import type { Express } from "express"; import { createServer, type Server } from "http"; import { GoogleGenerativeAI, type ChatSession, type GenerateContentResult, } from "@google/generative-ai"; import { marked } from "marked"; import { setupEnvironment } from "./env"; const env = setupEnvironment(); const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(env.GOOGLE_API_KEY); const model = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: "gemini-2.0-flash-exp", generationConfig: { temperature: 0.9, topP: 1, topK: 1, maxOutputTokens: 2048, }, }); // Store chat sessions in memory const chatSessions = new Map(); // Format raw text into proper markdown async function formatResponseToMarkdown( text: string | Promise ): Promise { // Ensure we have a string to work with const resolvedText = await Promise.resolve(text); // First, ensure consistent newlines let processedText = resolvedText.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Process main sections (lines that start with word(s) followed by colon) processedText = processedText.replace( /^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z\s]+):(\s*)/gm, "## $1$2" ); // Process sub-sections (any remaining word(s) followed by colon within text) processedText = processedText.replace( /(?<=\n|^)([A-Za-z][A-Za-z\s]+):(?!\d)/gm, "### $1" ); // Process bullet points processedText = processedText.replace(/^[•●○]\s*/gm, "* "); // Split into paragraphs const paragraphs = processedText.split("\n\n").filter(Boolean); // Process each paragraph const formatted = paragraphs .map((p) => { // If it's a header or list item, preserve it if (p.startsWith("#") || p.startsWith("*") || p.startsWith("-")) { return p; } // Add proper paragraph formatting return `${p}\n`; }) .join("\n\n"); // Configure marked options for better header rendering marked.setOptions({ gfm: true, breaks: true, }); // Convert markdown to HTML using marked return marked.parse(formatted); } interface WebSource { uri: string; title: string; } interface GroundingChunk { web?: WebSource; } interface TextSegment { startIndex: number; endIndex: number; text: string; } interface GroundingSupport { segment: TextSegment; groundingChunkIndices: number[]; confidenceScores: number[]; } interface GroundingMetadata { groundingChunks: GroundingChunk[]; groundingSupports: GroundingSupport[]; searchEntryPoint?: any; webSearchQueries?: string[]; } export function registerRoutes(app: Express): Server { // Search endpoint - creates a new chat session app.get("/api/search", async (req, res) => { try { const query = req.query.q as string; if (!query) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "Query parameter 'q' is required", }); } // Create a new chat session with search capability const chat = model.startChat({ tools: [ { // @ts-ignore - google_search is a valid tool but not typed in the SDK yet google_search: {}, }, ], }); // Generate content with search tool const result = await chat.sendMessage(query); const response = await result.response; console.log( "Raw Google API Response:", JSON.stringify( { text: response.text(), candidates: response.candidates, groundingMetadata: response.candidates?.[0]?.groundingMetadata, }, null, 2 ) ); const text = response.text(); // Format the response text to proper markdown/HTML const formattedText = await formatResponseToMarkdown(text); // Extract sources from grounding metadata const sourceMap = new Map< string, { title: string; url: string; snippet: string } >(); // Get grounding metadata from response const metadata = response.candidates?.[0]?.groundingMetadata as any; if (metadata) { const chunks = metadata.groundingChunks || []; const supports = metadata.groundingSupports || []; chunks.forEach((chunk: any, index: number) => { if (chunk.web?.uri && chunk.web?.title) { const url = chunk.web.uri; if (!sourceMap.has(url)) { // Find snippets that reference this chunk const snippets = supports .filter((support: any) => support.groundingChunkIndices.includes(index) ) .map((support: any) => support.segment.text) .join(" "); sourceMap.set(url, { title: chunk.web.title, url: url, snippet: snippets || "", }); } } }); } const sources = Array.from(sourceMap.values()); // Generate a session ID and store the chat const sessionId = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); chatSessions.set(sessionId, chat); res.json({ sessionId, summary: formattedText, sources, }); } catch (error: any) { console.error("Search error:", error); res.status(500).json({ message: error.message || "An error occurred while processing your search", }); } }); // Follow-up endpoint - continues existing chat session"/api/follow-up", async (req, res) => { try { const { sessionId, query } = req.body; if (!sessionId || !query) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "Both sessionId and query are required", }); } const chat = chatSessions.get(sessionId); if (!chat) { return res.status(404).json({ message: "Chat session not found", }); } // Send follow-up message in existing chat const result = await chat.sendMessage(query); const response = await result.response; console.log( "Raw Google API Follow-up Response:", JSON.stringify( { text: response.text(), candidates: response.candidates, groundingMetadata: response.candidates?.[0]?.groundingMetadata, }, null, 2 ) ); const text = response.text(); // Format the response text to proper markdown/HTML const formattedText = await formatResponseToMarkdown(text); // Extract sources from grounding metadata const sourceMap = new Map< string, { title: string; url: string; snippet: string } >(); // Get grounding metadata from response const metadata = response.candidates?.[0]?.groundingMetadata as any; if (metadata) { const chunks = metadata.groundingChunks || []; const supports = metadata.groundingSupports || []; chunks.forEach((chunk: any, index: number) => { if (chunk.web?.uri && chunk.web?.title) { const url = chunk.web.uri; if (!sourceMap.has(url)) { // Find snippets that reference this chunk const snippets = supports .filter((support: any) => support.groundingChunkIndices.includes(index) ) .map((support: any) => support.segment.text) .join(" "); sourceMap.set(url, { title: chunk.web.title, url: url, snippet: snippets || "", }); } } }); } const sources = Array.from(sourceMap.values()); res.json({ summary: formattedText, sources, }); } catch (error: any) { console.error("Follow-up error:", error); res.status(500).json({ message: error.message || "An error occurred while processing your follow-up question", }); } }); const httpServer = createServer(app); return httpServer; }