import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import signal os.environ["GRADIO_ANALYTICS_ENABLED"] = "False" import gradio as gr import huggingface_hub from huggingface_hub import HfApi from huggingface_hub import ModelCard from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from gradio_huggingfacehub_search import HuggingfaceHubSearch from textwrap import dedent HF_PATH = "" CONV_TEMPLATES = [ "llama-3", "llama-3_1", "chatml", "chatml_nosystem", "qwen2", "open_hermes_mistral", "neural_hermes_mistral", "llama_default", "llama-2", "mistral_default", "gpt2", "codellama_completion", "codellama_instruct", "vicuna_v1.1", "conv_one_shot", "redpajama_chat", "rwkv_world", "rwkv", "gorilla", "gorilla-openfunctions-v2", "guanaco", "dolly", "oasst", "stablelm", "stablecode_completion", "stablecode_instruct", "minigpt", "moss", "LM", "stablelm-3b", "gpt_bigcode", "wizardlm_7b", "wizard_coder_or_math", "glm", "custom", # for web-llm only "phi-2", "phi-3", "phi-3-vision", "stablelm-2", "gemma_instruction", "orion", "llava", "hermes2_pro_llama3", "hermes3_llama-3_1", "tinyllama_v1_0", "aya-23", ] QUANTIZATIONS = ["q0f16", "q0f32", "q3f16_1", "q4f16_1", "q4f32_1", "q4f16_awq"] SUPPORTED_MODEL_TYPES = ['llama', 'mistral', 'gemma', 'gemma2', 'gpt2', 'mixtral', 'gpt_neox', 'gpt_bigcode', 'phi-msft', 'phi', 'phi3', 'phi3_v', 'qwen', 'qwen2', 'qwen2_moe', 'stablelm', 'baichuan', 'internlm', 'internlm2', 'rwkv5', 'orion', 'llava', 'rwkv6', 'chatglm', 'eagle', 'bert', 'medusa', 'starcoder2', 'cohere', 'minicpm'] readme_template = """ --- library_name: mlc-llm base_model: {base_model} tags: - mlc-llm - web-llm --- # {model_name} This is the [{base_model_name}]({base_model}) model in MLC format `{quant_format}`. The conversion was done using the [MLC-Weight-Conversion]( space. The model can be used for projects [MLC-LLM]( and [WebLLM]( ## Example Usage Here are some examples of using this model in MLC LLM. Before running the examples, please install MLC LLM by following the [installation documentation]( ### Chat In command line, run ```bash mlc_llm chat HF://mlc-ai/{model_name} ``` ### REST Server In command line, run ```bash mlc_llm serve HF://mlc-ai/{model_name} ``` ### Python API ```python from mlc_llm import MLCEngine # Create engine model = "HF://mlc-ai/{model_name}" engine = MLCEngine(model) # Run chat completion in OpenAI API. for response in messages=[{{"role": "user", "content": "What is the meaning of life?"}}], model=model, stream=True, ): for choice in response.choices: print(, end="", flush=True) print("\\n") engine.terminate() ``` ## Documentation For more information on MLC LLM project, please visit our [documentation]( and [GitHub repo]( """.strip() def button_click(hf_model_id, conv_template, quantization, oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken | None, progress=gr.Progress()): if oauth_token.token is None: return "Log in to Huggingface to use this" elif not hf_model_id: return "Enter a Huggingface model ID" elif not conv_template: return "Select a conversation template" elif not quantization: return "Select a quantization method" progress(0, desc="Verifying inputs...") api = HfApi(token=oauth_token.token) model_dir_name = hf_model_id.split("/")[1] mlc_model_name = model_dir_name + "-" + quantization + "-" + "MLC" os.system("mkdir -p dist/models") os.system("git lfs install") model_info = api.repo_info(hf_model_id) if type(model_info) != huggingface_hub.hf_api.ModelInfo: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return "Entered Huggingface model ID is not a model repository" if "model_type" not in model_info.config: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return "Cannot infer model type from config file" if model_info.config['model_type'] not in SUPPORTED_MODEL_TYPES: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return f"Model type ({model_info.config['model_type']}) currently not supported by MLC-LLM" progress(0.1, desc="Downloading weights from Huggingface...") try: api.snapshot_download(repo_id=hf_model_id, local_dir=f"./dist/models/{model_dir_name}") except BaseException as error: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return error progress(0.5, desc="Converting weight to MLC") convert_weight_result =["mlc_llm convert_weight ./dist/models/" + model_dir_name + "/" + \ " --quantization " + quantization + \ " -o dist/" + mlc_model_name], shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if convert_weight_result.returncode != 0: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return convert_weight_result.stderr progress(0.8, desc="Generating config...") gen_config_result =["mlc_llm gen_config ./dist/models/" + model_dir_name + "/" + \ " --quantization " + quantization + " --conv-template " + conv_template + \ " -o dist/" + mlc_model_name + "/"], shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if gen_config_result.returncode != 0: os.system("rm -rf dist/") return gen_config_result.stderr progress(0.9, desc="Creating your Huggingface repo...") # push to HF user_name = api.whoami()["name"] created_repo_url = api.create_repo(repo_id=f"{user_name}/{mlc_model_name}", private=False) # set public created_repo_id = created_repo_url.repo_id api.upload_large_folder(folder_path=f"./dist/{mlc_model_name}", repo_id=f"{user_name}/{mlc_model_name}", repo_type="model") # push model card to HF card = ModelCard.load(hf_model_id, token=oauth_token.token) if not = []"mlc-ai")"MLC-Weight-Conversion") = hf_model_id card.text = readme_template.format( model_name=f"{user_name}/{mlc_model_name}", base_model=hf_model_id, base_model_name=model_dir_name, quant_format=quantization, )"./dist/") api.upload_file(path_or_fileobj="./dist/", path_in_repo="", repo_id=created_repo_id, repo_type="model") os.system("rm -rf dist/") return "Successful, please find your compiled LLM model on your personal account" def clean(): os.system("rm -rf dist/") def restart_space(): HfApi().restart_space(repo_id="mlc-ai/MLC-Weight-Conversion", token=os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN"), factory_reboot=True) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.LoginButton() gr.Markdown( """ # Compile your LLM model with MLC-LLM and run it locally! ### This space takes in Huggingface model ID, and converts it for you using your selected conversation template and quantization method! """) model_id = HuggingfaceHubSearch( label="HF Model ID", placeholder="Search for your model on Huggingface", search_type="model", ) conv = gr.Dropdown(CONV_TEMPLATES, label="Conversation Template") quant = gr.Dropdown(QUANTIZATIONS, label="Quantization Method", info="The format of the code is qAfB(_id), where A represents the number of bits for storing weights and B represents the number of bits for storing activations. The _id is an integer identifier to distinguish different quantization algorithms (e.g. symmetric, non-symmetric, AWQ, etc).") btn = gr.Button("Convert to MLC") btn2 = gr.Button("Cancel Conversion") out = gr.Textbox(label="Conversion Result") click_event = , inputs=[model_id, conv, quant], outputs=out), inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=[click_event], js="window.location.reload()") scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(clean, "interval", seconds=21600) scheduler.add_job(restart_space, "interval", seconds=86400) scheduler.start() demo.queue(max_size=5).launch()