import streamlit as st
from spotify_api import SpotifyClient
from sentiment_analysis import SentimentAnalyzer
from song_matching import SongMatcher
# Spotify API credentials - ensure these are securely stored or use environment variables
CLIENT_ID = "your_spotify_client_id"
CLIENT_SECRET = "your_spotify_client_secret"
# Initialize SpotifyClient, SentimentAnalyzer, and SongMatcher
spotify_client = SpotifyClient(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
sentiment_analyzer = SentimentAnalyzer()
song_matcher = SongMatcher('./music_mental_health.csv')
# Streamlit app layout
st.set_page_config(page_title="MODUS MUSIC", layout="wide") # New: Setting page title and layout
# Custom CSS for background and text color
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
image_path = './MODUSMUSIC.png' # Replace with the actual path to your image
st.image(image_path, use_column_width=False, width=250) # Adjust the width as needed
# Custom gradient background using CSS
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Custom HTML for the main title
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.title('Music Suggestion Based on Your Feeling') # Existing Title
# New: Introduction Section
with st.container():
Welcome to Modus Music! Share your vibe, and let's find the perfect songs to match your mood.
Just type in your thoughts, and we'll do the rest.
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# User input text area
with st.container():
user_input = st.text_area("What's your vibe? Tell me about it:", key="123", height=150, max_chars=500)
m = st.markdown("""
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Use the custom style for the button
submit_button = st.button("Generate music")
# Processing and Displaying Results
if submit_button and user_input.strip():
# Run sentiment analysis on the user input
sentiment_label, sentiment_score = sentiment_analyzer.analyze_sentiment(user_input)
st.write(f"Sentiment: {sentiment_label}, Score: {sentiment_score:.2f}")
suggested_songs = song_matcher.match_songs_with_sentiment(sentiment_label, sentiment_score, user_input, 0.00625)
with st.container():
st.markdown("", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.write("Based on your vibe, you might like these songs:")
for index, row in suggested_songs.iterrows():
song = row['song']
artist = row['artist']
track_id = spotify_client.get_track_id(song)
if track_id:
preview_url = spotify_client.get_track_preview_url(track_id)
st.write(f"{song} by {artist}")
with st.expander(f"Show Lyrics for {song} by {artist}", expanded=False):
st.write(f"Lyrics: {row['seq']}")
if preview_url:
st.write("No Preview Available")
st.write(f"Unable to find {song} by {artist} on Spotify.")
", unsafe_allow_html=True)
elif submit_button and not user_input.strip():
st.warning("Please provide a longer response with 5 words or more.")