import gradio as gr import pandas as pd # Initialize a dictionary to store account information accounts = { "12345": {"name": "John Doe", "balance": 1000.0}, "67890": {"name": "Jane Doe", "balance": 500.0} } # Function to create a new account def create_account(account_number, name, initial_balance): if account_number in accounts: return "Account number already exists." else: accounts[account_number] = {"name": name, "balance": initial_balance} return "Account created successfully." # Function to deposit money into an account def deposit(account_number, amount): if account_number in accounts: accounts[account_number]["balance"] += amount return f"Deposit successful. New balance: {accounts[account_number]['balance']}" else: return "Account number not found." # Function to withdraw money from an account def withdraw(account_number, amount): if account_number in accounts: if accounts[account_number]["balance"] >= amount: accounts[account_number]["balance"] -= amount return f"Withdrawal successful. New balance: {accounts[account_number]['balance']}" else: return "Insufficient balance." else: return "Account number not found." # Function to check account balance def check_balance(account_number): if account_number in accounts: return f"Account balance: {accounts[account_number]['balance']}" else: return "Account number not found." # Gradio interface demo = gr.Blocks() with demo: gr.Markdown("# Simple Banking System") # Create account tab with gr.Tab("Create Account"): account_number = gr.Textbox(label="Account Number") name = gr.Textbox(label="Name") initial_balance = gr.Number(label="Initial Balance") create_account_button = gr.Button("Create Account") create_account_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") create_account, inputs=[account_number, name, initial_balance], outputs=create_account_output ) # Deposit tab with gr.Tab("Deposit"): account_number_deposit = gr.Textbox(label="Account Number") amount_deposit = gr.Number(label="Amount") deposit_button = gr.Button("Deposit") deposit_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") deposit, inputs=[account_number_deposit, amount_deposit], outputs=deposit_output ) # Withdraw tab with gr.Tab("Withdraw"): account_number_withdraw = gr.Textbox(label="Account Number") amount_withdraw = gr.Number(label="Amount") withdraw_button = gr.Button("Withdraw") withdraw_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") withdraw, inputs=[account_number_withdraw, amount_withdraw], outputs=withdraw_output ) # Check balance tab with gr.Tab("Check Balance"): account_number_balance = gr.Textbox(label="Account Number") check_balance_button = gr.Button("Check Balance") balance_output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") check_balance, inputs=[account_number_balance], outputs=balance_output ) # Launch the Gradio app demo.launch()