from typing import Optional, Tuple, List import os import numpy as np import scipy.optimize from PIL import Image import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import patches from utils.constants import Split from atoms_detection.dataset import CoordinatesDataset def bbox_iou(bb1, bb2): assert bb1[0] <= bb1[1] assert bb1[2] <= bb1[3] assert bb2[0] <= bb2[1] assert bb2[2] <= bb2[3] # determine the coordinates of the intersection rectangle x_left = max(bb1[0], bb2[0]) y_top = max(bb1[2], bb2[2]) x_right = min(bb1[1], bb2[1]) y_bottom = min(bb1[3], bb2[3]) if x_right < x_left or y_bottom < y_top: return 0.0 # The intersection of two axis-aligned bounding boxes is always an # axis-aligned bounding box intersection_area = (x_right - x_left) * (y_bottom - y_top) # compute the area of both AABBs bb1_area = (bb1[1] - bb1[0]) * (bb1[3] - bb1[2]) bb2_area = (bb2[1] - bb2[0]) * (bb2[3] - bb2[2]) # compute the intersection over union by taking the intersection # area and dividing it by the sum of prediction + ground-truth # areas - the interesection area iou = intersection_area / float(bb1_area + bb2_area - intersection_area) assert iou >= 0.0 assert iou <= 1.0 return iou def match_bboxes(iou_matrix, IOU_THRESH=0.5): ''' Given sets of true and predicted bounding-boxes, determine the best possible match. Returns ------- (idxs_true, idxs_pred, ious, labels) idxs_true, idxs_pred : indices into gt and pred for matches ious : corresponding IOU value of each match labels: vector of 0/1 values for the list of detections ''' n_true, n_pred = iou_matrix.shape MIN_IOU = 0.0 MAX_DIST = 1.0 if n_pred > n_true: # there are more predictions than ground-truth - add dummy rows diff = n_pred - n_true iou_matrix = np.concatenate((iou_matrix, np.full((diff, n_pred), MIN_IOU)), axis=0) if n_true > n_pred: # more ground-truth than predictions - add dummy columns diff = n_true - n_pred iou_matrix = np.concatenate((iou_matrix, np.full((n_true, diff), MIN_IOU)), axis=1) # call the Hungarian matching idxs_true, idxs_pred = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(1 - iou_matrix) if (not idxs_true.size) or (not idxs_pred.size): ious = np.array([]) else: ious = iou_matrix[idxs_true, idxs_pred] # remove dummy assignments sel_pred = idxs_pred < n_pred idx_pred_actual = idxs_pred[sel_pred] idx_gt_actual = idxs_true[sel_pred] ious_actual = iou_matrix[idx_gt_actual, idx_pred_actual] sel_valid = (ious_actual > IOU_THRESH) label = sel_valid.astype(int) return idx_gt_actual[sel_valid], idx_pred_actual[sel_valid], ious_actual[sel_valid], label class Evaluation: def __init__(self, coords_csv: str, predictions_path: str, logging_filename: str): self.coordinates_dataset = CoordinatesDataset(coords_csv) self.predictions_path = predictions_path self.logging_filename = logging_filename if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.logging_filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.logging_filename)) self.logs_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Filename", "Precision", "Recall", "F1Score"]) self.threshold = 0.5 def get_predictions_dict(self, image_filename: str) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: img_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_filename))[0] preds_csv = os.path.join(self.predictions_path, f"{img_name}.csv") df = pd.read_csv(preds_csv) pred_coords_list = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): pred_coords_list.append((row["x"], row["y"])) return pred_coords_list @staticmethod def center_coords_to_bbox(gt_coord: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: box_rwidth, box_rheight = 10, 10 gt_bbox = ( gt_coord[0] - box_rwidth, gt_coord[0] + box_rwidth + 1, gt_coord[1] - box_rheight, gt_coord[1] + box_rheight + 1 ) return gt_bbox def eval_matches( self, gt_bboxes_dict: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]], atoms_bbox_dict: List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]], iou_threshold: float = 0.5 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: iou_matrix = np.zeros((len(gt_bboxes_dict), len(atoms_bbox_dict))).astype(np.float32) for gt_idx, gt_bbox in enumerate(gt_bboxes_dict): for atom_idx, atom_bbox in enumerate(atoms_bbox_dict): iou = bbox_iou(gt_bbox, atom_bbox) iou_matrix[gt_idx, atom_idx] = iou idxs_true, idxs_pred, ious, labels = match_bboxes(iou_matrix, IOU_THRESH=iou_threshold) return idxs_true, idxs_pred, ious, labels @staticmethod def eval_metrics(n_matches: int, n_gt: int, n_pred: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: precision = n_matches / n_pred if n_pred > 0 else 0.0 if n_gt == 0: raise RuntimeError("No ground truth atoms???") recall = n_matches / n_gt return precision, recall def atom_coords_to_bboxes(self, atoms_coords_dict: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: atom_bboxes_dict = [] for atom_center in atoms_coords_dict: atom_fixed_bbox = self.center_coords_to_bbox(atom_center) atom_bboxes_dict.append(atom_fixed_bbox) return atom_bboxes_dict def gt_coord_to_bboxes(self, gt_coordinates_dict: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: gt_bboxes_list = [] for gt_coord in gt_coordinates_dict: gt_bbox = self.center_coords_to_bbox(gt_coord) gt_bboxes_list.append(gt_bbox) return gt_bboxes_list @staticmethod def open_image(img_filename: str): img = np_img = np.asarray(img).astype(np.float32) return np_img def run(self, plot=False): for image_path, coordinates_path in self.coordinates_dataset.iterate_data(Split.TEST): img = self.open_image(image_path) center_coords_dict = self.get_predictions_dict(image_path) atoms_bboxes_dict = self.atom_coords_to_bboxes(center_coords_dict) gt_coordinates = self.coordinates_dataset.load_coordinates(coordinates_path) gt_bboxes_dict = self.gt_coord_to_bboxes(gt_coordinates) # VISUALILZE gt & pred bboxes! if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) ax = plt.gca() ax.imshow(img) for gt_bbox in gt_bboxes_dict: xy = (gt_bbox[0], gt_bbox[2]) width = gt_bbox[1] - gt_bbox[0] height = gt_bbox[3] - gt_bbox[2] rect = patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, linewidth=3, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) for atom_bbox in atoms_bboxes_dict: xy = (atom_bbox[0], atom_bbox[2]) width = atom_bbox[1] - atom_bbox[0] height = atom_bbox[3] - atom_bbox[2] rect = patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, linewidth=2, edgecolor='g', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) plt.tight_layout() idxs_true, idxs_pred, ious, labels = self.eval_matches(gt_bboxes_dict, atoms_bboxes_dict) precision, recall = self.eval_metrics(n_matches=len(idxs_pred), n_gt=len(gt_coordinates), n_pred=len(atoms_bboxes_dict)) f1_score = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision+recall) if precision+recall > 0 else 0 if self.logging_filename: # self.logs_df = self.logs_df.append({ # "Filename": os.path.basename(image_path), # "Precision": precision, # "Recall": recall, # "F1Score": f1_score # }, ignore_index=True) # Change the old append method to the new concat method to avoid the warning self.logs_df = pd.concat([self.logs_df, pd.DataFrame({ "Filename": os.path.basename(image_path), "Precision": precision, "Recall": recall, "F1Score": f1_score }, index=[0])], ignore_index=True) format_args = (os.path.basename(image_path), f1_score, precision, recall) print("{}: F1Score: {}, Precision: {}, Recall: {}".format(*format_args)) if self.logging_filename: mean_precision = self.logs_df["Precision"].mean() mean_recall = self.logs_df["Recall"].mean() mean_f1_score = self.logs_df["F1Score"].mean() std_precision = self.logs_df["Precision"].std() std_recall = self.logs_df["Recall"].std() std_f1_score = self.logs_df["F1Score"].std() print(f"F1Score: {mean_f1_score}, Precision: {mean_precision}, Recall: {mean_recall}") # self.logs_df = self.logs_df.append({ # "Filename": "Mean", # "Precision": mean_precision, # "Recall": mean_recall, # "F1Score": mean_f1_score # }, ignore_index=True) # Change the old append method to the new concat method to avoid the warning self.logs_df = pd.concat([self.logs_df, pd.DataFrame({ "Filename": "Mean", "Precision": mean_precision, "Recall": mean_recall, "F1Score": mean_f1_score }, index=[0])], ignore_index=True) # self.logs_df = self.logs_df.append({ # "Filename": "Std", # "Precision": std_precision, # "Recall": std_recall, # "F1Score": std_f1_score # }, ignore_index=True) # Change the old append method to the new concat method to avoid the warning self.logs_df = pd.concat([self.logs_df, pd.DataFrame({ "Filename": "Std", "Precision": std_precision, "Recall": std_recall, "F1Score": std_f1_score }, index=[0])], ignore_index=True) self.logs_df.to_csv(self.logging_filename, index=False, float_format='%.4f')