labtest /
narinsak unawong
9a9cf94 verified
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
# Load the saved model and encoders
with open('model_penguin_706.pkl', 'rb') as file:
model, species_encoder, island_encoder, sex_encoder = pickle.load(file)
# Create the Streamlit app
st.title('Penguin Species Prediction')
# Input fields for user data
island = st.selectbox('Island', ['Torgersen', 'Biscoe', 'Dream'])
culmen_length_mm = st.number_input('Culmen Length (mm)', min_value=0.0)
culmen_depth_mm = st.number_input('Culmen Depth (mm)', min_value=0.0)
flipper_length_mm = st.number_input('Flipper Length (mm)', min_value=0.0)
body_mass_g = st.number_input('Body Mass (g)', min_value=0.0)
sex = st.selectbox('Sex', ['MALE', 'FEMALE'])
# Create a button to trigger prediction
if st.button('Predict Species'):
# Create a DataFrame from user inputs
x_new = pd.DataFrame({
'island': [island],
'culmen_length_mm': [culmen_length_mm],
'culmen_depth_mm': [culmen_depth_mm],
'flipper_length_mm': [flipper_length_mm],
'body_mass_g': [body_mass_g],
'sex': [sex]
# Make the prediction
y_pred_new = model.predict(x_new)
# Inverse transform the prediction
result = species_encoder.inverse_transform(y_pred_new)
# Display the prediction
st.write('Predicted Species:', result[0])