import streamlit as st | |
from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer, utils | |
from io import StringIO | |
import sys | |
import torch | |
from functools import partial | |
import plotly.offline as pyo | |
import plotly.graph_objs as go | |
import numpy as np | |
import as px | |
import circuitsvis as cv | |
# Little bit of front end for model selector | |
# Radio buttons | |
model_name ="Model (only use patching for\nsmall (<4L) models due to memory limits)", [ | |
"gelu-1l", | |
"gelu-2l", | |
"gelu-3l", | |
"gelu-4l", | |
"attn-only-1l", | |
"attn-only-2l", | |
"attn-only-3l", | |
"attn-only-4l", | |
"solu-1l", | |
"solu-2l", | |
"solu-3l", | |
"solu-4l", | |
"solu-6l", | |
"solu-8l", | |
"solu-10l", | |
"solu-12l", | |
"gpt2-small", | |
"gpt2-medium", | |
#"gpt2-large", | |
#"gpt2-xl", | |
], index=1) | |
# Backend code | |
model = HookedTransformer.from_pretrained(model_name) | |
def predict_next_token(prompt): | |
logits = model(prompt)[0,-1] | |
answer_index = logits.argmax() | |
answer = model.tokenizer.decode(answer_index) | |
answer = f"<b>|{answer}|</b> (answer by {model.cfg.model_name})" | |
return answer | |
def test_prompt(prompt, answer): | |
output = StringIO() | |
sys.stdout = output | |
utils.test_prompt(prompt, answer, model) | |
output = output.getvalue() | |
return output | |
def compute_residual_stream_patch(clean_prompt=None, answer=None, corrupt_prompt=None, corrupt_answer=None, layers=None): | |
model.reset_hooks() | |
clean_answer_index = model.tokenizer.encode(answer)[0] | |
corrupt_answer_index = model.tokenizer.encode(corrupt_answer)[0] | |
clean_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(clean_prompt) | |
_, corrupt_cache = model.run_with_cache(corrupt_prompt) | |
# Patching function | |
def patch_residual_stream(activations, hook, layer="blocks.6.hook_resid_post", pos=5): | |
activations[:, pos, :] = corrupt_cache[layer][:, pos, :] | |
return activations | |
# Compute logit diffs | |
n_layers = len(layers) | |
n_pos = len(clean_tokens) | |
patching_effect = torch.zeros(n_layers, n_pos) | |
for l, layer in enumerate(layers): | |
for pos in range(n_pos): | |
fwd_hooks = [(layer, partial(patch_residual_stream, layer=layer, pos=pos))] | |
prediction_logits = model.run_with_hooks(clean_prompt, fwd_hooks=fwd_hooks)[0, -1] | |
patching_effect[l, pos] = prediction_logits[clean_answer_index] - prediction_logits[corrupt_answer_index] | |
return patching_effect | |
def compute_attn_patch(clean_prompt=None, answer=None, corrupt_prompt=None, corrupt_answer=None): | |
use_attn_result_prev = model.cfg.use_attn_result | |
model.cfg.use_attn_result = True | |
clean_answer_index = model.tokenizer.encode(answer)[0] | |
corrupt_answer_index = model.tokenizer.encode(corrupt_answer)[0] | |
clean_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(clean_prompt) | |
_, corrupt_cache = model.run_with_cache(corrupt_prompt) | |
# Patching function | |
def patch_head_result(activations, hook, head=None, pos=None): | |
activations[:, pos, head, :] = corrupt_cache[][:, pos, head, :] | |
return activations | |
n_layers = model.cfg.n_layers | |
n_heads = model.cfg.n_heads | |
n_pos = len(clean_tokens) | |
patching_effect = torch.zeros(n_layers*n_heads, n_pos) | |
for layer in range(n_layers): | |
for head in range(n_heads): | |
for pos in range(n_pos): | |
fwd_hooks = [(f"blocks.{layer}.attn.hook_result", partial(patch_head_result, head=head, pos=pos))] | |
prediction_logits = model.run_with_hooks(clean_prompt, fwd_hooks=fwd_hooks)[0, -1] | |
patching_effect[n_heads*layer+head, pos] = prediction_logits[clean_answer_index] - prediction_logits[corrupt_answer_index] | |
model.cfg.use_attn_result = use_attn_result_prev | |
return patching_effect | |
def imshow(tensor, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", zlabel=None, xticks=None, yticks=None, c_midpoint=0.0, c_scale="RdBu", **kwargs): | |
tensor = utils.to_numpy(tensor) | |
xticks = [str(x) for x in xticks] | |
yticks = [str(y) for y in yticks] | |
labels = {"x": xlabel, "y": ylabel} | |
if zlabel is not None: | |
labels["color"] = zlabel | |
fig = px.imshow(tensor, x=xticks, y=yticks, labels=labels, color_continuous_midpoint=c_midpoint, | |
color_continuous_scale=c_scale, **kwargs) | |
return fig | |
def plot_residual_stream_patch(clean_prompt=None, answer=None, corrupt_prompt=None, corrupt_answer=None): | |
layers = ["blocks.0.hook_resid_pre", *[f"blocks.{i}.hook_resid_post" for i in range(model.cfg.n_layers)]] | |
clean_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(clean_prompt) | |
token_labels = [f"(pos {i:2}) {t}" for i, t in enumerate(clean_tokens)] | |
patching_effect = compute_residual_stream_patch(clean_prompt=clean_prompt, answer=answer, corrupt_prompt=corrupt_prompt, corrupt_answer=corrupt_answer, layers=layers) | |
fig = imshow(patching_effect, xticks=token_labels, yticks=layers, xlabel="Position", ylabel="Layer", | |
zlabel="Logit Difference", title="Patching residual stream at specific layer and position") | |
return fig | |
def plot_attn_patch(clean_prompt=None, answer=None, corrupt_prompt=None, corrupt_answer=None): | |
clean_tokens = model.to_str_tokens(clean_prompt) | |
n_layers = model.cfg.n_layers | |
n_heads = model.cfg.n_heads | |
layerhead_labels = [f"{l}.{h}" for l in range(n_layers) for h in range(n_heads)] | |
token_labels = [f"(pos {i:2}) {t}" for i, t in enumerate(clean_tokens)] | |
patching_effect = compute_attn_patch(clean_prompt=clean_prompt, answer=answer, corrupt_prompt=corrupt_prompt, corrupt_answer=corrupt_answer) | |
return imshow(patching_effect, xticks=token_labels, yticks=layerhead_labels, xlabel="Position", ylabel="Layer.Head", | |
zlabel="Logit Difference", title=f"Patching attention outputs for specific layer, head, and position", width=600, height=300+200*n_layers) | |
# Frontend code | |
st.title("Simple Trafo Mech Int") | |
st.subheader("Transformer Mechanistic Interpretability") | |
st.markdown("Powered by [TransformerLens](") | |
st.markdown("For _what_ these plots are, and _why_, see this [tutorial](") | |
# Predict next token | |
st.header("Predict the next token") | |
st.markdown("Just a simple test UI, enter a prompt and the model will predict the next token") | |
prompt_simple = st.text_input("Prompt:", "Today, the weather is", key="prompt_simple") | |
if "prompt_simple_output" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.prompt_simple_output = None | |
if st.button("Run model", key="key_button_prompt_simple"): | |
res = predict_next_token(prompt_simple) | |
st.session_state.prompt_simple_output = res | |
if st.session_state.prompt_simple_output: | |
st.markdown(st.session_state.prompt_simple_output, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Test prompt | |
st.header("Verbose test prompt") | |
st.markdown("Enter a prompt and the correct answer, the model will run the prompt and print the results") | |
prompt = st.text_input("Prompt:", "The most popular programming language is", key="prompt") | |
answer = st.text_input("Answer:", " Java", key="answer") | |
if "test_prompt_output" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.test_prompt_output = None | |
if st.button("Run model", key="key_button_test_prompt"): | |
res = test_prompt(prompt, answer) | |
st.session_state.test_prompt_output = res | |
if st.session_state.test_prompt_output: | |
st.code(st.session_state.test_prompt_output) | |
# Residual stream patching | |
st.header("Residual stream patching") | |
st.markdown("Enter a clean prompt, correct answer, corrupt prompt and corrupt answer, the model will compute the patching effect") | |
default_clean_prompt = "Her name was Alex Hart. Tomorrow at lunch time Alex" | |
default_clean_answer = "Hart" | |
default_corrupt_prompt = "Her name was Alex Carroll. Tomorrow at lunch time Alex" | |
default_corrupt_answer = "Carroll" | |
clean_prompt = st.text_input("Clean Prompt:", default_clean_prompt) | |
clean_answer = st.text_input("Correct Answer:", default_clean_answer) | |
corrupt_prompt = st.text_input("Corrupt Prompt:", default_corrupt_prompt) | |
corrupt_answer = st.text_input("Corrupt Answer:", default_corrupt_answer) | |
if "residual_stream_patch_out" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.residual_stream_patch_out = None | |
if st.button("Run model", key="key_button_residual_stream_patch"): | |
fig = plot_residual_stream_patch(clean_prompt=clean_prompt, answer=clean_answer, corrupt_prompt=corrupt_prompt, corrupt_answer=corrupt_answer) | |
st.session_state.residual_stream_patch_out = fig | |
if st.session_state.residual_stream_patch_out: | |
st.plotly_chart(st.session_state.residual_stream_patch_out) | |
# Attention head output | |
st.header("Attention head output patching") | |
st.markdown("Enter a clean prompt, correct answer, corrupt prompt and corrupt answer, the model will compute the patching effect") | |
clean_prompt_attn = st.text_input("Clean Prompt:", default_clean_prompt, key="key2_clean_prompt_attn") | |
clean_answer_attn = st.text_input("Correct Answer:", default_clean_answer, key="key2_clean_answer_attn") | |
corrupt_prompt_attn = st.text_input("Corrupt Prompt:", default_corrupt_prompt, key="key2_corrupt_prompt_attn") | |
corrupt_answer_attn = st.text_input("Corrupt Answer:", default_corrupt_answer, key="key2_corrupt_answer_attn") | |
if "attn_head_patch_out" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.attn_head_patch_out = None | |
if st.button("Run model", key="key_button_attn_head_patch"): | |
fig = plot_attn_patch(clean_prompt=clean_prompt_attn, answer=clean_answer_attn, corrupt_prompt=corrupt_prompt_attn, corrupt_answer=corrupt_answer_attn) | |
st.session_state.attn_head_patch_out = fig | |
if st.session_state.attn_head_patch_out: | |
st.plotly_chart(st.session_state.attn_head_patch_out) | |
# Attention Head Visualization | |
st.header("Attention Pattern Visualization") | |
st.markdown("Powered by [CircuitsVis](") | |
st.markdown("Enter a prompt, show attention patterns") | |
default_prompt_attn = "Her name was Alex Hart. Tomorrow at lunch time Alex" | |
prompt_attn = st.text_input("Prompt:", default_prompt_attn) | |
if "attn_html" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.attn_html = None | |
if st.button("Run model", key="key_button_attention_head"): | |
_, cache = model.run_with_cache(prompt_attn) | |
st.session_state.attn_html = [] | |
for layer in range(model.cfg.n_layers): | |
html = cv.attention.attention_patterns(tokens=model.to_str_tokens(prompt_attn), | |
attention=cache[f'blocks.{layer}.attn.hook_pattern'][0]) | |
st.session_state.attn_html.append(html.show_code()) | |
if st.session_state.attn_html: | |
for layer in range(len(st.session_state.attn_html)): | |
st.write(f"Attention patterns Layer {layer}:") | |
st.components.v1.html(st.session_state.attn_html[layer], height=500) | |