diff --git "a/MakeItTalk/thirdparty/face_of_art/old/temp/deep_heatmaps_model_primary_net.py" "b/MakeItTalk/thirdparty/face_of_art/old/temp/deep_heatmaps_model_primary_net.py"
--- "a/MakeItTalk/thirdparty/face_of_art/old/temp/deep_heatmaps_model_primary_net.py"
+++ "b/MakeItTalk/thirdparty/face_of_art/old/temp/deep_heatmaps_model_primary_net.py"
@@ -1,911 +1,911 @@
-import scipy.io
-import scipy.misc
-from glob import glob
-import os
-import numpy as np
-from ops import *
-import tensorflow as tf
-from tensorflow import contrib
-from menpo_functions import *
-from logging_functions import *
-from data_loading_functions import *
-class DeepHeatmapsModel(object):
-    """facial landmark localization Network"""
-    def __init__(self, mode='TRAIN', train_iter=100000, batch_size=10, learning_rate=1e-3, adam_optimizer=True,
-                 momentum=0.95, step=100000, gamma=0.1, reg=0, weight_initializer='xavier', weight_initializer_std=0.01,
-                 bias_initializer=0.0, image_size=256, c_dim=3, num_landmarks=68, sigma=1.5, scale=1, margin=0.25,
-                 bb_type='gt', approx_maps=True, win_mult=3.33335, augment_basic=True, basic_start=0,
-                 augment_texture=False, p_texture=0., augment_geom=False, p_geom=0., artistic_step=-1, artistic_start=0,
-                 output_dir='output', save_model_path='model', save_sample_path='sample', save_log_path='logs',
-                 test_model_path='model/deep_heatmaps-50000', pre_train_path='model/deep_heatmaps-50000',load_pretrain=False,
-                 img_path='data', test_data='full', valid_data='full', valid_size=0, log_valid_every=5,
-                 train_crop_dir='crop_gt_margin_0.25', img_dir_ns='crop_gt_margin_0.25_ns',
-                 print_every=100, save_every=5000, sample_every=5000, sample_grid=9, sample_to_log=True,
-                 debug_data_size=20, debug=False, epoch_data_dir='epoch_data', use_epoch_data=False, menpo_verbose=True):
-        # define some extra parameters
-        self.log_histograms = False  # save weight + gradient histogram to log
-        self.save_valid_images = True  # sample heat maps of validation images
-        self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs = False  # save p_texture & p_geom to log
-        self.sample_per_channel = False  # sample heatmaps separately for each landmark
-        self.approx_maps_gpu = False  # create heat-maps on gpu. NOT RECOMMENDED. TODO: REMOVE
-        # for fine-tuning, choose reset_training_op==True. when resuming training, reset_training_op==False
-        self.reset_training_op = False
-        self.allocate_once = True  # create batch images/landmarks/maps zero arrays only once
-        self.fast_img_gen = True
-        self.compute_nme = True  # compute normalized mean error
-        self.config = tf.ConfigProto()
-        self.config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
-        # sampling and logging parameters
-        self.print_every = print_every  # print losses to screen + log
-        self.save_every = save_every  # save model
-        self.sample_every = sample_every  # save images of gen heat maps compared to GT
-        self.sample_grid = sample_grid  # number of training images in sample
-        self.sample_to_log = sample_to_log  # sample images to log instead of disk
-        self.log_valid_every = log_valid_every  # log validation loss (in epochs)
-        self.debug = debug
-        self.debug_data_size = debug_data_size
-        self.use_epoch_data = use_epoch_data
-        self.epoch_data_dir = epoch_data_dir
-        self.load_pretrain = load_pretrain
-        self.pre_train_path = pre_train_path
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.train_iter = train_iter
-        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
-        self.image_size = image_size
-        self.c_dim = c_dim
-        self.batch_size = batch_size
-        self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks
-        self.save_log_path = save_log_path
-        self.save_sample_path = save_sample_path
-        self.save_model_path = save_model_path
-        self.test_model_path = test_model_path
-        self.img_path=img_path
-        self.momentum = momentum
-        self.step = step  # for lr decay
-        self.gamma = gamma  # for lr decay
-        self.reg = reg  # weight decay scale
-        self.weight_initializer = weight_initializer  # random_normal or xavier
-        self.weight_initializer_std = weight_initializer_std
-        self.bias_initializer = bias_initializer
-        self.adam_optimizer = adam_optimizer
-        self.sigma = sigma  # sigma for heatmap generation
-        self.scale = scale  # scale for image normalization 255 / 1 / 0
-        self.win_mult = win_mult  # gaussian filter size for cpu/gpu approximation: 2 * sigma * win_mult + 1
-        self.approx_maps_cpu = approx_maps  # create heat-maps by inserting gaussian filter around landmark locations
-        self.test_data = test_data  # if mode is TEST, this choose the set to use full/common/challenging/test/art
-        self.train_crop_dir = train_crop_dir
-        self.img_dir_ns = os.path.join(img_path, img_dir_ns)
-        self.augment_basic = augment_basic  # perform basic augmentation (rotation,flip,crop)
-        self.augment_texture = augment_texture  # perform artistic texture augmentation (NS)
-        self.p_texture = p_texture  # initial probability of artistic texture augmentation
-        self.augment_geom = augment_geom  # perform artistic geometric augmentation
-        self.p_geom = p_geom  # initial probability of artistic geometric augmentation
-        self.artistic_step = artistic_step  # increase probability of artistic augmentation every X epochs
-        self.artistic_start = artistic_start  # min epoch to start artistic augmentation
-        self.basic_start = basic_start  # min epoch to start basic augmentation
-        self.valid_size = valid_size
-        self.valid_data = valid_data
-        # load image, bb and landmark data using menpo
-        self.bb_dir = os.path.join(img_path, 'Bounding_Boxes')
-        self.bb_dictionary = load_bb_dictionary(self.bb_dir, mode, test_data=self.test_data)
-        if self.use_epoch_data:
-            epoch_0 = os.path.join(self.epoch_data_dir, '0')
-            self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
-                img_path, train_crop_dir=epoch_0, img_dir_ns=None, mode=mode, bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary,
-                image_size=self.image_size,test_data=self.test_data, augment_basic=False, augment_texture=False,
-                augment_geom=False, verbose=menpo_verbose)
-        else:
-            self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
-                img_path, train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, mode, bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary,
-                image_size=self.image_size, margin=margin, bb_type=bb_type, test_data=self.test_data,
-                augment_basic=(augment_basic and basic_start == 0),
-                augment_texture=(augment_texture and artistic_start == 0 and p_texture > 0.), p_texture=p_texture,
-                augment_geom=(augment_geom and artistic_start == 0 and p_geom > 0.), p_geom=p_geom,
-                verbose=menpo_verbose)
-        if mode == 'TRAIN':
-            train_params = locals()
-            print_training_params_to_file(train_params)  # save init parameters
-            self.train_inds = np.arange(len(self.img_menpo_list))
-            if self.debug:
-                self.train_inds = self.train_inds[:self.debug_data_size]
-                self.img_menpo_list = self.img_menpo_list[self.train_inds]
-            if valid_size > 0:
-                self.valid_bb_dictionary = load_bb_dictionary(self.bb_dir, 'TEST', test_data=self.valid_data)
-                self.valid_img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
-                    img_path, train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, 'TEST', bb_dictionary=self.valid_bb_dictionary,
-                    image_size=self.image_size, margin=margin, bb_type=bb_type, test_data=self.valid_data,
-                    verbose=menpo_verbose)
-                np.random.seed(0)
-                self.val_inds = np.arange(len(self.valid_img_menpo_list))
-                np.random.shuffle(self.val_inds)
-                self.val_inds = self.val_inds[:self.valid_size]
-                self.valid_img_menpo_list = self.valid_img_menpo_list[self.val_inds]
-                if self.approx_maps_cpu:
-                    self.valid_images_loaded, self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, self.valid_landmarks_loaded =\
-                        load_images_landmarks_approx_maps(
-                            self.valid_img_menpo_list, np.arange(self.valid_size), primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale, win_mult=self.win_mult,
-                            sigma=self.sigma, save_landmarks=True)
-                else:
-                    self.valid_images_loaded, self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, self.valid_landmarks_loaded =\
-                        load_images_landmarks_maps(
-                            self.valid_img_menpo_list, np.arange(self.valid_size), primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                            save_landmarks=True)
-                if self.allocate_once:
-                    self.valid_landmarks_pred = np.zeros([self.valid_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
-                if self.valid_size > self.sample_grid:
-                    self.valid_gt_maps_loaded = self.valid_gt_maps_loaded[:self.sample_grid]
-            else:
-                self.val_inds = None
-            self.epoch_inds_shuffle = train_val_shuffle_inds_per_epoch(
-                self.val_inds, self.train_inds, train_iter, batch_size, save_log_path)
-    def add_placeholders(self):
-        if self.mode == 'TEST':
-            self.images = tf.placeholder(
-                tf.float32, [None, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim], 'images')
-            self.heatmaps_small = tf.placeholder(
-                tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks], 'heatmaps_small')
-            self.lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'lms_small')
-            self.pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'pred_lms_small')
-        elif self.mode == 'TRAIN':
-            self.images = tf.placeholder(
-                tf.float32, [None, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim], 'train_images')
-            self.heatmaps_small = tf.placeholder(
-                tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks], 'train_heatmaps_small')
-            self.train_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'train_lms_small')
-            self.train_pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'train_pred_lms_small')
-            self.valid_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'valid_lms_small')
-            self.valid_pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'valid_pred_lms_small')
-            self.p_texture_log = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
-            self.p_geom_log = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
-            self.sparse_hm_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), 1])
-            if self.sample_to_log:
-                row = int(np.sqrt(self.sample_grid))
-                self.log_image_map = tf.placeholder(
-                    tf.uint8, [None,row * int(self.image_size/4), 3 * row *int(self.image_size/4), self.c_dim], 'sample_img_map')
-                if self.sample_per_channel:
-                    row = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.num_landmarks)).astype(np.int64)
-                    self.log_map_channels = tf.placeholder(
-                        tf.uint8, [None, row * int(self.image_size/4), 2 * row * int(self.image_size/4), self.c_dim],
-                        'sample_map_channels')
-    def heatmaps_network(self, input_images, reuse=None, name='pred_heatmaps'):
-        with tf.name_scope(name):
-            if self.weight_initializer == 'xavier':
-                weight_initializer = contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
-            else:
-                weight_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=self.weight_initializer_std)
-            bias_init = tf.constant_initializer(self.bias_initializer)
-            with tf.variable_scope('heatmaps_network'):
-                with tf.name_scope('primary_net'):
-                    l1 = conv_relu_pool(input_images, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
-                                        reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_1')
-                    l2 = conv_relu_pool(l1, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
-                                        reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_2')
-                    l3 = conv_relu(l2, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
-                                   reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_3')
-                    l4_1 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=1, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_1')
-                    l4_2 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=2, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_2')
-                    l4_3 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=3, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_3')
-                    l4_4 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=4, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_4')
-                    l4 = tf.concat([l4_1, l4_2, l4_3, l4_4], 3, name='conv_4')
-                    l5_1 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=1, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_1')
-                    l5_2 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=2, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_2')
-                    l5_3 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=3, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_3')
-                    l5_4 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=4, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_4')
-                    l5 = tf.concat([l5_1, l5_2, l5_3, l5_4], 3, name='conv_5')
-                    l6 = conv_relu(l5, 1, 512, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                   conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_6')
-                    l7 = conv_relu(l6, 1, 256, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                   conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_7')
-                    primary_out = conv(l7, 1, self.num_landmarks, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
-                                            conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_8')
-                self.all_layers = [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, primary_out]
-                return primary_out
-    def build_model(self):
-        self.pred_hm_p = self.heatmaps_network(self.images,name='heatmaps_prediction')
-    def build_hm_generator(self):  # TODO: remove
-        # generate heat-maps using:
-        # a sparse base (matrix of zeros with 1's in landmark locations) and convolving with a gaussian filter
-        print ("*** using convolution to create heat-maps. use this option only with GPU support ***")
-        # create gaussian filter
-        win_small = int(self.win_mult * self.sigma)
-        x_small, y_small = np.mgrid[0:2*win_small+1, 0:2*win_small+1]
-        gauss_small = (8. / 3) * self.sigma * gaussian(x_small, y_small, win_small, win_small, sigma=self.sigma)
-        gauss_small = tf.constant(gauss_small, tf.float32)
-        gauss_small = tf.reshape(gauss_small, [2 * win_small + 1, 2 * win_small + 1, 1, 1])
-        # convolve sparse map with gaussian
-        self.filt_hm_small = tf.nn.conv2d(self.sparse_hm_small, gauss_small, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
-        self.filt_hm_small = tf.transpose(
-            tf.concat(tf.split(self.filt_hm_small, self.batch_size, axis=0), 3), [3, 1, 2, 0])
-    def create_loss_ops(self):  # TODO: calculate NME on resized maps to 256
-        def l2_loss_norm_eyes(pred_landmarks, real_landmarks, normalize=True, name='NME'):
-            with tf.name_scope(name):
-                with tf.name_scope('real_pred_landmarks_rmse'):
-                    landmarks_rms_err = tf.reduce_mean(
-                        tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(pred_landmarks - real_landmarks), axis=2)), axis=1)
-                if normalize:
-                    with tf.name_scope('inter_pupil_dist'):
-                        with tf.name_scope('left_eye_center'):
-                            p1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.slice(real_landmarks, [0, 42, 0], [-1, 6, 2]), axis=1)
-                        with tf.name_scope('right_eye_center'):
-                            p2 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.slice(real_landmarks, [0, 36, 0], [-1, 6, 2]), axis=1)
-                        eye_dist = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(p1 - p2), axis=1))
-                    return landmarks_rms_err / eye_dist
-                else:
-                    return landmarks_rms_err
-        if self.mode is 'TRAIN':
-            primary_maps_diff = self.pred_hm_p-self.heatmaps_small
-            self.total_loss = 1000.*tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(primary_maps_diff))
-            # add weight decay
-            self.total_loss += self.reg * tf.add_n(
-                [tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'bias' not in v.name])
-            if self.compute_nme:
-                self.nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.train_pred_lms_small,self.train_lms_small))
-            if self.valid_size > 0 and self.compute_nme:
-                self.valid_nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.valid_pred_lms_small,self.valid_lms_small))
-        elif self.mode == 'TEST' and self.compute_nme:
-            self.nme_per_image = l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.pred_lms_small, self.lms_small)
-            self.nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.nme_per_image)
-    def predict_landmarks_in_batches(self, image_paths, session):
-        num_batches = int(1.*len(image_paths)/self.batch_size)
-        if num_batches == 0:
-            batch_size = len(image_paths)
-            num_batches = 1
-        else:
-            batch_size = self.batch_size
-        img_inds = np.arange(len(image_paths))
-        for j in range(num_batches):
-            batch_inds = img_inds[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size]
-            batch_images, _, batch_lms_small = \
-                load_images_landmarks_maps(
-                    self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                    c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                    save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-            batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
-                batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-            if j == 0:
-                all_pred_landmarks = batch_pred_landmarks.copy()
-                all_gt_landmarks = batch_lms_small.copy()
-            else:
-                all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks,batch_pred_landmarks),0)
-                all_gt_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_gt_landmarks, batch_lms_small), 0)
-        reminder = len(image_paths)-num_batches*batch_size
-        if reminder > 0:
-            reminder_inds = img_inds[-reminder:]
-            batch_images, _, batch_lms_small = \
-                load_images_landmarks_maps(
-                    self.img_menpo_list, reminder_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                    c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                    save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-            batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
-                batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-            all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
-            all_gt_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_gt_landmarks, batch_lms_small), 0)
-        return all_pred_landmarks, all_gt_landmarks
-    def predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self, images, session):
-        num_images = int(images.shape[0])
-        num_batches = int(1.*num_images/self.batch_size)
-        if num_batches == 0:
-            batch_size = num_images
-            num_batches = 1
-        else:
-            batch_size = self.batch_size
-        for j in range(num_batches):
-            batch_images = images[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size,:,:,:]
-            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-            if self.allocate_once:
-                batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
-                    batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred,
-                    batch_landmarks=self.valid_landmarks_pred[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :, :],
-                    batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-            else:
-                batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
-                    batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                if j == 0:
-                    all_pred_landmarks = batch_pred_landmarks.copy()
-                else:
-                    all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
-        reminder = num_images-num_batches*batch_size
-        if reminder > 0:
-            batch_images = images[-reminder:, :, :, :]
-            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-            if self.allocate_once:
-                batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
-                    batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred,
-                    batch_landmarks=self.valid_landmarks_pred[-reminder:, :, :],
-                    batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-            else:
-                batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
-                    batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
-        if not self.allocate_once:
-            return all_pred_landmarks
-    def create_summary_ops(self):
-        self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.scalar('l_total', self.total_loss)
-        if self.compute_nme:
-            l_nme = tf.summary.scalar('l_nme', self.nme_loss)
-            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, l_nme])
-        if self.log_histograms:
-            var_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(var.name, var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()]
-            grads = tf.gradients(self.total_loss, tf.trainable_variables())
-            grads = list(zip(grads, tf.trainable_variables()))
-            grad_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(var.name + '/grads', grad) for grad, var in grads]
-            activ_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(layer.name, layer) for layer in self.all_layers]
-            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, var_summary, grad_summary, activ_summary])
-        if self.augment_texture and self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs:
-            p_texture_summary = tf.summary.scalar('p_texture', self.p_texture_log)
-            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, p_texture_summary])
-        if self.augment_geom and self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs:
-            p_geom_summary = tf.summary.scalar('p_geom', self.p_geom_log)
-            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, p_geom_summary])
-        if self.valid_size > 0 and self.compute_nme:
-            self.valid_summary = tf.summary.scalar('valid_l_nme', self.valid_nme_loss)
-        if self.sample_to_log:
-            img_map_summary =tf.summary.image('compare_map_to_gt',self.log_image_map)
-            if self.sample_per_channel:
-                map_channels_summary = tf.summary.image('compare_map_channels_to_gt', self.log_map_channels)
-                self.img_summary = tf.summary.merge([img_map_summary, map_channels_summary])
-            else:
-                self.img_summary = img_map_summary
-            if self.valid_size >= self.sample_grid:
-                img_map_summary_valid = tf.summary.image('compare_map_to_gt_valid', self.log_image_map)
-                if self.sample_per_channel:
-                    map_channels_summary_valid = tf.summary.image('compare_map_channels_to_gt_valid', self.log_map_channels)
-                    self.img_summary_valid = tf.summary.merge([img_map_summary_valid, map_channels_summary_valid])
-                else:
-                    self.img_summary_valid = img_map_summary_valid
-    def eval(self):
-        self.add_placeholders()
-        # build model
-        self.build_model()
-        self.create_loss_ops()
-        if self.debug:
-            self.img_menpo_list = self.img_menpo_list[:np.min([self.debug_data_size, len(self.img_menpo_list)])]
-        num_images = len(self.img_menpo_list)
-        img_inds = np.arange(num_images)
-        sample_iter = np.ceil(1. * num_images / self.sample_grid).astype('int')
-        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
-            # load trained parameters
-            print ('loading test model...')
-            saver = tf.train.Saver()
-            saver.restore(sess, self.test_model_path)
-            _, model_name = os.path.split(self.test_model_path)
-            gt_provided = self.img_menpo_list[0].has_landmarks  # check if GT landmarks provided
-            for i in range(sample_iter):
-                batch_inds = img_inds[i * self.sample_grid:(i + 1) * self.sample_grid]
-                if not gt_provided:
-                    batch_images = load_images(self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, image_size=self.image_size,
-                                               c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale)
-                    batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-                    batch_maps_gt = None
-                else:
-                    # TODO: add option for approx maps + allocate once
-                    batch_images, batch_maps_gt, _ = \
-                        load_images_landmarks_maps(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                            save_landmarks=False)
-                    batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-                sample_path_imgs = os.path.join(
-                    self.save_sample_path, model_name +'-'+ self.test_data+'-sample-%d-to-%d-1.png' % (
-                        i * self.sample_grid, (i + 1) * self.sample_grid))
-                merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
-                    batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred, batch_maps_gt, image_size=self.image_size,
-                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid, scale=self.scale, circle_size=0,
-                    fast=self.fast_img_gen)
-                scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_imgs, merged_img)
-                if self.sample_per_channel:
-                    map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
-                        batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred,batch_maps_gt, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                        num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
-                    sample_path_channels = os.path.join(
-                        self.save_sample_path, model_name + '-' + self.test_data + '-sample-%d-to-%d-3.png' % (
-                            i * self.sample_grid, (i + 1) * self.sample_grid))
-                    scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_channels, map_per_channel)
-                print ('saved %s' % sample_path_imgs)
-            if self.compute_nme and self.test_data in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training', 'test']:
-                print ('\n Calculating NME on: ' + self.test_data + '...')
-                pred_lms, lms_gt = self.predict_landmarks_in_batches(self.img_menpo_list, sess)
-                nme = sess.run(self.nme_loss, {self.pred_lms_small: pred_lms, self.lms_small: lms_gt})
-                print ('NME on ' + self.test_data + ': ' + str(nme))
-    def train(self):
-        # set random seed
-        tf.set_random_seed(1234)
-        np.random.seed(1234)
-        # build a graph
-        # add placeholders
-        self.add_placeholders()
-        # build model
-        self.build_model()
-        # create loss ops
-        self.create_loss_ops()
-        # create summary ops
-        self.create_summary_ops()
-        # create optimizer and training op
-        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
-        lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.learning_rate,global_step, self.step, self.gamma, staircase=True)
-        if self.adam_optimizer:
-            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
-        else:
-            optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, self.momentum)
-        train_op = optimizer.minimize(self.total_loss,global_step=global_step)
-        # TODO: remove
-        if self.approx_maps_gpu:  # create heat-maps using tf convolution. use only with GPU support!
-            self.build_hm_generator()
-        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
-            tf.global_variables_initializer().run()
-            # load pre trained weights if load_pretrain==True
-            if self.load_pretrain:
-                print
-                print('*** loading pre-trained weights from: '+self.pre_train_path+' ***')
-                loader = tf.train.Saver()
-                loader.restore(sess, self.pre_train_path)
-                print("*** Model restore finished, current global step: %d" % global_step.eval())
-            # for fine-tuning, choose reset_training_op==True. when resuming training, reset_training_op==False
-            if self.reset_training_op:
-                print ("resetting optimizer and global step")
-                opt_var_list = [optimizer.get_slot(var, name) for name in optimizer.get_slot_names()
-                                 for var in tf.global_variables() if optimizer.get_slot(var, name) is not None]
-                opt_var_list_init = tf.variables_initializer(opt_var_list)
-                opt_var_list_init.run()
-                sess.run(global_step.initializer)
-            # create model saver and file writer
-            summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir=self.save_log_path, graph=tf.get_default_graph())
-            saver = tf.train.Saver()
-            print
-            print('*** Start Training ***')
-            # initialize some variables before training loop
-            resume_step = global_step.eval()
-            num_train_images = len(self.img_menpo_list)
-            batches_in_epoch = int(float(num_train_images) / float(self.batch_size))
-            epoch = int(resume_step / batches_in_epoch)
-            img_inds = self.epoch_inds_shuffle[epoch, :]
-            p_texture = self.p_texture
-            p_geom = self.p_geom
-            artistic_reload = False
-            basic_reload = True
-            log_valid = True
-            log_valid_images = True
-            if self.allocate_once:
-                batch_images = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim]).astype('float32')
-                batch_lms_small = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
-                batch_lms_small_pred = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
-                if self.approx_maps_gpu:
-                    batch_hm_base_small = np.zeros((self.batch_size * self.num_landmarks,
-                                                    int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), 1)).astype('float32')
-                else:
-                    batch_maps_small = np.zeros((self.batch_size, int(self.image_size/4),
-                                                 int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks)).astype('float32')
-            if self.approx_maps_cpu:
-                gaussian_filt = create_gaussian_filter(sigma=self.sigma, win_mult=self.win_mult)
-            for step in range(resume_step, self.train_iter):
-                j = step % batches_in_epoch  # j==0 if we finished an epoch
-                if step > resume_step and j == 0:  # if we finished an epoch and this isn't the first step
-                    epoch += 1
-                    img_inds = self.epoch_inds_shuffle[epoch, :]  # get next shuffled image inds
-                    artistic_reload = True
-                    log_valid = True
-                    log_valid_images = True
-                    if self.use_epoch_data:
-                        epoch_dir = os.path.join(self.epoch_data_dir, str(epoch))
-                        self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
-                            self.img_path, train_crop_dir=epoch_dir, img_dir_ns=None, mode=self.mode,
-                            bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary, image_size=self.image_size, test_data=self.test_data,
-                            augment_basic=False, augment_texture=False, augment_geom=False)
-                # add basic augmentation (if basic_start > 0 and augment_basic is True)
-                if basic_reload and (epoch >= self.basic_start) and self.basic_start > 0 and self.augment_basic:
-                    basic_reload = False
-                    self.img_menpo_list = reload_menpo_image_list(
-                        self.img_path, self.train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, self.mode, self.train_inds,
-                        image_size=self.image_size, augment_basic=self.augment_basic,
-                        augment_texture=(self.augment_texture and epoch >= self.artistic_start), p_texture=p_texture,
-                        augment_geom=(self.augment_geom and epoch >= self.artistic_start), p_geom=p_geom)
-                    print ("****** adding basic augmentation ******")
-                # increase artistic augmentation probability
-                if ((epoch % self.artistic_step == 0 and epoch >= self.artistic_start and self.artistic_step != -1)
-                    or (epoch == self.artistic_start)) and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture)\
-                        and artistic_reload:
-                    artistic_reload = False
-                    if epoch == self.artistic_start:
-                        print ("****** adding artistic augmentation ******")
-                        print ("****** augment_geom: " + str(self.augment_geom) + ", p_geom: " + str(p_geom) + " ******")
-                        print ("****** augment_texture: " + str(self.augment_texture) + ", p_texture: " +
-                               str(p_texture) + " ******")
-                    if epoch % self.artistic_step == 0 and self.artistic_step != -1:
-                        print ("****** increasing artistic augmentation probability ******")
-                        p_geom = 1.- 0.95 ** (epoch/self.artistic_step)
-                        p_texture = 1. - 0.95 ** (epoch/self.artistic_step)
-                        print ("****** augment_geom: " + str(self.augment_geom) + ", p_geom: " + str(p_geom) + " ******")
-                        print ("****** augment_texture: " + str(self.augment_texture) + ", p_texture: " +
-                               str(p_texture) + " ******")
-                    self.img_menpo_list = reload_menpo_image_list(
-                        self.img_path, self.train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, self.mode, self.train_inds,
-                        image_size=self.image_size, augment_basic=(self.augment_basic and epoch >= self.basic_start),
-                        augment_texture=self.augment_texture, p_texture=p_texture,
-                        augment_geom=self.augment_geom, p_geom=p_geom)
-                # get batch images
-                batch_inds = img_inds[j * self.batch_size:(j + 1) * self.batch_size]
-                if self.approx_maps_gpu:  # TODO: remove
-                    if self.allocate_once:
-                        load_images_landmarks_alloc_once(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, landmarks_small=batch_lms_small,
-                            landmarks=None, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, scale=self.scale)
-                        create_heat_maps_base_alloc_once(
-                            landmarks_small=batch_lms_small.astype(int), landmarks=None,
-                            hm_small=batch_hm_base_small, hm_large=None, primary=True, num_images=self.batch_size,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                    else:
-                        batch_images, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, c_dim=self.c_dim,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
-                        batch_hm_base_small = create_heat_maps_base(
-                            landmarks_small=batch_lms_small.astype(int), landmarks=None, primary=True,
-                            num_images=self.batch_size, image_size=self.image_size, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                    batch_maps_small = sess.run(self.filt_hm_small, {self.sparse_hm_small: batch_hm_base_small})
-                elif self.approx_maps_cpu:
-                    if self.allocate_once:
-                        load_images_landmarks_approx_maps_alloc_once(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, maps_small=batch_maps_small,
-                            maps=None, landmarks=batch_lms_small, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, gauss_filt_small=gaussian_filt,
-                            win_mult=self.win_mult, sigma=self.sigma, save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-                    else:
-                        batch_images, batch_maps_small, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks_approx_maps(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale,
-                            gauss_filt_small=gaussian_filt, win_mult=self.win_mult, sigma=self.sigma,
-                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-                else:
-                    if self.allocate_once:
-                        load_images_landmarks_maps_alloc_once(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, maps_small=batch_maps_small,
-                            landmarks=batch_lms_small, maps=None, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-                    else:
-                        batch_images, batch_maps_small, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks_maps(
-                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, c_dim=self.c_dim,
-                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
-                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
-                feed_dict_train = {self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small}
-                sess.run(train_op, feed_dict_train)
-                # save to log and print status
-                if step == resume_step or (step + 1) % self.print_every == 0:
-                    # log probability of artistic augmentation
-                    if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
-                        if self.augment_geom and not self.augment_texture:
-                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_geom_log: p_geom}
-                        elif self.augment_texture and not self.augment_geom:
-                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_texture_log: p_texture}
-                        else:
-                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_texture_log: p_texture, self.p_geom_log: p_geom}
-                    # train data log
-                    if self.compute_nme:
-                        batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
-                        if self.allocate_once:
-                            batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
-                                batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred, batch_landmarks=batch_lms_small_pred,
-                                batch_size=self.batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                        else:
-                            batch_lms_small_pred = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
-                                batch_maps_small_pred, self.batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
-                        train_feed_dict_log = {
-                            self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small,
-                            self.train_lms_small: batch_lms_small, self.train_pred_lms_small: batch_lms_small_pred}
-                        if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
-                            train_feed_dict_log.update(art_augment_prob_dict)
-                        summary, l_t, l_nme = sess.run(
-                            [self.batch_summary_op, self.total_loss, self.nme_loss], train_feed_dict_log)
-                        print (
-                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] primary loss: [%.6f] NME: [%.6f]' % (
-                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_t, l_nme))
-                    else:
-                        train_feed_dict_log = {self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small}
-                        if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
-                            train_feed_dict_log.update(art_augment_prob_dict)
-                        summary, l_t = sess.run(
-                            [self.batch_summary_op, self.total_loss], train_feed_dict_log)
-                        print (
-                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] primary loss: [%.6f]' % (
-                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_t))
-                    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
-                    # valid data log
-                    if self.valid_size > 0 and (log_valid and epoch % self.log_valid_every == 0)\
-                            and self.compute_nme:
-                        log_valid = False
-                        if self.allocate_once:
-                            self.predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self.valid_images_loaded, sess)
-                            valid_feed_dict_log = {
-                                self.valid_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_loaded,
-                                self.valid_pred_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_pred}
-                        else:
-                            valid_pred_lms = self.predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self.valid_images_loaded, sess)
-                            valid_feed_dict_log = {
-                                self.valid_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_loaded,
-                                self.valid_pred_lms_small: valid_pred_lms}
-                        v_summary,l_v_nme = sess.run([self.valid_summary, self.valid_nme_loss], valid_feed_dict_log)
-                        summary_writer.add_summary(v_summary, step)
-                        print (
-                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] valid NME: [%.6f]' % (
-                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_v_nme))
-                # save model
-                if (step + 1) % self.save_every == 0:
-                    saver.save(sess, os.path.join(self.save_model_path, 'deep_heatmaps'), global_step=step + 1)
-                    print ('model/deep-heatmaps-%d saved' % (step + 1))
-                # save images. TODO: add option to allocate once
-                if step == resume_step or (step + 1) % self.sample_every == 0:
-                    if not self.compute_nme:
-                        batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p,  {self.images: batch_images})
-                        batch_lms_small_pred=None
-                    merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
-                        batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred, batch_maps_small,
-                        landmarks=batch_lms_small_pred, image_size=self.image_size,
-                        num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid, scale=self.scale,
-                        circle_size=0, fast=self.fast_img_gen)
-                    if self.sample_per_channel:
-                        map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
-                            batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred,batch_maps_small,
-                            image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
-                    if self.sample_to_log:
-                        if self.sample_per_channel:
-                            summary_img = sess.run(
-                                self.img_summary, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0),
-                                                   self.log_map_channels: np.expand_dims(map_per_channel, 0)})
-                        else:
-                            summary_img = sess.run(
-                                self.img_summary, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0)})
-                        summary_writer.add_summary(summary_img, step)
-                        if (self.valid_size >= self.sample_grid) and self.save_valid_images and\
-                                (log_valid_images and epoch % self.log_valid_every == 0):
-                            log_valid_images=False
-                            batch_maps_small_pred_val = sess.run(
-                                self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid]})
-                            merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
-                                self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid].copy(), batch_maps_small_pred_val,
-                                self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, image_size=self.image_size,
-                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid,
-                                scale=self.scale, circle_size=0, fast=self.fast_img_gen)
-                            if self.sample_per_channel:
-                                map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
-                                    self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid].copy(), batch_maps_small_pred_val,
-                                    self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
-                                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
-                                summary_img = sess.run(
-                                    self.img_summary_valid, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0),
-                                                       self.log_map_channels: np.expand_dims(map_per_channel, 0)})
-                            else:
-                                summary_img = sess.run(
-                                    self.img_summary_valid, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0)})
-                            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_img, step)
-                    else:
-                        sample_path_imgs = os.path.join(self.save_sample_path,'epoch-%d-train-iter-%d-1.png'
-                                                        % (epoch, step + 1))
-                        scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_imgs, merged_img)
-                        if self.sample_per_channel:
-                            sample_path_ch_maps = os.path.join(self.save_sample_path, 'epoch-%d-train-iter-%d-3.png'
-                                                               % (epoch, step + 1))
-                            scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_ch_maps, map_per_channel)
-            print('*** Finished Training ***')
-    def get_maps_image(self, test_image, reuse=None):
-        self.add_placeholders()
-        # build model
-        pred_hm_p = self.heatmaps_network(self.images,reuse=reuse)
-        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
-            # load trained parameters
-            saver = tf.train.Saver()
-            saver.restore(sess, self.test_model_path)
-            _, model_name = os.path.split(self.test_model_path)
-            test_image = test_image.pixels_with_channels_at_back().astype('float32')
-            if self.scale is '255':
-                test_image *= 255
-            elif self.scale is '0':
-                test_image = 2 * test_image - 1
-            test_image_map = sess.run(pred_hm_p, {self.images: np.expand_dims(test_image,0)})
-        return test_image_map
+import scipy.io
+import scipy.misc
+from glob import glob
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from ops import *
+import tensorflow as tf
+from tensorflow import contrib
+from menpo_functions import *
+from logging_functions import *
+from data_loading_functions import *
+class DeepHeatmapsModel(object):
+    """facial landmark localization Network"""
+    def __init__(self, mode='TRAIN', train_iter=100000, batch_size=10, learning_rate=1e-3, adam_optimizer=True,
+                 momentum=0.95, step=100000, gamma=0.1, reg=0, weight_initializer='xavier', weight_initializer_std=0.01,
+                 bias_initializer=0.0, image_size=256, c_dim=3, num_landmarks=68, sigma=1.5, scale=1, margin=0.25,
+                 bb_type='gt', approx_maps=True, win_mult=3.33335, augment_basic=True, basic_start=0,
+                 augment_texture=False, p_texture=0., augment_geom=False, p_geom=0., artistic_step=-1, artistic_start=0,
+                 output_dir='output', save_model_path='model', save_sample_path='sample', save_log_path='logs',
+                 test_model_path='model/deep_heatmaps-50000', pre_train_path='model/deep_heatmaps-50000',load_pretrain=False,
+                 img_path='data', test_data='full', valid_data='full', valid_size=0, log_valid_every=5,
+                 train_crop_dir='crop_gt_margin_0.25', img_dir_ns='crop_gt_margin_0.25_ns',
+                 print_every=100, save_every=5000, sample_every=5000, sample_grid=9, sample_to_log=True,
+                 debug_data_size=20, debug=False, epoch_data_dir='epoch_data', use_epoch_data=False, menpo_verbose=True):
+        # define some extra parameters
+        self.log_histograms = False  # save weight + gradient histogram to log
+        self.save_valid_images = True  # sample heat maps of validation images
+        self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs = False  # save p_texture & p_geom to log
+        self.sample_per_channel = False  # sample heatmaps separately for each landmark
+        self.approx_maps_gpu = False  # create heat-maps on gpu. NOT RECOMMENDED. TODO: REMOVE
+        # for fine-tuning, choose reset_training_op==True. when resuming training, reset_training_op==False
+        self.reset_training_op = False
+        self.allocate_once = True  # create batch images/landmarks/maps zero arrays only once
+        self.fast_img_gen = True
+        self.compute_nme = True  # compute normalized mean error
+        self.config = tf.ConfigProto()
+        self.config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
+        # sampling and logging parameters
+        self.print_every = print_every  # print losses to screen + log
+        self.save_every = save_every  # save model
+        self.sample_every = sample_every  # save images of gen heat maps compared to GT
+        self.sample_grid = sample_grid  # number of training images in sample
+        self.sample_to_log = sample_to_log  # sample images to log instead of disk
+        self.log_valid_every = log_valid_every  # log validation loss (in epochs)
+        self.debug = debug
+        self.debug_data_size = debug_data_size
+        self.use_epoch_data = use_epoch_data
+        self.epoch_data_dir = epoch_data_dir
+        self.load_pretrain = load_pretrain
+        self.pre_train_path = pre_train_path
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.train_iter = train_iter
+        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
+        self.image_size = image_size
+        self.c_dim = c_dim
+        self.batch_size = batch_size
+        self.num_landmarks = num_landmarks
+        self.save_log_path = save_log_path
+        self.save_sample_path = save_sample_path
+        self.save_model_path = save_model_path
+        self.test_model_path = test_model_path
+        self.img_path=img_path
+        self.momentum = momentum
+        self.step = step  # for lr decay
+        self.gamma = gamma  # for lr decay
+        self.reg = reg  # weight decay scale
+        self.weight_initializer = weight_initializer  # random_normal or xavier
+        self.weight_initializer_std = weight_initializer_std
+        self.bias_initializer = bias_initializer
+        self.adam_optimizer = adam_optimizer
+        self.sigma = sigma  # sigma for heatmap generation
+        self.scale = scale  # scale for image normalization 255 / 1 / 0
+        self.win_mult = win_mult  # gaussian filter size for cpu/gpu approximation: 2 * sigma * win_mult + 1
+        self.approx_maps_cpu = approx_maps  # create heat-maps by inserting gaussian filter around landmark locations
+        self.test_data = test_data  # if mode is TEST, this choose the set to use full/common/challenging/test/art
+        self.train_crop_dir = train_crop_dir
+        self.img_dir_ns = os.path.join(img_path, img_dir_ns)
+        self.augment_basic = augment_basic  # perform basic augmentation (rotation,flip,crop)
+        self.augment_texture = augment_texture  # perform artistic texture augmentation (NS)
+        self.p_texture = p_texture  # initial probability of artistic texture augmentation
+        self.augment_geom = augment_geom  # perform artistic geometric augmentation
+        self.p_geom = p_geom  # initial probability of artistic geometric augmentation
+        self.artistic_step = artistic_step  # increase probability of artistic augmentation every X epochs
+        self.artistic_start = artistic_start  # min epoch to start artistic augmentation
+        self.basic_start = basic_start  # min epoch to start basic augmentation
+        self.valid_size = valid_size
+        self.valid_data = valid_data
+        # load image, bb and landmark data using menpo
+        self.bb_dir = os.path.join(img_path, 'Bounding_Boxes')
+        self.bb_dictionary = load_bb_dictionary(self.bb_dir, mode, test_data=self.test_data)
+        if self.use_epoch_data:
+            epoch_0 = os.path.join(self.epoch_data_dir, '0')
+            self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
+                img_path, train_crop_dir=epoch_0, img_dir_ns=None, mode=mode, bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary,
+                image_size=self.image_size,test_data=self.test_data, augment_basic=False, augment_texture=False,
+                augment_geom=False, verbose=menpo_verbose)
+        else:
+            self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
+                img_path, train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, mode, bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary,
+                image_size=self.image_size, margin=margin, bb_type=bb_type, test_data=self.test_data,
+                augment_basic=(augment_basic and basic_start == 0),
+                augment_texture=(augment_texture and artistic_start == 0 and p_texture > 0.), p_texture=p_texture,
+                augment_geom=(augment_geom and artistic_start == 0 and p_geom > 0.), p_geom=p_geom,
+                verbose=menpo_verbose)
+        if mode == 'TRAIN':
+            train_params = locals()
+            print_training_params_to_file(train_params)  # save init parameters
+            self.train_inds = np.arange(len(self.img_menpo_list))
+            if self.debug:
+                self.train_inds = self.train_inds[:self.debug_data_size]
+                self.img_menpo_list = self.img_menpo_list[self.train_inds]
+            if valid_size > 0:
+                self.valid_bb_dictionary = load_bb_dictionary(self.bb_dir, 'TEST', test_data=self.valid_data)
+                self.valid_img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
+                    img_path, train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, 'TEST', bb_dictionary=self.valid_bb_dictionary,
+                    image_size=self.image_size, margin=margin, bb_type=bb_type, test_data=self.valid_data,
+                    verbose=menpo_verbose)
+                np.random.seed(0)
+                self.val_inds = np.arange(len(self.valid_img_menpo_list))
+                np.random.shuffle(self.val_inds)
+                self.val_inds = self.val_inds[:self.valid_size]
+                self.valid_img_menpo_list = self.valid_img_menpo_list[self.val_inds]
+                if self.approx_maps_cpu:
+                    self.valid_images_loaded, self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, self.valid_landmarks_loaded =\
+                        load_images_landmarks_approx_maps(
+                            self.valid_img_menpo_list, np.arange(self.valid_size), primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale, win_mult=self.win_mult,
+                            sigma=self.sigma, save_landmarks=True)
+                else:
+                    self.valid_images_loaded, self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, self.valid_landmarks_loaded =\
+                        load_images_landmarks_maps(
+                            self.valid_img_menpo_list, np.arange(self.valid_size), primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                            save_landmarks=True)
+                if self.allocate_once:
+                    self.valid_landmarks_pred = np.zeros([self.valid_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
+                if self.valid_size > self.sample_grid:
+                    self.valid_gt_maps_loaded = self.valid_gt_maps_loaded[:self.sample_grid]
+            else:
+                self.val_inds = None
+            self.epoch_inds_shuffle = train_val_shuffle_inds_per_epoch(
+                self.val_inds, self.train_inds, train_iter, batch_size, save_log_path)
+    def add_placeholders(self):
+        if self.mode == 'TEST':
+            self.images = tf.placeholder(
+                tf.float32, [None, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim], 'images')
+            self.heatmaps_small = tf.placeholder(
+                tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks], 'heatmaps_small')
+            self.lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'lms_small')
+            self.pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'pred_lms_small')
+        elif self.mode == 'TRAIN':
+            self.images = tf.placeholder(
+                tf.float32, [None, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim], 'train_images')
+            self.heatmaps_small = tf.placeholder(
+                tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks], 'train_heatmaps_small')
+            self.train_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'train_lms_small')
+            self.train_pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'train_pred_lms_small')
+            self.valid_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'valid_lms_small')
+            self.valid_pred_lms_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.num_landmarks, 2], 'valid_pred_lms_small')
+            self.p_texture_log = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
+            self.p_geom_log = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
+            self.sparse_hm_small = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), 1])
+            if self.sample_to_log:
+                row = int(np.sqrt(self.sample_grid))
+                self.log_image_map = tf.placeholder(
+                    tf.uint8, [None,row * int(self.image_size/4), 3 * row *int(self.image_size/4), self.c_dim], 'sample_img_map')
+                if self.sample_per_channel:
+                    row = np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.num_landmarks)).astype(np.int64)
+                    self.log_map_channels = tf.placeholder(
+                        tf.uint8, [None, row * int(self.image_size/4), 2 * row * int(self.image_size/4), self.c_dim],
+                        'sample_map_channels')
+    def heatmaps_network(self, input_images, reuse=None, name='pred_heatmaps'):
+        with tf.name_scope(name):
+            if self.weight_initializer == 'xavier':
+                weight_initializer = contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()
+            else:
+                weight_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=self.weight_initializer_std)
+            bias_init = tf.constant_initializer(self.bias_initializer)
+            with tf.variable_scope('heatmaps_network'):
+                with tf.name_scope('primary_net'):
+                    l1 = conv_relu_pool(input_images, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
+                                        reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_1')
+                    l2 = conv_relu_pool(l1, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
+                                        reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_2')
+                    l3 = conv_relu(l2, 5, 128, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer, conv_bias_init=bias_init,
+                                   reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_3')
+                    l4_1 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=1, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_1')
+                    l4_2 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=2, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_2')
+                    l4_3 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=3, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_3')
+                    l4_4 = conv_relu(l3, 3, 128, conv_dilation=4, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_4_4')
+                    l4 = tf.concat([l4_1, l4_2, l4_3, l4_4], 3, name='conv_4')
+                    l5_1 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=1, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_1')
+                    l5_2 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=2, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_2')
+                    l5_3 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=3, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_3')
+                    l5_4 = conv_relu(l4, 3, 256, conv_dilation=4, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                     conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_5_4')
+                    l5 = tf.concat([l5_1, l5_2, l5_3, l5_4], 3, name='conv_5')
+                    l6 = conv_relu(l5, 1, 512, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                   conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_6')
+                    l7 = conv_relu(l6, 1, 256, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                   conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_7')
+                    primary_out = conv(l7, 1, self.num_landmarks, conv_ker_init=weight_initializer,
+                                            conv_bias_init=bias_init, reuse=reuse, var_scope='conv_8')
+                self.all_layers = [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, primary_out]
+                return primary_out
+    def build_model(self):
+        self.pred_hm_p = self.heatmaps_network(self.images,name='heatmaps_prediction')
+    def build_hm_generator(self):  # TODO: remove
+        # generate heat-maps using:
+        # a sparse base (matrix of zeros with 1's in landmark locations) and convolving with a gaussian filter
+        print ("*** using convolution to create heat-maps. use this option only with GPU support ***")
+        # create gaussian filter
+        win_small = int(self.win_mult * self.sigma)
+        x_small, y_small = np.mgrid[0:2*win_small+1, 0:2*win_small+1]
+        gauss_small = (8. / 3) * self.sigma * gaussian(x_small, y_small, win_small, win_small, sigma=self.sigma)
+        gauss_small = tf.constant(gauss_small, tf.float32)
+        gauss_small = tf.reshape(gauss_small, [2 * win_small + 1, 2 * win_small + 1, 1, 1])
+        # convolve sparse map with gaussian
+        self.filt_hm_small = tf.nn.conv2d(self.sparse_hm_small, gauss_small, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
+        self.filt_hm_small = tf.transpose(
+            tf.concat(tf.split(self.filt_hm_small, self.batch_size, axis=0), 3), [3, 1, 2, 0])
+    def create_loss_ops(self):  # TODO: calculate NME on resized maps to 256
+        def l2_loss_norm_eyes(pred_landmarks, real_landmarks, normalize=True, name='NME'):
+            with tf.name_scope(name):
+                with tf.name_scope('real_pred_landmarks_rmse'):
+                    landmarks_rms_err = tf.reduce_mean(
+                        tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(pred_landmarks - real_landmarks), axis=2)), axis=1)
+                if normalize:
+                    with tf.name_scope('inter_pupil_dist'):
+                        with tf.name_scope('left_eye_center'):
+                            p1 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.slice(real_landmarks, [0, 42, 0], [-1, 6, 2]), axis=1)
+                        with tf.name_scope('right_eye_center'):
+                            p2 = tf.reduce_mean(tf.slice(real_landmarks, [0, 36, 0], [-1, 6, 2]), axis=1)
+                        eye_dist = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(p1 - p2), axis=1))
+                    return landmarks_rms_err / eye_dist
+                else:
+                    return landmarks_rms_err
+        if self.mode is 'TRAIN':
+            primary_maps_diff = self.pred_hm_p-self.heatmaps_small
+            self.total_loss = 1000.*tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(primary_maps_diff))
+            # add weight decay
+            self.total_loss += self.reg * tf.add_n(
+                [tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'bias' not in v.name])
+            if self.compute_nme:
+                self.nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.train_pred_lms_small,self.train_lms_small))
+            if self.valid_size > 0 and self.compute_nme:
+                self.valid_nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.valid_pred_lms_small,self.valid_lms_small))
+        elif self.mode == 'TEST' and self.compute_nme:
+            self.nme_per_image = l2_loss_norm_eyes(self.pred_lms_small, self.lms_small)
+            self.nme_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.nme_per_image)
+    def predict_landmarks_in_batches(self, image_paths, session):
+        num_batches = int(1.*len(image_paths)/self.batch_size)
+        if num_batches == 0:
+            batch_size = len(image_paths)
+            num_batches = 1
+        else:
+            batch_size = self.batch_size
+        img_inds = np.arange(len(image_paths))
+        for j in range(num_batches):
+            batch_inds = img_inds[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size]
+            batch_images, _, batch_lms_small = \
+                load_images_landmarks_maps(
+                    self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                    c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                    save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+            batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
+                batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+            if j == 0:
+                all_pred_landmarks = batch_pred_landmarks.copy()
+                all_gt_landmarks = batch_lms_small.copy()
+            else:
+                all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks,batch_pred_landmarks),0)
+                all_gt_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_gt_landmarks, batch_lms_small), 0)
+        reminder = len(image_paths)-num_batches*batch_size
+        if reminder > 0:
+            reminder_inds = img_inds[-reminder:]
+            batch_images, _, batch_lms_small = \
+                load_images_landmarks_maps(
+                    self.img_menpo_list, reminder_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                    c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                    save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+            batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
+                batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+            all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
+            all_gt_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_gt_landmarks, batch_lms_small), 0)
+        return all_pred_landmarks, all_gt_landmarks
+    def predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self, images, session):
+        num_images = int(images.shape[0])
+        num_batches = int(1.*num_images/self.batch_size)
+        if num_batches == 0:
+            batch_size = num_images
+            num_batches = 1
+        else:
+            batch_size = self.batch_size
+        for j in range(num_batches):
+            batch_images = images[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size,:,:,:]
+            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+            if self.allocate_once:
+                batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
+                    batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred,
+                    batch_landmarks=self.valid_landmarks_pred[j * batch_size:(j + 1) * batch_size, :, :],
+                    batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+            else:
+                batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
+                    batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                if j == 0:
+                    all_pred_landmarks = batch_pred_landmarks.copy()
+                else:
+                    all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
+        reminder = num_images-num_batches*batch_size
+        if reminder > 0:
+            batch_images = images[-reminder:, :, :, :]
+            batch_maps_small_pred = session.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+            if self.allocate_once:
+                batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
+                    batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred,
+                    batch_landmarks=self.valid_landmarks_pred[-reminder:, :, :],
+                    batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+            else:
+                batch_pred_landmarks = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
+                    batch_maps_small_pred, batch_size=reminder, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                all_pred_landmarks = np.concatenate((all_pred_landmarks, batch_pred_landmarks), 0)
+        if not self.allocate_once:
+            return all_pred_landmarks
+    def create_summary_ops(self):
+        self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.scalar('l_total', self.total_loss)
+        if self.compute_nme:
+            l_nme = tf.summary.scalar('l_nme', self.nme_loss)
+            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, l_nme])
+        if self.log_histograms:
+            var_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(var.name, var) for var in tf.trainable_variables()]
+            grads = tf.gradients(self.total_loss, tf.trainable_variables())
+            grads = list(zip(grads, tf.trainable_variables()))
+            grad_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(var.name + '/grads', grad) for grad, var in grads]
+            activ_summary = [tf.summary.histogram(layer.name, layer) for layer in self.all_layers]
+            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, var_summary, grad_summary, activ_summary])
+        if self.augment_texture and self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs:
+            p_texture_summary = tf.summary.scalar('p_texture', self.p_texture_log)
+            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, p_texture_summary])
+        if self.augment_geom and self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs:
+            p_geom_summary = tf.summary.scalar('p_geom', self.p_geom_log)
+            self.batch_summary_op = tf.summary.merge([self.batch_summary_op, p_geom_summary])
+        if self.valid_size > 0 and self.compute_nme:
+            self.valid_summary = tf.summary.scalar('valid_l_nme', self.valid_nme_loss)
+        if self.sample_to_log:
+            img_map_summary =tf.summary.image('compare_map_to_gt',self.log_image_map)
+            if self.sample_per_channel:
+                map_channels_summary = tf.summary.image('compare_map_channels_to_gt', self.log_map_channels)
+                self.img_summary = tf.summary.merge([img_map_summary, map_channels_summary])
+            else:
+                self.img_summary = img_map_summary
+            if self.valid_size >= self.sample_grid:
+                img_map_summary_valid = tf.summary.image('compare_map_to_gt_valid', self.log_image_map)
+                if self.sample_per_channel:
+                    map_channels_summary_valid = tf.summary.image('compare_map_channels_to_gt_valid', self.log_map_channels)
+                    self.img_summary_valid = tf.summary.merge([img_map_summary_valid, map_channels_summary_valid])
+                else:
+                    self.img_summary_valid = img_map_summary_valid
+    def eval(self):
+        self.add_placeholders()
+        # build model
+        self.build_model()
+        self.create_loss_ops()
+        if self.debug:
+            self.img_menpo_list = self.img_menpo_list[:np.min([self.debug_data_size, len(self.img_menpo_list)])]
+        num_images = len(self.img_menpo_list)
+        img_inds = np.arange(num_images)
+        sample_iter = np.ceil(1. * num_images / self.sample_grid).astype('int')
+        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
+            # load trained parameters
+            print ('loading test model...')
+            saver = tf.train.Saver()
+            saver.restore(sess, self.test_model_path)
+            _, model_name = os.path.split(self.test_model_path)
+            gt_provided = self.img_menpo_list[0].has_landmarks  # check if GT landmarks provided
+            for i in range(sample_iter):
+                batch_inds = img_inds[i * self.sample_grid:(i + 1) * self.sample_grid]
+                if not gt_provided:
+                    batch_images = load_images(self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, image_size=self.image_size,
+                                               c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale)
+                    batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+                    batch_maps_gt = None
+                else:
+                    # TODO: add option for approx maps + allocate once
+                    batch_images, batch_maps_gt, _ = \
+                        load_images_landmarks_maps(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            c_dim=self.c_dim, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                            save_landmarks=False)
+                    batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+                sample_path_imgs = os.path.join(
+                    self.save_sample_path, model_name +'-'+ self.test_data+'-sample-%d-to-%d-1.png' % (
+                        i * self.sample_grid, (i + 1) * self.sample_grid))
+                merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
+                    batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred, batch_maps_gt, image_size=self.image_size,
+                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid, scale=self.scale, circle_size=0,
+                    fast=self.fast_img_gen)
+                scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_imgs, merged_img)
+                if self.sample_per_channel:
+                    map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
+                        batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred,batch_maps_gt, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                        num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
+                    sample_path_channels = os.path.join(
+                        self.save_sample_path, model_name + '-' + self.test_data + '-sample-%d-to-%d-3.png' % (
+                            i * self.sample_grid, (i + 1) * self.sample_grid))
+                    scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_channels, map_per_channel)
+                print ('saved %s' % sample_path_imgs)
+            if self.compute_nme and self.test_data in ['full', 'challenging', 'common', 'training', 'test']:
+                print ('\n Calculating NME on: ' + self.test_data + '...')
+                pred_lms, lms_gt = self.predict_landmarks_in_batches(self.img_menpo_list, sess)
+                nme = sess.run(self.nme_loss, {self.pred_lms_small: pred_lms, self.lms_small: lms_gt})
+                print ('NME on ' + self.test_data + ': ' + str(nme))
+    def train(self):
+        # set random seed
+        tf.set_random_seed(1234)
+        np.random.seed(1234)
+        # build a graph
+        # add placeholders
+        self.add_placeholders()
+        # build model
+        self.build_model()
+        # create loss ops
+        self.create_loss_ops()
+        # create summary ops
+        self.create_summary_ops()
+        # create optimizer and training op
+        global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
+        lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.learning_rate,global_step, self.step, self.gamma, staircase=True)
+        if self.adam_optimizer:
+            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
+        else:
+            optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(lr, self.momentum)
+        train_op = optimizer.minimize(self.total_loss,global_step=global_step)
+        # TODO: remove
+        if self.approx_maps_gpu:  # create heat-maps using tf convolution. use only with GPU support!
+            self.build_hm_generator()
+        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
+            tf.global_variables_initializer().run()
+            # load pre trained weights if load_pretrain==True
+            if self.load_pretrain:
+                print
+                print('*** loading pre-trained weights from: '+self.pre_train_path+' ***')
+                loader = tf.train.Saver()
+                loader.restore(sess, self.pre_train_path)
+                print("*** Model restore finished, current global step: %d" % global_step.eval())
+            # for fine-tuning, choose reset_training_op==True. when resuming training, reset_training_op==False
+            if self.reset_training_op:
+                print ("resetting optimizer and global step")
+                opt_var_list = [optimizer.get_slot(var, name) for name in optimizer.get_slot_names()
+                                 for var in tf.global_variables() if optimizer.get_slot(var, name) is not None]
+                opt_var_list_init = tf.variables_initializer(opt_var_list)
+                opt_var_list_init.run()
+                sess.run(global_step.initializer)
+            # create model saver and file writer
+            summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir=self.save_log_path, graph=tf.get_default_graph())
+            saver = tf.train.Saver()
+            print
+            print('*** Start Training ***')
+            # initialize some variables before training loop
+            resume_step = global_step.eval()
+            num_train_images = len(self.img_menpo_list)
+            batches_in_epoch = int(float(num_train_images) / float(self.batch_size))
+            epoch = int(resume_step / batches_in_epoch)
+            img_inds = self.epoch_inds_shuffle[epoch, :]
+            p_texture = self.p_texture
+            p_geom = self.p_geom
+            artistic_reload = False
+            basic_reload = True
+            log_valid = True
+            log_valid_images = True
+            if self.allocate_once:
+                batch_images = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.image_size, self.image_size, self.c_dim]).astype('float32')
+                batch_lms_small = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
+                batch_lms_small_pred = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.num_landmarks, 2]).astype('float32')
+                if self.approx_maps_gpu:
+                    batch_hm_base_small = np.zeros((self.batch_size * self.num_landmarks,
+                                                    int(self.image_size/4), int(self.image_size/4), 1)).astype('float32')
+                else:
+                    batch_maps_small = np.zeros((self.batch_size, int(self.image_size/4),
+                                                 int(self.image_size/4), self.num_landmarks)).astype('float32')
+            if self.approx_maps_cpu:
+                gaussian_filt = create_gaussian_filter(sigma=self.sigma, win_mult=self.win_mult)
+            for step in range(resume_step, self.train_iter):
+                j = step % batches_in_epoch  # j==0 if we finished an epoch
+                if step > resume_step and j == 0:  # if we finished an epoch and this isn't the first step
+                    epoch += 1
+                    img_inds = self.epoch_inds_shuffle[epoch, :]  # get next shuffled image inds
+                    artistic_reload = True
+                    log_valid = True
+                    log_valid_images = True
+                    if self.use_epoch_data:
+                        epoch_dir = os.path.join(self.epoch_data_dir, str(epoch))
+                        self.img_menpo_list = load_menpo_image_list(
+                            self.img_path, train_crop_dir=epoch_dir, img_dir_ns=None, mode=self.mode,
+                            bb_dictionary=self.bb_dictionary, image_size=self.image_size, test_data=self.test_data,
+                            augment_basic=False, augment_texture=False, augment_geom=False)
+                # add basic augmentation (if basic_start > 0 and augment_basic is True)
+                if basic_reload and (epoch >= self.basic_start) and self.basic_start > 0 and self.augment_basic:
+                    basic_reload = False
+                    self.img_menpo_list = reload_menpo_image_list(
+                        self.img_path, self.train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, self.mode, self.train_inds,
+                        image_size=self.image_size, augment_basic=self.augment_basic,
+                        augment_texture=(self.augment_texture and epoch >= self.artistic_start), p_texture=p_texture,
+                        augment_geom=(self.augment_geom and epoch >= self.artistic_start), p_geom=p_geom)
+                    print ("****** adding basic augmentation ******")
+                # increase artistic augmentation probability
+                if ((epoch % self.artistic_step == 0 and epoch >= self.artistic_start and self.artistic_step != -1)
+                    or (epoch == self.artistic_start)) and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture)\
+                        and artistic_reload:
+                    artistic_reload = False
+                    if epoch == self.artistic_start:
+                        print ("****** adding artistic augmentation ******")
+                        print ("****** augment_geom: " + str(self.augment_geom) + ", p_geom: " + str(p_geom) + " ******")
+                        print ("****** augment_texture: " + str(self.augment_texture) + ", p_texture: " +
+                               str(p_texture) + " ******")
+                    if epoch % self.artistic_step == 0 and self.artistic_step != -1:
+                        print ("****** increasing artistic augmentation probability ******")
+                        p_geom = 1.- 0.95 ** (epoch/self.artistic_step)
+                        p_texture = 1. - 0.95 ** (epoch/self.artistic_step)
+                        print ("****** augment_geom: " + str(self.augment_geom) + ", p_geom: " + str(p_geom) + " ******")
+                        print ("****** augment_texture: " + str(self.augment_texture) + ", p_texture: " +
+                               str(p_texture) + " ******")
+                    self.img_menpo_list = reload_menpo_image_list(
+                        self.img_path, self.train_crop_dir, self.img_dir_ns, self.mode, self.train_inds,
+                        image_size=self.image_size, augment_basic=(self.augment_basic and epoch >= self.basic_start),
+                        augment_texture=self.augment_texture, p_texture=p_texture,
+                        augment_geom=self.augment_geom, p_geom=p_geom)
+                # get batch images
+                batch_inds = img_inds[j * self.batch_size:(j + 1) * self.batch_size]
+                if self.approx_maps_gpu:  # TODO: remove
+                    if self.allocate_once:
+                        load_images_landmarks_alloc_once(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, landmarks_small=batch_lms_small,
+                            landmarks=None, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, scale=self.scale)
+                        create_heat_maps_base_alloc_once(
+                            landmarks_small=batch_lms_small.astype(int), landmarks=None,
+                            hm_small=batch_hm_base_small, hm_large=None, primary=True, num_images=self.batch_size,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                    else:
+                        batch_images, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, c_dim=self.c_dim,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
+                        batch_hm_base_small = create_heat_maps_base(
+                            landmarks_small=batch_lms_small.astype(int), landmarks=None, primary=True,
+                            num_images=self.batch_size, image_size=self.image_size, num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                    batch_maps_small = sess.run(self.filt_hm_small, {self.sparse_hm_small: batch_hm_base_small})
+                elif self.approx_maps_cpu:
+                    if self.allocate_once:
+                        load_images_landmarks_approx_maps_alloc_once(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, maps_small=batch_maps_small,
+                            maps=None, landmarks=batch_lms_small, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, gauss_filt_small=gaussian_filt,
+                            win_mult=self.win_mult, sigma=self.sigma, save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+                    else:
+                        batch_images, batch_maps_small, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks_approx_maps(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, c_dim=self.c_dim, scale=self.scale,
+                            gauss_filt_small=gaussian_filt, win_mult=self.win_mult, sigma=self.sigma,
+                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+                else:
+                    if self.allocate_once:
+                        load_images_landmarks_maps_alloc_once(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, images=batch_images, maps_small=batch_maps_small,
+                            landmarks=batch_lms_small, maps=None, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+                    else:
+                        batch_images, batch_maps_small, batch_lms_small = load_images_landmarks_maps(
+                            self.img_menpo_list, batch_inds, primary=True, image_size=self.image_size, c_dim=self.c_dim,
+                            num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale, sigma=self.sigma,
+                            save_landmarks=self.compute_nme)
+                feed_dict_train = {self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small}
+                sess.run(train_op, feed_dict_train)
+                # save to log and print status
+                if step == resume_step or (step + 1) % self.print_every == 0:
+                    # log probability of artistic augmentation
+                    if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
+                        if self.augment_geom and not self.augment_texture:
+                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_geom_log: p_geom}
+                        elif self.augment_texture and not self.augment_geom:
+                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_texture_log: p_texture}
+                        else:
+                            art_augment_prob_dict = {self.p_texture_log: p_texture, self.p_geom_log: p_geom}
+                    # train data log
+                    if self.compute_nme:
+                        batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: batch_images})
+                        if self.allocate_once:
+                            batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks_alloc_once(
+                                batch_maps=batch_maps_small_pred, batch_landmarks=batch_lms_small_pred,
+                                batch_size=self.batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                        else:
+                            batch_lms_small_pred = batch_heat_maps_to_landmarks(
+                                batch_maps_small_pred, self.batch_size, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks)
+                        train_feed_dict_log = {
+                            self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small,
+                            self.train_lms_small: batch_lms_small, self.train_pred_lms_small: batch_lms_small_pred}
+                        if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
+                            train_feed_dict_log.update(art_augment_prob_dict)
+                        summary, l_t, l_nme = sess.run(
+                            [self.batch_summary_op, self.total_loss, self.nme_loss], train_feed_dict_log)
+                        print (
+                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] primary loss: [%.6f] NME: [%.6f]' % (
+                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_t, l_nme))
+                    else:
+                        train_feed_dict_log = {self.images: batch_images, self.heatmaps_small: batch_maps_small}
+                        if self.log_artistic_augmentation_probs and (self.augment_geom or self.augment_texture):
+                            train_feed_dict_log.update(art_augment_prob_dict)
+                        summary, l_t = sess.run(
+                            [self.batch_summary_op, self.total_loss], train_feed_dict_log)
+                        print (
+                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] primary loss: [%.6f]' % (
+                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_t))
+                    summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
+                    # valid data log
+                    if self.valid_size > 0 and (log_valid and epoch % self.log_valid_every == 0)\
+                            and self.compute_nme:
+                        log_valid = False
+                        if self.allocate_once:
+                            self.predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self.valid_images_loaded, sess)
+                            valid_feed_dict_log = {
+                                self.valid_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_loaded,
+                                self.valid_pred_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_pred}
+                        else:
+                            valid_pred_lms = self.predict_landmarks_in_batches_loaded(self.valid_images_loaded, sess)
+                            valid_feed_dict_log = {
+                                self.valid_lms_small: self.valid_landmarks_loaded,
+                                self.valid_pred_lms_small: valid_pred_lms}
+                        v_summary,l_v_nme = sess.run([self.valid_summary, self.valid_nme_loss], valid_feed_dict_log)
+                        summary_writer.add_summary(v_summary, step)
+                        print (
+                            'epoch: [%d] step: [%d/%d] valid NME: [%.6f]' % (
+                                epoch, step + 1, self.train_iter, l_v_nme))
+                # save model
+                if (step + 1) % self.save_every == 0:
+                    saver.save(sess, os.path.join(self.save_model_path, 'deep_heatmaps'), global_step=step + 1)
+                    print ('model/deep-heatmaps-%d saved' % (step + 1))
+                # save images. TODO: add option to allocate once
+                if step == resume_step or (step + 1) % self.sample_every == 0:
+                    if not self.compute_nme:
+                        batch_maps_small_pred = sess.run(self.pred_hm_p,  {self.images: batch_images})
+                        batch_lms_small_pred=None
+                    merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
+                        batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred, batch_maps_small,
+                        landmarks=batch_lms_small_pred, image_size=self.image_size,
+                        num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid, scale=self.scale,
+                        circle_size=0, fast=self.fast_img_gen)
+                    if self.sample_per_channel:
+                        map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
+                            batch_images.copy(), batch_maps_small_pred,batch_maps_small,
+                            image_size=int(self.image_size/4), num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
+                    if self.sample_to_log:
+                        if self.sample_per_channel:
+                            summary_img = sess.run(
+                                self.img_summary, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0),
+                                                   self.log_map_channels: np.expand_dims(map_per_channel, 0)})
+                        else:
+                            summary_img = sess.run(
+                                self.img_summary, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0)})
+                        summary_writer.add_summary(summary_img, step)
+                        if (self.valid_size >= self.sample_grid) and self.save_valid_images and\
+                                (log_valid_images and epoch % self.log_valid_every == 0):
+                            log_valid_images=False
+                            batch_maps_small_pred_val = sess.run(
+                                self.pred_hm_p, {self.images: self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid]})
+                            merged_img = merge_images_landmarks_maps_gt(
+                                self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid].copy(), batch_maps_small_pred_val,
+                                self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, image_size=self.image_size,
+                                num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, num_samples=self.sample_grid,
+                                scale=self.scale, circle_size=0, fast=self.fast_img_gen)
+                            if self.sample_per_channel:
+                                map_per_channel = map_comapre_channels(
+                                    self.valid_images_loaded[:self.sample_grid].copy(), batch_maps_small_pred_val,
+                                    self.valid_gt_maps_loaded, image_size=int(self.image_size/4),
+                                    num_landmarks=self.num_landmarks, scale=self.scale)
+                                summary_img = sess.run(
+                                    self.img_summary_valid, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0),
+                                                       self.log_map_channels: np.expand_dims(map_per_channel, 0)})
+                            else:
+                                summary_img = sess.run(
+                                    self.img_summary_valid, {self.log_image_map: np.expand_dims(merged_img, 0)})
+                            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_img, step)
+                    else:
+                        sample_path_imgs = os.path.join(self.save_sample_path,'epoch-%d-train-iter-%d-1.png'
+                                                        % (epoch, step + 1))
+                        scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_imgs, merged_img)
+                        if self.sample_per_channel:
+                            sample_path_ch_maps = os.path.join(self.save_sample_path, 'epoch-%d-train-iter-%d-3.png'
+                                                               % (epoch, step + 1))
+                            scipy.misc.imsave(sample_path_ch_maps, map_per_channel)
+            print('*** Finished Training ***')
+    def get_maps_image(self, test_image, reuse=None):
+        self.add_placeholders()
+        # build model
+        pred_hm_p = self.heatmaps_network(self.images,reuse=reuse)
+        with tf.Session(config=self.config) as sess:
+            # load trained parameters
+            saver = tf.train.Saver()
+            saver.restore(sess, self.test_model_path)
+            _, model_name = os.path.split(self.test_model_path)
+            test_image = test_image.pixels_with_channels_at_back().astype('float32')
+            if self.scale is '255':
+                test_image *= 255
+            elif self.scale is '0':
+                test_image = 2 * test_image - 1
+            test_image_map = sess.run(pred_hm_p, {self.images: np.expand_dims(test_image,0)})
+        return test_image_map