import requests import os import json from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() PRODUCT_HUNT_BASE_URL = "" def fetch_product_hunt_posts(industry, product_type): """Fetches the top 10 Product Hunt posts matching the given industry and product type.""" developer_token = os.getenv("PRODUCT_HUNT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN") # Updated GraphQL Query query = """ query { posts(first: 10, order: VOTES) { edges { node { id name tagline votesCount website commentsCount } } } } """ # Send GraphQL Request (No filter variable) headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {developer_token}"} response = PRODUCT_HUNT_BASE_URL, json={"query": query}, headers=headers ) response.raise_for_status() # Process Results try: data = response.json() print(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) # Print raw data for debugging posts = [edge["node"] for edge in data["data"]["posts"]["edges"]] return posts except KeyError: print("Unexpected API response format.") return [] # Example Usage: if __name__ == "__main__": industry = "tech" product_type = "saas" posts = fetch_product_hunt_posts(industry, product_type) print(json.dumps(posts, indent=2))