import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from PIL import Image from atoms_detection.image_preprocessing import dl_prepro_image from atoms_detection.dataset import CoordinatesDataset from utils.paths import CROPS_PATH, CROPS_DATASET, PT_DATASET from utils.constants import Split, CropsColumns np.random.seed(777) window_size = (21, 21) halfx_window = ((window_size[0] - 1) // 2) halfy_window = ((window_size[1] - 1) // 2) def get_gaussian_kernel(size=33, mean=0, sigma=0.2): # Initializing value of x-axis and y-axis # in the range -1 to 1 x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, size), np.linspace(-1, 1, size)) dst = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) # Calculating Gaussian array kernel = np.exp(-((dst - mean) ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma ** 2))) return kernel def generate_support_img(coordinates, window_size): support_img = np.zeros((2048, 2048)) kernel = get_gaussian_kernel(size=window_size[0]) halfx_window = ((window_size[0] - 1) // 2) halfy_window = ((window_size[1] - 1) // 2) for x, y in coordinates: x_range = (x - halfx_window, x + halfx_window + 1) y_range = (y - halfy_window, y + halfy_window + 1) x_diff = [0, 0] y_diff = [0, 0] if x_range[0] < 0: x_diff[0] = 0 - x_range[0] if x_range[1] > 2048: x_diff[1] = x_range[1] - 2048 if y_range[0] < 0: y_diff[0] = 0 - y_range[0] if y_range[1] > 2048: y_diff[1] = y_range[1] - 2048 x_diff = tuple(int(item) for item in x_diff) y_diff = tuple(int(item) for item in y_diff) real_kernel = kernel[x_diff[0]:window_size[0] - x_diff[1], y_diff[0]:window_size[1] - y_diff[1]] real_x_crop = (x_range[0] + x_diff[0], x_range[1] - x_diff[1]) real_y_crop = (y_range[0] + y_diff[0], y_range[1] - y_diff[1]) real_x_crop = tuple(int(item) for item in real_x_crop) real_y_crop = tuple(int(item) for item in real_y_crop) support_img[real_x_crop[0]:real_x_crop[1], real_y_crop[0]:real_y_crop[1]] += real_kernel support_img = support_img.T return support_img def open_image(img_filename): img = np_img = np.asarray(img).astype(np.float32) np_img = dl_prepro_image(np_img) img = Image.fromarray(np_img) return img def create_crop(img: Image, x_center: int, y_center: int): crop_coords = ( x_center - halfx_window, y_center - halfy_window, x_center + halfx_window + 1, y_center + halfy_window + 1 ) crop = img.crop(crop_coords) return crop def create_crops_dataset(crops_folder: str, coords_csv: str, crops_dataset: str): if not os.path.exists(crops_folder): os.makedirs(crops_folder) crop_name_list = [] orig_name_list = [] x_list = [] y_list = [] label_list = [] n_positives = 0 label = 1 dataset = CoordinatesDataset(coords_csv) print('Creating positive crops...') for data_filename, label_filename in dataset.iterate_data(Split.TRAIN): if label_filename is None: continue print(data_filename) orig_img_name = os.path.basename(data_filename) img_name = os.path.splitext(orig_img_name)[0] img = open_image(data_filename) coordinates = dataset.load_coordinates(label_filename) for x_center, y_center in coordinates: crop = create_crop(img, x_center, y_center) crop_name = "{}_{}_{}.tif".format(img_name, x_center, y_center), crop_name)) crop_name_list.append(crop_name) orig_name_list.append(orig_img_name) x_list.append(x_center) y_list.append(y_center) label_list.append(label) n_positives += 1 label = 0 no_train_images = dataset.split_length(Split.TRAIN) neg_crops_per_image = [n_positives // no_train_images + (1 if x < n_positives % no_train_images else 0) for x in range(no_train_images)] print('Creating negative crops...') for (data_filename, label_filename), no_neg_crops in zip(dataset.iterate_data(Split.TRAIN), neg_crops_per_image): print(data_filename) orig_img_name = os.path.basename(data_filename) img_name = os.path.splitext(orig_img_name)[0] img = open_image(data_filename) if label_filename: coordinates = dataset.load_coordinates(label_filename) support_map = generate_support_img(coordinates, window_size) else: support_map = None for _ in range(no_neg_crops): x_rand = np.random.randint(0, 2048) y_rand = np.random.randint(0, 2048) if support_map is not None: while support_map[x_rand, y_rand] != 0: x_rand = np.random.randint(0, 2048) y_rand = np.random.randint(0, 2048) x_center, y_center = x_rand, y_rand crop = create_crop(img, x_center, y_center) crop_name = "{}_{}_{}.tif".format(img_name, x_center, y_center), crop_name)) crop_name_list.append(crop_name) orig_name_list.append(orig_img_name) x_list.append(x_center) y_list.append(y_center) label_list.append(label) df_data = { CropsColumns.FILENAME: crop_name_list, CropsColumns.ORIGINAL: orig_name_list, CropsColumns.X: x_list, CropsColumns.Y: y_list, CropsColumns.LABEL: label_list } df = pd.DataFrame(df_data, columns=[ CropsColumns.FILENAME, CropsColumns.ORIGINAL, CropsColumns.X, CropsColumns.Y, CropsColumns.LABEL ]) df_pos = df[df.Label == 1] df_neg = df[df.Label == 0] pos_len = len(df_pos) neg_len = len(df_neg) pos_train, pos_val, pos_test = np.split(df_pos.sample(frac=1), [int(0.8*pos_len), int(0.9*pos_len)]) neg_train, neg_val, neg_test = np.split(df_neg.sample(frac=1), [int(0.8*neg_len), int(0.9*neg_len)]) pos_train[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.TRAIN pos_val[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.VAL pos_test[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.TEST neg_train[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.TRAIN neg_val[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.VAL neg_test[CropsColumns.SPLIT] = Split.TEST df_with_splits = pd.concat((pos_train, neg_train, pos_val, neg_val, pos_test, neg_test), axis=0) df_with_splits.to_csv(crops_dataset, header=True, index=False) if __name__ == "__main__": create_crops_dataset(CROPS_PATH, PT_DATASET, CROPS_DATASET)