{ " 吗?": " ?", "# ⚠️ 务必谨慎更改 ⚠️": "# ⚠️ Caution: Changes require care. ⚠️", "**发送消息** 或 **提交key** 以显示额度": "**Send message** or **Submit key** to display credit", "**本月使用金额** ": "**Monthly usage** ", "**获取API使用情况失败**": "**Failed to get API usage**", "**获取API使用情况失败**,sensitive_id错误或已过期": "**Failed to get API usage**, wrong or expired sensitive_id", "**获取API使用情况失败**,需在填写`config.json`中正确填写sensitive_id": "**Failed to get API usage**, correct sensitive_id needed in `config.json`", "API key为空,请检查是否输入正确。": "API key is empty, check whether it is entered correctly.", "API密钥更改为了": "The API key is changed to", "JSON解析错误,收到的内容: ": "JSON parsing error, received content: ", "SSL错误,无法获取对话。": "SSL error, unable to get dialogue.", "Token 计数: ": "Token Count: ", "☹️发生了错误:": "☹️Error: ", "⚠️ 为保证API-Key安全,请在配置文件`config.json`中修改网络设置": "⚠️ To ensure the security of API-Key, please modify the network settings in the configuration file `config.json`.", "。你仍然可以使用聊天功能。": ". You can still use the chat function.", "上传": "Upload", "上传了": "Uploaded", "上传到 OpenAI 后自动填充": "Automatically filled after uploading to OpenAI", "上传到OpenAI": "Upload to OpenAI", "上传文件": "Upload files", "仅供查看": "For viewing only", "从Prompt模板中加载": "Load from Prompt Template", "从列表中加载对话": "Load dialog from list", "代理地址": "Proxy address", "代理错误,无法获取对话。": "Proxy error, unable to get dialogue.", "你没有权限访问 GPT4,[进一步了解](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/issues/843)": "You do not have permission to access GPT-4, [learn more](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/issues/843)", "你没有选择任何对话历史": "You have not selected any conversation history.", "你真的要删除 ": "Are you sure you want to delete ", "使用在线搜索": "Use online search", "停止符,用英文逗号隔开...": "Type in stop token here, separated by comma...", "关于": "About", "准备数据集": "Prepare Dataset", "切换亮暗色主题": "Switch light/dark theme", "删除对话历史成功": "Successfully deleted conversation history.", "删除这轮问答": "Delete this round of Q&A", "刷新状态": "Refresh Status", "剩余配额不足,[进一步了解](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/%E5%B8%B8%E8%A7%81%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98#you-exceeded-your-current-quota-please-check-your-plan-and-billing-details)": "Insufficient remaining quota, [learn more](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/%E5%B8%B8%E8%A7%81%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98#you-exceeded-your-current-quota-please-check-your-plan-and-billing-details)", "加载Prompt模板": "Load Prompt Template", "单轮对话": "Single-turn", "历史记录(JSON)": "History file (JSON)", "参数": "Parameters", "双栏pdf": "Two-column pdf", "取消": "Cancel", "取消所有任务": "Cancel All Tasks", "可选,用于区分不同的模型": "Optional, used to distinguish different models", "启用的工具:": "Enabled tools: ", "在工具箱中管理知识库文件": "Manage knowledge base files in the toolbox", "在线搜索": "Web search", "在这里输入": "Type in here", "在这里输入System Prompt...": "Type in System Prompt here...", "多账号模式已开启,无需输入key,可直接开始对话": "Multi-account mode is enabled, no need to enter key, you can start the dialogue directly", "好": "OK", "实时传输回答": "Stream output", "对话": "Dialogue", "对话历史": "Conversation history", "对话历史记录": "Dialog History", "对话命名方式": "History naming method", "导出为 Markdown": "Export as Markdown", "川虎Chat": "Chuanhu Chat", "川虎Chat 🚀": "Chuanhu Chat 🚀", "工具箱": "Toolbox", "已经被删除啦": "It has been deleted.", "开始实时传输回答……": "Start streaming output...", "开始训练": "Start Training", "微调": "Fine-tuning", "总结": "Summarize", "总结完成": "Summary completed.", "您使用的就是最新版!": "You are using the latest version!", "您的IP区域:": "Your IP region: ", "您的IP区域:未知。": "Your IP region: Unknown.", "拓展": "Extensions", "搜索(支持正则)...": "Search (supports regex)...", "数据集预览": "Dataset Preview", "文件ID": "File ID", "新对话 ": "New Chat ", "新建对话保留Prompt": "Retain Prompt For New Chat", "暂时未知": "Unknown", "更新": "Update", "更新失败,请尝试[手动更新](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/使用教程#手动更新)": "Update failed, please try [manually updating](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/使用教程#手动更新)", "更新成功,请重启本程序": "Updated successfully, please restart this program", "未命名对话历史记录": "Unnamed Dialog History", "未设置代理...": "No proxy...", "本月使用金额": "Monthly usage", "查看[使用介绍](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/使用教程#微调-gpt-35)": "View the [usage guide](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT/wiki/使用教程#微调-gpt-35) for more details", "根据日期时间": "By date and time", "模型": "Model", "模型名称后缀": "Model Name Suffix", "模型自动总结(消耗tokens)": "Auto summary by LLM (Consume tokens)", "模型设置为了:": "Model is set to: ", "正在尝试更新...": "Trying to update...", "添加训练好的模型到模型列表": "Add trained model to the model list", "状态": "Status", "生成内容总结中……": "Generating content summary...", "用于定位滥用行为": "Used to locate abuse", "用户名": "Username", "由Bilibili [土川虎虎虎](https://space.bilibili.com/29125536)、[明昭MZhao](https://space.bilibili.com/24807452) 和 [Keldos](https://github.com/Keldos-Li) 开发
访问川虎Chat的 [GitHub项目](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT) 下载最新版脚本": "Developed by Bilibili [土川虎虎虎](https://space.bilibili.com/29125536), [明昭MZhao](https://space.bilibili.com/24807452) and [Keldos](https://github.com/Keldos-Li)\n\nDownload latest code from [GitHub](https://github.com/GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT)", "知识库": "Knowledge base", "知识库文件": "Knowledge base files", "第一条提问": "By first question", "索引构建完成": "Indexing complete.", "网络": "Network", "获取API使用情况失败:": "Failed to get API usage:", "获取IP地理位置失败。原因:": "Failed to get IP location. Reason: ", "获取对话时发生错误,请查看后台日志": "Error occurred when getting dialogue, check the background log", "训练": "Training", "训练状态": "Training Status", "训练轮数(Epochs)": "Training Epochs", "设置": "Settings", "设置保存文件名": "Set save file name", "设置文件名: 默认为.json,可选为.md": "Set file name: default is .json, optional is .md", "识别公式": "formula OCR", "详情": "Details", "请查看 config_example.json,配置 Azure OpenAI": "Please review config_example.json to configure Azure OpenAI", "请检查网络连接,或者API-Key是否有效。": "Check the network connection or whether the API-Key is valid.", "请输入对话内容。": "Enter the content of the conversation.", "请输入有效的文件名,不要包含以下特殊字符:": "Please enter a valid file name, do not include the following special characters: ", "读取超时,无法获取对话。": "Read timed out, unable to get dialogue.", "账单信息不适用": "Billing information is not applicable", "连接超时,无法获取对话。": "Connection timed out, unable to get dialogue.", "选择LoRA模型": "Select LoRA Model", "选择Prompt模板集合文件": "Select Prompt Template Collection File", "选择回复语言(针对搜索&索引功能)": "Select reply language (for search & index)", "选择数据集": "Select Dataset", "选择模型": "Select Model", "重命名该对话": "Rename this chat", "重新生成": "Regenerate", "高级": "Advanced", ",本次对话累计消耗了 ": ", Total cost for this dialogue is ", "💾 保存对话": "💾 Save Dialog", "📝 导出为 Markdown": "📝 Export as Markdown", "🔄 切换API地址": "🔄 Switch API Address", "🔄 刷新": "🔄 Refresh", "🔄 检查更新...": "🔄 Check for Update...", "🔄 设置代理地址": "🔄 Set Proxy Address", "🔄 重新生成": "🔄 Regeneration", "🔙 恢复默认网络设置": "🔙 Reset Network Settings", "🗑️ 删除最新对话": "🗑️ Delete latest dialog", "🗑️ 删除最旧对话": "🗑️ Delete oldest dialog", "🧹 新的对话": "🧹 New Dialogue" }