import datetime import json import os import shutil from pathlib import Path import add_qwen_libs # NOQA import gradio as gr import jsonlines from qwen_agent.actions import (ContinueWriting, ReAct, RetrievalQA, WriteFromScratch) from qwen_agent.actions.function_calling import FunctionCalling from qwen_agent.llm import get_chat_model from qwen_agent.log import logger from qwen_agent.memory import Memory from import call_plugin, list_of_all_functions from qwen_agent.utils.utils import (format_answer, get_last_one_line_context, has_chinese_chars, save_text_to_file) from qwen_server.schema import GlobalConfig from qwen_server.utils import extract_and_cache_document # Read config with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'server_config.json', 'r') as f: server_config = json.load(f) server_config = GlobalConfig(**server_config) llm = get_chat_model(model=server_config.server.llm, api_key=server_config.server.api_key, model_server=server_config.server.model_server) mem = Memory(llm=llm, stream=False) app_global_para = { 'time': [str(, str(], 'cache_file': os.path.join(server_config.path.cache_root, 'browse.jsonl'), 'messages': [], 'last_turn_msg_id': [], 'is_first_upload': True, } DOC_OPTION = 'Document QA' CI_OPTION = 'Code Interpreter' CODE_FLAG = '/code' PLUGIN_FLAG = '/plug' TITLE_FLAG = '/title' with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'css/main.css', 'r') as f: css = with open(Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'js/main.js', 'r') as f: js = def add_text(history, text): history = history + [(text, None)] app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'] = [] return history, gr.update(value='', interactive=False) def pure_add_text(history, text): history = history + [(text, None)] return history, gr.update(value='', interactive=False) def rm_text(history): if not history: gr.Warning('No input content!') elif not history[-1][1]: return history, gr.update(value='', interactive=False) else: history = history[:-1] + [(history[-1][0], None)] return history, gr.update(value='', interactive=False) def chat_clear(): app_global_para['messages'] = [] return None, None def chat_clear_last(): for index in app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'][::-1]: del app_global_para['messages'][index] app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'] = [] def add_file(file, chosen_plug): output_filepath = server_config.path.code_interpreter_ws fn = os.path.basename( fn_type = fn.split('.')[-1].lower()'file type: ' + fn_type) if chosen_plug == DOC_OPTION and (fn_type not in ['pdf', 'docx', 'pptx']): new_path = ( 'Upload failed: only adding [\'.pdf\', \'.docx\', \'.pptx\'] documents as references is supported!' ) else: new_path = os.path.join(output_filepath, fn) if os.path.exists(new_path): os.remove(new_path) shutil.move(, output_filepath) if chosen_plug == CI_OPTION: app_global_para['is_first_upload'] = True # upload references if chosen_plug == DOC_OPTION: data = { 'content': '', 'query': '', 'url': new_path, 'task': 'cache', 'type': fn_type, } extract_and_cache_document( data, app_global_para['cache_file'], server_config.path.cache_root) # waiting for analyse file return new_path def read_records(file, times=None): lines = [] if times: for line in if times[0] <= line['time'] <= times[1]: lines.append(line) return lines def update_app_global_para(date1, date2): app_global_para['time'][0] = date1 app_global_para['time'][1] = date2 def refresh_date(): option = [ str( - datetime.timedelta(days=i)) for i in range(server_config.server.max_days) ] return (gr.update(choices=option, value=str(, gr.update(choices=option, value=str( def update_browser_list(): if not os.path.exists(app_global_para['cache_file']): return 'No browsing records' lines = read_records(app_global_para['cache_file'], times=app_global_para['time']) br_list = [[line['url'], line['extract'], line['checked']] for line in lines] res = '<ol>{bl}</ol>' bl = '' for i, x in enumerate(br_list): ck = '<input type="checkbox" class="custom-checkbox" id="ck-' + x[ 0] + '" ' if x[2]: ck += 'checked>' else: ck += '>' bl += '<li>{checkbox}{title}<a href="{url}"> [url]</a></li>'.format( checkbox=ck, url=x[0], title=x[1]) res = res.format(bl=bl) return res def layout_to_right(text): return text, text def download_text(text): now = current_time = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') filename = f'file_{current_time}.md' save_path = os.path.join(server_config.path.download_root, filename) rsp = save_text_to_file(save_path, text) if rsp == 'SUCCESS': gr.Info(f'Saved to {save_path}') else: gr.Error("Can't Save: ", rsp) def choose_plugin(chosen_plugin): if chosen_plugin == CI_OPTION: gr.Info( 'Code execution is NOT sandboxed. Do NOT ask Qwen to perform dangerous tasks.' ) if chosen_plugin == CI_OPTION or chosen_plugin == DOC_OPTION: return gr.update(interactive=True), None else: return gr.update(interactive=False), None def pure_bot(history): if not history: yield history else: history[-1][1] = '' messages = [] for chat in history[:-1]: messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': chat[0]}) messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': chat[1]}) messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': history[-1][0]}) response =, stream=True) for chunk in response: history[-1][1] += chunk yield history def bot(history, upload_file, chosen_plug): if not history: yield history else: history[-1][1] = '' if chosen_plug == CI_OPTION: # use code interpreter prompt_upload_file = '' if upload_file and app_global_para['is_first_upload']: workspace_dir = server_config.path.code_interpreter_ws file_relpath = os.path.relpath(path=upload_file, start=workspace_dir) if has_chinese_chars(history[-1][0]): prompt_upload_file = f'上传了[文件]({file_relpath})到当前目录,' else: prompt_upload_file = f'Uploaded the [file]({file_relpath}) to the current directory. ' app_global_para['is_first_upload'] = False history[-1][0] = prompt_upload_file + history[-1][0] if llm.support_function_calling(): message = {'role': 'user', 'content': history[-1][0]} app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(message) while True: functions = [ x for x in list_of_all_functions if x['name_for_model'] == 'code_interpreter' ] rsp = llm.chat_with_functions(app_global_para['messages'], functions) if rsp.get('function_call', None): history[-1][1] += rsp['content'].strip() + '\n' yield history history[-1][1] += ( 'Action: ' + rsp['function_call']['name'].strip() + '\n') yield history history[-1][1] += ('Action Input:\n' + rsp['function_call']['arguments'] + '\n') yield history bot_msg = { 'role': 'assistant', 'content': rsp['content'], 'function_call': { 'name': rsp['function_call']['name'], 'arguments': rsp['function_call']['arguments'], }, } app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(bot_msg) obs = call_plugin( rsp['function_call']['name'], rsp['function_call']['arguments'], ) func_msg = { 'role': 'function', 'name': rsp['function_call']['name'], 'content': obs, } history[-1][1] += 'Observation: ' + obs + '\n' yield history app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(func_msg) else: bot_msg = { 'role': 'assistant', 'content': rsp['content'], } # tmp_msg = '\nThought: I now know the final answer.\nFinal Answer: ' # tmp_msg += rsp['content'] # history[-1][1] += tmp_msg history[-1][1] += rsp['content'] yield history app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(bot_msg) break else: functions = [ x for x in list_of_all_functions if x['name_for_model'] == 'code_interpreter' ] agent = ReAct(llm=llm) for chunk in[-1][0], functions=functions, history=app_global_para['messages']): history[-1][1] += chunk yield history yield history message = {'role': 'user', 'content': history[-1][0]} app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(message) rsp_message = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': history[-1][1]} app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(rsp_message) else: lines = [] if not os.path.exists(app_global_para['cache_file']): _ref = '' else: for line in['cache_file']): if (app_global_para['time'][0] <= line['time'] <= app_global_para['time'][1]) and line['checked']: lines.append(line) if lines: _ref_list = mem.get( history[-1][0], lines, max_token=server_config.server.max_ref_token) _ref = '\n'.join( json.dumps(x, ensure_ascii=False) for x in _ref_list) else: _ref = '' gr.Warning( 'No reference materials selected, Qwen will answer directly' ) # TODO: considering history for retrieval qa agent = RetrievalQA(llm=llm, stream=True) response =[-1][0], ref_doc=_ref) for chunk in response: history[-1][1] += chunk yield history # append message message = {'role': 'user', 'content': history[-1][0]} app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(message) message = {'role': 'assistant', 'content': history[-1][1]} app_global_para['last_turn_msg_id'].append( len(app_global_para['messages'])) app_global_para['messages'].append(message) def generate(context): sp_query = get_last_one_line_context(context) res = '' if CODE_FLAG in sp_query: # router to code interpreter sp_query = sp_query.split(CODE_FLAG)[-1] if has_chinese_chars(sp_query): sp_query += ', 必须使用code_interpreter工具' else: sp_query += ' (Please use code_interpreter.)' functions = [ x for x in list_of_all_functions if x['name_for_model'] == 'code_interpreter' ] if llm.support_function_calling(): response = FunctionCalling(llm=llm).run(sp_query, functions=functions) for chunk in response: res += chunk yield res else: agent = ReAct(llm=llm) for chunk in, functions=functions): res += chunk yield res yield res elif PLUGIN_FLAG in sp_query: # router to plugin sp_query = sp_query.split(PLUGIN_FLAG)[-1] functions = list_of_all_functions if llm.support_function_calling(): response = FunctionCalling(llm=llm).run(sp_query, functions=functions) for chunk in response: res += chunk yield res else: agent = ReAct(llm=llm) for chunk in, functions=functions): res += chunk yield res yield res else: # router to continue writing lines = [] if os.path.exists(app_global_para['cache_file']): for line in['cache_file']): if (app_global_para['time'][0] <= line['time'] <= app_global_para['time'][1]) and line['checked']: lines.append(line) if lines: res += '\n========================= \n' yield res res += '> Search for relevant information: \n' yield res sp_query_no_title = sp_query if TITLE_FLAG in sp_query: # /title sp_query_no_title = sp_query.split(TITLE_FLAG)[-1] _ref_list = mem.get(sp_query_no_title, lines, max_token=server_config.server.max_ref_token) _ref = '\n'.join( json.dumps(x, ensure_ascii=False) for x in _ref_list) res += _ref yield res res += '\n' else: _ref = '' gr.Warning( 'No reference materials selected, Qwen will answer directly') if TITLE_FLAG in sp_query: # /title agent = WriteFromScratch(llm=llm, stream=True) user_request = sp_query.split(TITLE_FLAG)[-1] else: res += '\n========================= \n' res += '> Writing Text: \n' yield res agent = ContinueWriting(llm=llm, stream=True) user_request = context response =, ref_doc=_ref) for chunk in response: res += chunk yield res def format_generate(edit, context): res = edit yield res if '> Writing Text: ' in context: text = context.split('> Writing Text: ')[-1].strip() res += '\n' res += text yield res elif 'Final Answer' in context: response = format_answer(context) res += '\n' res += response yield res else: res += context yield res with gr.Blocks(css=css, theme='soft') as demo: title = gr.Markdown('Qwen Agent: BrowserQwen', elem_classes='title') desc = gr.Markdown( 'This is the editing workstation of BrowserQwen, where Qwen has collected the browsing history. Qwen can assist you in completing your creative work!', elem_classes='desc', ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): rec = gr.Markdown('Browsing History', elem_classes='rec') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=0): date1 = gr.Dropdown( [ str( - datetime.timedelta(days=i)) for i in range(server_config.server.max_days) ], value=str(, label='Start Date', ) date2 = gr.Dropdown( [ str( - datetime.timedelta(days=i)) for i in range(server_config.server.max_days) ], value=str(, label='End Date', ) with gr.Column(scale=7, min_width=0): browser_list = gr.HTML( value='', label='browser_list', elem_classes=['div_tmp', 'add_scrollbar'], ) with gr.Tab('Editor', elem_id='default-tab'): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): edit_area = gr.Textbox( value='', elem_classes=['textbox_default', 'add_scrollbar'], lines=30, label='Input', show_copy_button=True, ) # token_count = gr.HTML(value='<span>0</span>', # elem_classes=[ # 'token-counter', # 'default-token-counter' # ]) with gr.Row(): ctn_bt = gr.Button('Continue', variant='primary') stop_bt = gr.Button('Stop') clr_bt = gr.Button('Clear') dld_bt = gr.Button('Download') # with gr.Row(): # layout_bt = gr.Button('👉', variant='primary') with gr.Column(): cmd_area = gr.Textbox(lines=10, max_lines=10, label="Qwen's Inner Thought", elem_id='cmd') with gr.Tab('Markdown'): # md_out_bt = gr.Button('Render') md_out_area = gr.Markdown( elem_classes=['md_tmp', 'add_scrollbar']) with gr.Tab('HTML'): html_out_area = gr.HTML() with gr.Tab('Raw'): text_out_area = gr.Textbox( lines=20, label='', elem_classes=[ 'textbox_default_output', 'add_scrollbar' ], show_copy_button=True, ) clk_ctn_bt =, edit_area, cmd_area) clk_ctn_bt.then(format_generate, [edit_area, cmd_area], edit_area) edit_area_change = edit_area.change(layout_to_right, edit_area, [text_out_area, md_out_area]) None, cancels=[clk_ctn_bt], queue=False) lambda: [None, None, None], None, [edit_area, cmd_area, md_out_area], queue=False, ), edit_area, None) #, # edit_area, [text_out_area, md_out_area], # queue=False) gr.Markdown(""" ### Usage Tips: - Browsing History: - Start Date/End Date: Selecting the browsed materials for the desired time period, including the start and end dates - The browsed materials list: supporting the selection or removal of specific browsing content - Editor: In the editing area, you can directly input content or special instructions, and then click the ```Continue``` button to have Qwen assist in completing the editing work: - After inputting the content, directly click the ```Continue``` button: Qwen will begin to continue writing based on the browsing information - Using special instructions: - /title + content: Qwen enables the built-in planning process and writes a complete manuscript - /code + content: Qwen enables the code interpreter plugin, writes and runs Python code, and generates replies - /plug + content: Qwen enables plugin and select appropriate plugin to generate reply - Chat: Interactive area. Qwen generates replies based on given reference materials. Selecting Code Interpreter will enable the code interpreter plugin """) with gr.Tab('Chat', elem_id='chat-tab'): with gr.Column(): chatbot = gr.Chatbot( [], elem_id='chatbot', height=680, show_copy_button=True, avatar_images=( None, (os.path.join( Path(__file__).resolve().parent, 'img/logo.png')), ), ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): file_btn = gr.UploadButton('Upload', file_types=['file']) with gr.Column(scale=13): chat_txt = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder='Chat with Qwen...', container=False, ) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_clr_bt = gr.Button('Clear') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_stop_bt = gr.Button('Stop') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_re_bt = gr.Button('Again') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2, min_width=0): plug_bt = gr.Dropdown( [CI_OPTION, DOC_OPTION], label='Plugin', info='', value=DOC_OPTION, ) with gr.Column(scale=8, min_width=0): hidden_file_path = gr.Textbox( interactive=False, label='The uploaded file is displayed here') txt_msg = chat_txt.submit( add_text, [chatbot, chat_txt], [chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False).then(bot, [chatbot, hidden_file_path, plug_bt], chatbot) txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False) # txt_msg_bt =, [chatbot, chat_txt], [chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False).then(bot, chatbot, chatbot) # txt_msg_bt.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False) # (None, None, None, cancels=[txt_msg], queue=False).then re_txt_msg = ( rm_text, [chatbot], [chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False).then(chat_clear_last, None, None).then( bot, [chatbot, hidden_file_path, plug_bt], chatbot)) re_txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False) file_msg = file_btn.upload(add_file, [file_btn, plug_bt], [hidden_file_path], queue=False) file_msg.then(update_browser_list, None, browser_list).then(lambda: None, None, None, _js=f'() => {{{js}}}'), None, [chatbot, hidden_file_path], queue=False) #, chatbot, chatbot), None, None, cancels=[txt_msg, re_txt_msg], queue=False) plug_bt.change(choose_plugin, plug_bt, [file_btn, hidden_file_path]) with gr.Tab('Pure Chat', elem_id='pure-chat-tab'): gr.Markdown( 'Note: The chat box on this tab will not use any browsing history!' ) with gr.Column(): pure_chatbot = gr.Chatbot( [], elem_id='pure_chatbot', height=680, show_copy_button=True, avatar_images=( None, (os.path.join( Path(__file__).resolve().parent, 'img/logo.png')), ), ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=13): chat_txt = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder='Chat with Qwen...', container=False, ) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_clr_bt = gr.Button('Clear') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_stop_bt = gr.Button('Stop') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=0): chat_re_bt = gr.Button('Again') txt_msg = chat_txt.submit(pure_add_text, [pure_chatbot, chat_txt], [pure_chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False).then( pure_bot, pure_chatbot, pure_chatbot) txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False) re_txt_msg =, [pure_chatbot], [pure_chatbot, chat_txt], queue=False).then( pure_bot, pure_chatbot, pure_chatbot) re_txt_msg.then(lambda: gr.update(interactive=True), None, [chat_txt], queue=False) None, None, pure_chatbot, queue=False), None, None, cancels=[txt_msg, re_txt_msg], queue=False) date1.change(update_app_global_para, [date1, date2], None).then(update_browser_list, None, browser_list).then(lambda: None, None, None, _js=f'() => {{{js}}}').then( chat_clear, None, [chatbot, hidden_file_path]) date2.change(update_app_global_para, [date1, date2], None).then(update_browser_list, None, browser_list).then(lambda: None, None, None, _js=f'() => {{{js}}}').then( chat_clear, None, [chatbot, hidden_file_path]) demo.load(update_app_global_para, [date1, date2], None).then(refresh_date, None, [date1, date2]).then( update_browser_list, None, browser_list).then(lambda: None, None, None, _js=f'() => {{{js}}}').then( chat_clear, None, [chatbot, hidden_file_path]) demo.queue().launch(server_name=server_config.server.server_host, server_port=server_config.server.workstation_port)