import time import copy import os from flask import Flask, render_template, request import json from main import bing_serach, extract_web import asyncio import requests from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter import numpy as np from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/') # Replace with your MongoDB URI # Create or access a database db = client['webdata'] # Replace 'my_database' with your database name collection = db['data'] def cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2): # Compute the dot product between the two vectors dot_product =, vec2) # Compute the magnitude (norm) of the vectors norm_vec1 = np.linalg.norm(vec1) norm_vec2 = np.linalg.norm(vec2) # Compute cosine similarity similarity = dot_product / (norm_vec1 * norm_vec2) return similarity def percentage_similarity(vec1, vec2): # Get cosine similarity try: cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2) # Convert cosine similarity to percentage similarity percentage_sim = (cosine_sim + 1) / 2 * 100 # Shift range from [-1,1] to [0,100] return percentage_sim except: return 0 text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter( # Set a really small chunk size, just to show. chunk_size=2000, chunk_overlap=100, length_function=len, is_separator_regex=False, ) app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/status", methods=['GET']) def status(): return "OK" @app.route("/", methods=['GET','POST']) def websearch(): try: if request.args.get('q'): query = request.args.get('q') ifextract = request.args.get('ifextract') try: start = int(request.args.get('start')) except: start = 0 if ifextract == '1': return,collection,ifextract=True,start=start)) elif ifextract == '0': return,collection,ifextract=False,start=start)) else: return '

Invalid Value of ifextract

it can Two Value either 0 or 1
for 1 it will provide Webpage Extracted' else: return '

Enter Valid Query

GET parameters
1. q(query) = Search query in quote_plus ex: Is+Mango+Sweet
1. ifextract(ifextract) = 0,1 for 1 it will provide extracted webpage for suitable websites
2. startIndex(start) =Optional Ender the start index of search query' except Exception as e: return {'type':'error','message':'Unexpected Error',"detail":str(e)} @app.route("/adv",methods=["POST","GET"]) def adv_make(): global collection args = request.get_json() if all(key in args for key in ['long_query', 'short_query']): short_query = args["short_query"] dataz =, collection, ifextract=True)) data = dataz['result'] with open("r.json",'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data,indent=4)) toembed = [z['webpage'] for z in data if "embedding_data" not in z and z['webpage'] != "Some Error while Extracting"] # Split these documents into chunks toemb = [text_splitter.create_documents([z]) for z in toembed] # Flatten the document chunks toembz = [sublist.page_content for z in toemb for sublist in z] print("Length of Documents") print(len(toembz)) if(len(toembz) > 0): data_to_send = { "text":toembz } embedding ="",json=data_to_send) if(embedding.status_code != 200): return json.dumps({"type":"error","message":f"error With API {str(embedding.status_code)}"},indent=4) embedding = embedding.json() else: embedding = {'result':[]} data_to_send = { "text":[args['long_query']] } query_embedding ="",json=data_to_send) if(query_embedding.status_code != 200): return json.dumps({"type":"error","message":f"error With API {str(embedding.status_code)}"},indent=4) query_embedding = query_embedding.json() results = embedding['result'] current_index=0 embedding_index = 0 for index,value in enumerate(dataz['result']): if("embedding_data" in dataz['result'][index] and dataz['result'][index]['webpage'] != "Some Error while Extracting"): pass elif(dataz['result'][index]['webpage'] != "Some Error while Extracting"): em_vector = results[embedding_index:embedding_index+len(toemb[current_index])] embedding_index+=len(toemb[current_index]) dataz['result'][index]['embedding_data'] = em_vector current_index+=1 else: pass final_results = [] for z in range(len(dataz['result'])): thisdata = copy.deepcopy(dataz['result'][z]) # data['result'][z].pop("embedding") collection.update_one({"URL":thisdata['URL']},{"$set":thisdata}) for z in copy.deepcopy(dataz['result']): try: for a in copy.deepcopy(z['embedding_data']): results.append(a) except: pass results = copy.deepcopy(results) for thisr in results: thisr['similairy'] = percentage_similarity(thisr['embedding'],query_embedding['result'][0]['embedding']) final_results.append(thisr) final_results = [z for z in final_results if z['similairy'] > 80] final_results = sorted(final_results,key=lambda x:x['similairy'],reverse=True ) remove_embedding = [z.pop("embedding") for z in final_results] dataz['extracts'] = final_results return dataz else: return(json.dumps({"type":'error','message':"long_query and short_query is not in request"},indent=4)) @app.route("/webpage",methods=["POST","GET"]) def webpage(): global collection args = request.get_json() url = args.get("url",None) if(url == None): return(json.dumps({'type':'error','message':'url is not provided'},indent=4)) else: previous_data = collection.find_one({"URL":url}) if(previous_data is None): result = {} result['URL'] = url result['time'] = time.time() result['webpage'] = else: time_change = time.time() - previous_data['time'] if(time_change < 86400): result = previous_data else: result = {} result['time'] = time.time() result['URL'] = url result['webpage'] = if("embedding_data" not in result and result['webpage'] != "Some Error while Extracting"): toemb = text_splitter.create_documents([result['webpage']]) toembz = [z.page_content for z in toemb] data_to_send = { "text":toembz } embedding ="",json=data_to_send) if(embedding.status_code != 200): return json.dumps({"type":"error","message":f"error With API {str(embedding.status_code)}"},indent=4) embedding = embedding.json() result['embedding_data'] = embedding['result'] try: result.pop("_id") except: pass return(json.dumps(result)) if __name__ == '__main__':