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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# --------------------------------------------------------
import math
from typing import Callable, Tuple
import torch
def do_nothing(x, mode=None):
return x
def bipartite_soft_matching(
metric: torch.Tensor,
r: int,
class_token: bool = False,
distill_token: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable]:
Applies ToMe with a balanced matching set (50%, 50%).
Input size is [batch, tokens, channels].
r indicates the number of tokens to remove (max 50% of tokens).
Extra args:
- class_token: Whether or not there's a class token.
- distill_token: Whether or not there's also a distillation token.
When enabled, the class token and distillation tokens won't get merged.
protected = 0
if class_token:
protected += 1
if distill_token:
protected += 1
# We can only reduce by a maximum of 50% tokens
t = metric.shape[1]
r = min(r, (t - protected) // 2)
if r <= 0:
return do_nothing, do_nothing
with torch.no_grad():
metric = metric / metric.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
a, b = metric[..., ::2, :], metric[..., 1::2, :]
scores = a @ b.transpose(-1, -2)
if class_token:
scores[..., 0, :] = -math.inf
if distill_token:
scores[..., :, 0] = -math.inf
node_max, node_idx = scores.max(dim=-1)
edge_idx = node_max.argsort(dim=-1, descending=True)[..., None]
unm_idx = edge_idx[..., r:, :] # Unmerged Tokens
src_idx = edge_idx[..., :r, :] # Merged Tokens
dst_idx = node_idx[..., None].gather(dim=-2, index=src_idx)
if class_token:
# Sort to ensure the class token is at the start
unm_idx = unm_idx.sort(dim=1)[0]
def merge(x: torch.Tensor, mode="mean") -> torch.Tensor:
src, dst = x[..., ::2, :], x[..., 1::2, :]
n, t1, c = src.shape
unm = src.gather(dim=-2, index=unm_idx.expand(n, t1 - r, c))
src = src.gather(dim=-2, index=src_idx.expand(n, r, c))
dst = dst.scatter_reduce(-2, dst_idx.expand(n, r, c), src, reduce=mode)
if distill_token:
return[unm[:, :1], dst[:, :1], unm[:, 1:], dst[:, 1:]], dim=1)
return[unm, dst], dim=1)
def unmerge(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
unm_len = unm_idx.shape[1]
unm, dst = x[..., :unm_len, :], x[..., unm_len:, :]
n, _, c = unm.shape
src = dst.gather(dim=-2, index=dst_idx.expand(n, r, c))
out = torch.zeros(n, metric.shape[1], c, device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype)
out[..., 1::2, :] = dst
out.scatter_(dim=-2, index=(2 * unm_idx).expand(n, unm_len, c), src=unm)
out.scatter_(dim=-2, index=(2 * src_idx).expand(n, r, c), src=src)
return out
return merge, unmerge
def kth_bipartite_soft_matching(
metric: torch.Tensor, k: int
) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable]:
Applies ToMe with the two sets as (every kth element, the rest).
If n is the number of tokens, resulting number of tokens will be n // z.
Input size is [batch, tokens, channels].
z indicates the stride for the first set.
z = 2 is equivalent to regular bipartite_soft_matching with r = 0.5 * N
if k <= 1:
return do_nothing, do_nothing
def split(x):
t_rnd = (x.shape[1] // k) * k
x = x[:, :t_rnd, :].view(x.shape[0], -1, k, x.shape[2])
a, b = (
x[:, :, : (k - 1), :].contiguous().view(x.shape[0], -1, x.shape[-1]),
x[:, :, (k - 1), :],
return a, b
with torch.no_grad():
metric = metric / metric.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
a, b = split(metric)
r = a.shape[1]
scores = a @ b.transpose(-1, -2)
_, dst_idx = scores.max(dim=-1)
dst_idx = dst_idx[..., None]
def merge(x: torch.Tensor, mode="mean") -> torch.Tensor:
src, dst = split(x)
n, _, c = src.shape
dst = dst.scatter_reduce(-2, dst_idx.expand(n, r, c), src, reduce=mode)
return dst
def unmerge(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
n, _, c = x.shape
dst = x
src = dst.gather(dim=-2, index=dst_idx.expand(n, r, c)).to(x.dtype)
src = src.view(n, -1, (k - 1), c)
dst = dst.view(n, -1, 1, c)
out =[src, dst], dim=-2)
out = out.contiguous().view(n, -1, c)
return out
return merge, unmerge
def random_bipartite_soft_matching(
metric: torch.Tensor, r: int
) -> Tuple[Callable, Callable]:
Applies ToMe with the two sets as (r chosen randomly, the rest).
Input size is [batch, tokens, channels].
This will reduce the number of tokens by r.
if r <= 0:
return do_nothing, do_nothing
with torch.no_grad():
B, N, _ = metric.shape
rand_idx = torch.rand(B, N, 1, device=metric.device).argsort(dim=1)
a_idx = rand_idx[:, :r, :]
b_idx = rand_idx[:, r:, :]
def split(x):
C = x.shape[-1]
a = x.gather(dim=1, index=a_idx.expand(B, r, C))
b = x.gather(dim=1, index=b_idx.expand(B, N - r, C))
return a, b
metric = metric / metric.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
a, b = split(metric)
scores = a @ b.transpose(-1, -2)
_, dst_idx = scores.max(dim=-1)
dst_idx = dst_idx[..., None]
def merge(x: torch.Tensor, mode="mean") -> torch.Tensor:
src, dst = split(x)
C = src.shape[-1]
dst = dst.scatter_reduce(-2, dst_idx.expand(B, r, C), src, reduce=mode)
return dst
def unmerge(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
C = x.shape[-1]
dst = x
src = dst.gather(dim=-2, index=dst_idx.expand(B, r, C))
out = torch.zeros(B, N, C, device=x.device, dtype=x.dtype)
out.scatter_(dim=-2, index=a_idx.expand(B, r, C), src=src)
out.scatter_(dim=-2, index=b_idx.expand(B, N - r, C), src=dst)
return out
return merge, unmerge
def merge_wavg(
merge: Callable, x: torch.Tensor, size: torch.Tensor = None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Applies the merge function by taking a weighted average based on token size.
Returns the merged tensor and the new token sizes.
if size is None:
size = torch.ones_like(x[..., 0, None])
x = merge(x * size, mode="sum")
size = merge(size, mode="sum")
x = x / size
return x, size
def merge_source(
merge: Callable, x: torch.Tensor, source: torch.Tensor = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
For source tracking. Source is an adjacency matrix between the initial tokens and final merged groups.
x is used to find out how many tokens there are in case the source is None.
if source is None:
n, t, _ = x.shape
source = torch.eye(t, device=x.device)[None, ...].expand(n, t, t)
source = merge(source, mode="amax")
return source |