import streamlit as st import plotly.graph_objs as go from main import CryptoCrew import asyncio st.title("Crypto Analyst") crypto = st.text_input("Enter the cryptocurrency you want to analyze:") if st.button("Analyze"): with st.spinner("Analyzing... This may take a few minutes."): crypto_crew = CryptoCrew(crypto) result = # Display summary st.subheader("Analysis Summary") st.write(result["summary"]) # Visualize sentiment st.subheader("Sentiment Analysis") sentiment_data = result["sentiment"] sentiment_categories = list(sentiment_data.keys()) sentiment_values = [1 if v == "Positive" else (-1 if v == "Negative" else 0) for v in sentiment_data.values()] colors = ['red' if v < 0 else 'green' if v > 0 else 'gray' for v in sentiment_values] fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Bar( x=sentiment_categories, y=sentiment_values, marker_color=colors )]) fig.update_layout( title="Sentiment Analysis", xaxis_title="Category", yaxis_title="Sentiment (Negative to Positive)", yaxis=dict(tickvals=[-1, 0, 1], ticktext=["Negative", "Neutral", "Positive"]) ) st.plotly_chart(fig)