()] elif letter.strip() == "": # Ignoriere Leerzeichen und leere Zeilen return 0 else: # Gib eine spezifische Warnung aus, wenn das Zeichen unbekannt ist print(f"Warnung: Unbekanntes Zeichen '{letter}' ignoriert.") return 0 def calculate_gematria(text): """Calculate the Gematria value of a given Hebrew text, ignoring spaces and non-Hebrew characters.""" return sum(letter_to_value(letter) for letter in text if letter.strip() != "") [File Ends] [File Begins] requirements.txt fastapi==0.112.3 gradio==4.31.0 deep_translator==1.11.4 [File Ends] requirements.txt [File Begins] import json import re def process_json_files(start, end): """ Processes JSON files containing Tanach text and returns a dictionary mapping book IDs to their data. Args: start: The starting book ID (inclusive). end: The ending book ID (inclusive). Returns: A dictionary where keys are book IDs and values are dictionaries containing 'title' and 'text' fields. """ base_path = "texts" results = {} # Use a dictionary to store results for i in range(start, end + 1): file_name = f"{base_path}/{i:02}.json" try: with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data = json.load(file) if data: # Store book ID as key and book data as value results[i] = {"title": data.get("title", "No title"), "text": data.get("text", [])} except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning(f"File {file_name} not found.") except json.JSONDecodeError as e: logging.warning(f"File {file_name} could not be read as JSON: {e}") except KeyError as e: logging.warning(f"Expected key 'text' is missing in {file_name}: {e}") return results [File Ends] <-- File Content Ends